I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 247: Beast World Wolf King (10)

Chapter 247 Beast World Wolf King (10)

The beast world has always been weak meat and strong food, strength is more important than everything.

But Yun Xia didn't expect that the leopard who looked very powerful, after seeing Yinli, didn't try anything, and fled with his tail in his tail, as if he saw something terrible, for a second. Don't dare to wait too much.

She looked at the little white face opposite, and the teenager was silent, staring straight at her.

He seemed to be a taciturn character, not talking, and his expression was always cold.

Those eyes are very beautiful in color, on the one hand, the color is clear, on the other hand, it makes people feel extremely deep, as if the sun can't shine through, so it looks a bit mysterious and dangerous.

Yunxia waited for him to explain.

But the other party looked, but he didn't mean to speak at all. She stared at him, and he stared at her too, his brown eyes cold and silent.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.


Yunxia finally couldn't help it, took a breath, and took the lead in saying: "Do you have anything to say?"


Yin Li didn't speak, only frowned, and the two pointed ears above his head moved. Although he still had no expression on his face, it was obvious that he was puzzled.

Yunxia asked herself, "Why is that leopard so afraid of you?"

This time the other party understood, the doubt in his eyes disappeared, and he glanced at Yunxia. Yun Xia thinks that his expression is just saying-why don't you ask directly, you have to circle around first.

"..." Yunxia almost wanted to smash him with fruit.

How did this little wolf cub look like a piece of wood, froze froze, and didn't speak, even her obvious problems caused her to speak, otherwise she wouldn't understand.

If it is an ordinary person, with the devil's temper, it has long been impatient.

But Yun Xia glanced at the other person's face—the small white and delicate face, plus the sharp pointed ears above the teenager's head, and his character was a little sloppy, as if the little wolf cub was more lovely.

The Big Devil couldn't help but feel the crisis.

Did she get a curse?

How could the face of each heavenly projection project become more and more irresistible.

Yinli listened to her question, and was silent for a while. Her eyes looked at her quietly, and finally her long curled thick eyelashes hung down. Seriously.

"Because I am the wolf king."

When he said this, he was very calm and calm, as if the identity he said was very ordinary. He continued to stare at her straightly after he finished speaking. Those brown eyes were beautiful and clear. When facing her, they were sharp. The coldness becomes less obvious.

Wolf King?

Yunxia blinked.

She hesitated and asked, "That's the kind, the leader of a tribe? Are you the leader of the wolf clan?"

Yinli nodded slightly.

He was silent, silent and steady, with a pair of eyes with the unique coldness of the wolf clan. When he squinted, his temperament appeared to be dangerous.

But the figure is very beautiful and looks pretty.

The short silver-gray hair, including the wolf ears on the top of the head, are all fluffy, which makes people really want to feel a hard one.

Yun Xia looked at the sharp ears raised above the teenager's head, and then stared at the small white face, looked at the delicate facial features, and pondered:

"But you seem to be very small. Why do the wolf clan want a little wolf cub to be the leader? Aren't the leaders all mature uncles."

After listening to her, Yin Li frowned, and seemed a little more silent.

He stared at her eyes without any disturbance.

(End of this chapter)

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