Zhang Chao had a bold guess after receiving ten school district houses from Brother Bao!

Is it possible that the more popular the anchor is, the more sign-in rewards the system gives?

Because there were still two sign-in opportunities today, he simply chose the room of a small anchor with average popularity.

This anchor was called Mi'er, a dancing anchor with average popularity, and there were not many people in the room.

【Ding! You stayed in the live broadcast room of anchor Mier for one minute, signed in successfully, and the system rewarded 50,000 cash! 】



Zhang Chao was stunned.


His mobile phone vibrated, as expected.

50,000 cash was successfully transferred to his bank card!


Zhang Chao said to himself.

After two days of signing in, he summed up some rules.

The sign-in rewards are random, but the more popular the anchor is, the richer the reward will be.

For example, in Brother Bao's live broadcast room, he got a villa of Tomson Yipin.

In Saozhu's live broadcast room, he got ten school district houses.

These are among the most popular anchors on the entire Shark platform.

On the contrary.

In other anchor rooms, it is basically cash and shark fin.

Even Dai Xiaomei's side, there are only 100,000 shark fins.

The problem now is that you can only sign in three times a day.

After all, there are too many live broadcast platforms on the Internet. In addition to Shark Live, there is also Maoya Live, Penguin, Douyin and other large platforms, all have live broadcast places.

In other words.

Even if the system is not upgraded, signing in three times a day is enough for Zhang Chao.

The last sign-in opportunity today.

Zhang Chao thought about it and picked the most popular anchor room in the game area

【Ding! You stayed in the live broadcast room of anchor Yitiao Tuan Tuan for one minute, signed in successfully, and the system rewarded a Koenigsegg Ghost. 】Fuck!

Zhang Chao was stunned.

It was the Koenigsegg Ghost!

That is a super sports car worth 100 million, not comparable to the common goods worth two or three million.

The next moment.

A car key appeared on the coffee table in front of him.

According to the system's prompts, the car was parked in the parking lot of the community.

After looking at the time,

Zhang Chao went to bed directly.

As for when Dai Xiaomei will go off the air?

That's not important!

Although the two people claimed to be living together, in fact, they slept separately.

This point.

Dai Xiaomei had told Zhang Chao specifically before that he was not allowed to transform into a midnight werewolf in the middle of the night.

Zhang Chao glanced at her door-like figure, smiled very coldly, but did not speak.

It's not very insulting, but it's extremely hurtful!


There was no conversation that night.

The next morning, when Zhang Chao got up, there was still no movement from Dai Xiaomei. He went downstairs with the car keys and walked towards the parking lot.

As soon as he reached the door, he saw a group of people gathered together, as if they were watching something.

"Holy shit, what kind of car is this?"

"So cool! This car model and this color are so awesome, take a picture!"

"Wow, this is the Koenigsegg Ghost, and it seems to cost one hundred million!"

"How many?"

"One hundred million! Even if it was scratched, the repair fee would be sky-high!"

"Oh my god, please get those kids away from this car and don’t let it hit you. If something really happens, you might lose everything!"

"Tsk tsk, this car is driving on the road, I guess no one dares to stop it"

"I dare not touch it!"

"No, is there such a person in our community? To drive this car, one must have a net worth of at least tens of billions, right?"

"It would be nice if we could get to know each other."

"Haha, you must be dreaming. This kind of person must have a group of bodyguards when he goes out. How could we possibly know him?"

"That's right. Maybe they won't even give us a chance to carry the bag."

A group of people were talking.

Not far away, a young man in casual clothes came over.

"Make way, make way"

"Hey, young man, don’t push the car. The car in front is worth more than 100 million yuan. If you hit it, you can’t afford the compensation!"

"Yes, that is a real luxury car!"

Then they saw the young man walk up to the car and said calmly

"It's okay, this is my car."

After saying that, he took out the key and pressed it.

Beep... the lights came on.

The engine of the Koenigsegg Ghost sounded, like a sudden thunder in the silent night.

Then, the car door opened like a peacock spreading its tail.


The people around gasped!

They looked at Zhang Chao in surprise, wearing clothes that cost no more than 500 yuan in total, and got into the luxury sports car worth more than one. At this moment, the life and values of this group of people were greatly impacted!

What the hell!

What kind of thinking do rich people have?

And Zhang Chao, sitting in the car, was actually very excited.

In his previous life, he was a financial genius, but he had never driven such a sports car.

It's not that he couldn't afford it, but he didn't like this kind of thing at all.

Now it seems that this car is really comfortable to sit in, it's hundreds of times better than those ordinary cars!

In one word, cool!

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