Chapter 247 Buddha Moves Mountains and Rivers!

“I think you need that ability.” Yang Chen said indifferently.

“Heh…” Zhang Xueqing laughed angrily by Yang Chen’s words, “Where did you have the courage to say this in front of me, I now reward you for a way to survive and leave the cub behind, I don’t care about your offense to me .”

“Reward me for a way to survive?” Yang Chen couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words. “I need to give you a word. The way to survive is not rewarded by people, but by myself.”

“Interesting, I don’t remember how long I haven’t encountered such a hard temper. I will give you one last chance to leave the cubs, and I will let you leave alive.” Zhang Xueqing laughed and said.

Originally she was extremely beautiful, but now she smiled even more, but everyone knew that under the alluring smile, the murderous intent was revealed.

“I don’t remember how long I haven’t seen a woman who doesn’t wanting face like you.” Yang Chen also countered.


When the crowd heard Yang Chen say that Zhang Xueqing is not wanting face, the women couldn’t help but breathe in air, this person is afraid that he is crazy, he dares to say that Zhang Xueqing, this time it is really impossible to leave alive.

When Zhang Xueqing heard Yang Chen’s words, his face was cold, stretched out a jade finger, and quickly swiped in the void, and then a wonderful pattern appeared in the void.

With the appearance of this light, ripples appeared in the space immediately, and then a colorful butterfly flew out from the ripples in the space and flew towards Yang Chen.

Yang Chen instantly felt that his soul began to vibrate, and then he felt countless colorful butterflies appearing around him.

These butterflies danced lightly, shining with extremely beautiful Huaguang, as if crossing time and space, directly rushing into Yang Chen’s mind.

“Illusion Art only.” Yang Chen smiled disdainfully in the face of this scene, the Buddha’s light on his body gleamed, and the Buddha’s sound came out from his mouth.

In an instant, the dancing colorful butterflies around them began to frantic, and then disappeared and faded. In the end, only one colorful butterfly trembled in the air, constantly making the miserable sound of insects, and then fell to the bottom, dying.

“You dare to hurt my colorful dream butterfly!” Zhang Xueqing immediately picked up the colorful dream butterfly from the ground and said sharply.

“You did it yourself first. I’m just defending.” Yang Chen said coldly, “Also, this is also a warning. Don’t bother me anymore. It’s better to end the matter here, otherwise, it won’t end there.”

“Then you go to death, the matter will end!”

Zhang Xueqing saw that the own spirit beast Qi Cai Mengdie was seriously injured by Yang Chen, his beautiful face suddenly became savage, and he roared out with all his might.

Her own spirit beast, the colorful dream butterfly, is her first spirit beast to conclude a contract. The Illusion Art released by it helps her cope with various crises time and time again.

Qi Cai Mengdie was like her daughter, and was seriously injured by Yang Chen at this moment, which made her intolerable at all, even completely disregarding her appearance as the first beauty of her majesty.

And at the moment when she screamed, white jade-like arms stretched out, and her hands swiped quickly in the void, moving clouds and flowing water at an amazing speed, and then both hands violently pulled to both sides.

In an instant, countless stars appeared, and a huge six-pointed star array appeared in the void, shining endless starlight, shining on the entire hill, gorgeous and dazzling.


With the appearance of this huge six-pointed star, a roar that shook the sky came out from the six-pointed star. The sound was driven by the sound, like a thunder landing, it was deafening, and it was filled with wild and tyrannical aura. All the spirit beasts here are It was a painful whine.

As for the little white cat in Yang Chen’s arms, he raised his head suddenly and looked at the six-pointed star, then opened his mouth as if roaring.

It’s just that the little white cat is too small, and it didn’t make any roars, but made a series of “whoop” sounds.

When Yang Chen saw this scene, he immediately knew that it was Zhang Xueqing who had summoned a very strong spirit beast, and the fierce power of this spirit beast made the little white cat very upset.


At this moment, among the six-pointed star array, stretched out an extremely sturdy arm that was several meters long and covered with long black hair.

As soon as this arm appeared, he immediately made a fist and bombarded Yang Chen.


This punch was as fast as thunder, and bombarded the ground with incomparable strength, and a roar resounding through the sky came, and then a terrifying shock wave of power also fell with this punch, towards Sweep away in all directions.

Under this force, many people around were swept away, and some people with low strength couldn’t bear it in midair, and they were shaken to death by their internal organs.


And after this punch, another roar came, as if some huge heavy object fell on the ground.

After that, everyone saw a huge giant ape that was more than ten meters high and was forged like a steel black gold.

This giant ape has an extremely ugly face, and a wild aura is steaming all over his body, and his eyes are crimson looking at the place where it hit with a punch just now.

And that place had already turned into a deep pit several meters deep and nearly ten meters in diameter, and there was a figure floating in the middle of the pit.

Yang Chen was gently stroking the little white cat with one hand, as if comforting it not to be afraid, while his eyes were looking coldly at the giant ape that appeared.

“It’s the Wujin holy ape of the princess!”

At this moment, seeing the appearance of this great ape, they all exclaimed.

The strongest spirit beast of the princess Zhang Xueqing, Wujin holy ape.

Wujin Sacred Ape comes from the world of ten thousand beasts and has the bloodline of Zhuyan Ape, a peerless beast of ancient times. At this moment, his strength is the fifth rank Holy Spirit Realm. Because he has the most powerful physique, once the battle is turned into a war machine, it is extremely terrifying, and it is enough to compete with the sixth rank. Even the seventh stage holy spirit is comparable.

Back then, when vying for the throne, this Golden Crow sacred ape had only the first rank Holy Spirit Cultivation Base, but it was transformed into a war machine among the army, killing wildly, and I don’t know how many people were slaughtered.

However, after Zhang Yingguang ascended to the throne and Zhang Xueqing and Li Yunxiao made a marriage contract, Zhang Xueqing never made another move.

The people of the world have long forgotten that Zhang Xueqing owns this peerless killing machine, Wujin Sacred Ape.

At this moment, this peerless beast Wujin Sacred Ape came back to the world again and pointed directly at Yang Chen.

“Ujin Sage Ape, kill him, kill him for me, and avenge Mengdie!” Zhang Xueqing roared and ordered Wujin Sage Ape.


Wujin Sacred Ape received the order and issued a roar that shook the sky, his fists hammered his chest “bang-bang”, and a terrifying aura turned into a wave of air and surged out frantically.


The next moment, Ujin Sacred Ape’s huge soles slammed fiercely, and the huge body suddenly swept away, like a huge comet swept toward Yang Chen.

Yang Chen’s face became cold, and he raised his hand to hang the little white cat on his left shoulder, and his right hand had now turned into a Buddha’s palm.

And the light of Buddha above his body shone, shining on the night sky, and the whole hill was bathed in the endless light of Buddha at this moment.

“Buddha moves mountains and rivers!”

The next moment, Yang Chen uttered a Buddhist sound, and the palm of the Buddha also slapped out at this moment.

At the moment when the Buddha’s palm was shot, the Buddha’s glory was prosperous, and an icon of the Buddha gathered in the void, lifting a huge Buddha’s palm toward the Wujin Sacred Ape to suppress it.

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