As if it was a fuse, the entire factory began to explode one after another.

The flames rose up into the sky, burning half of the sky.

Black smoke billowed and covered the sky.

Jiang Zhenbei's face was pale, and he slumped on the ground with his butt, it was finished, it was really finished, it actually exploded!

With such a violent explosion, Ye Nan would definitely die inside, and the mecha might also be destroyed.

What's more, the fusion reactor explodes, and the consequences will be immeasurable!

"It's over, contact the head immediately and make a disaster plan." Jiang Zhenbei gritted his teeth and said.

He hadn't figured out how to explain Ye Nan's sacrifice to the above, and the military seat would definitely be furious.

But right now.

Liu Weifu, who was beside him, suddenly said: "No, no, this is not a nuclear reactor explosion, if it is, the power cannot be only such a little." "


"At present, it seems that these explosions were all explosions in other parts of the plant, and when the system collapsed before, all the equipment of the entire assembly line fell into chaos."

And what is known is.

This power plant not only bears the burden of power supply, but more importantly, it also manufactures a lot of battery equipment.

Most of the materials needed for television equipment and manufactured are lithium batteries.

In the absence of systematic supervision, chaotic temperature and humidity, it is not unusual for lithium batteries to explode.

"So the nuclear reactor didn't explode?"

Jiang Zhenbei asked excitedly, "Then, what about the mecha?" What about Ye Nan? "

"At the moment, yes, but Ye Nan..."

Liu Weifu's next words could not be spoken, because if it was not a nuclear reactor explosion, it was another location.

With such a powerful explosion, Ye Nan's mecha didn't know if it had such a strong ability to resist.

Jiang Zhenbei's heart sank again.

And at this time, in the factory area.

The fire burst into the sky, and in the core position, Ye Nan had stabilized the situation here, while constantly collecting materials.

But in the process of collecting, Ye Nan made new discoveries.

The materials needed for this nuclear reactor are transferred from other plants, and these materials are produced by some equipment in the plant.

The most important tritium element needed is still produced by special distillation treatment from seawater by means of those equipment.

On the south side of the factory, there is the sea!

It's a great place to stay, and away from the crowds, away from the city, in a location in the far suburbs.

Ye Nan made a calculation in his heart.

If you can win the factory area, this place is simply the most perfect base!

Moreover, being so close to seawater, it is much more convenient to make tritium.

Of course, if Ye Nan wants to manufacture tritium, he will definitely not use such old equipment, and in his guidebook, because of the manufacture of mecha, a machine that can efficiently manufacture tritium has been unlocked.

What he lacks now is place.

In the small valley behind the community, simply manufacturing a mecha also needs to set up an ion shield for protection.

After that, if the movement is a little bigger, there is no way to continue to stay in the small valley.

And now.

This exploded factory area is exactly the most suitable!

It seems that it is necessary to talk to Jiang Zhenbei ah, this place must be taken!

As long as he took this land, Ye Nan could immediately start building his own scientific and technological empire!

At the same time.

The mecha pictures taken by some on-site reporters were also sent to their own countries by spies of some enemy countries through various special channels.


The whole world shook.

The appearance of mecha means that the level of science and technology has reached a new level of horror!

If everyone's scientific and technological level is 10, then, Xi Yuanguo, who created the mecha, the science and technology tree immediately jumped to 1000!

That's the gap!

Scientists from various countries have also begun to compare video materials and begin intense research.

"Many technical problems that could not be solved in theory were solved by Xi Yuanguo?"

"Damn, our spies have infiltrated Xiyuan Kingdom for more than ten years, but they only brought back some fart information!"

"It seems that Xi Yuanguo is much deeper hidden than anyone guessed! The hacking incident the other day is enough to tell the point! "

Until now.

The one who hangs [Violate my Xiyuan Kingdom Tianwei, although it is far away, it will be cursed! ], more than a dozen lines of code in it, still five people can crack.

The mecha that appeared this time broke everyone's cognition.

But why?

Why did Xi Yuanguo hide for so long, but this time he suddenly exposed his mecha and his hacking skills?

Could it be that Xi Yuanguo has already made plans?

As for what the plan is, these enemy countries know it well!

Moreover, after mastering such a core technology, they want to fight with Xi Yuanguo, that is simply a joke!

In terms of network technology, Hee Wonguo has completely exploded other countries.

In terms of combat technology, Xi Yuanguo is still victorious!


The people of various countries were panicked, and at the same time sent more spies one after another, trying to obtain some core technologies through unbright means in the Xiyuan Kingdom.

The whole world.

Because of the appearance of the mecha, the dark tide began to surge...

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