I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 171: Hugging my little pitiful (63) End

Chapter 171 Hugging My Little Poor (63) End

Outside the happy room, the hustle and bustle of people, congratulations continued to sound, everyone was surprised by the marriage, but the enthusiasm did not diminish.

Last wedding was grand enough.

This time it was even grander.

The last wedding made many men envious, but today, it is true, no one will not envy.

What a grace it is to have two such a grand wedding. Moreover, Miss Yun said after the church, she will only marry the little prince in this life, and will not be concubine.

This remark naturally caused a lot of uproar and a lot of discussion.

The little gentleman covered with red yarn also lowered his head slightly in this sentence, and seemed a little shy.

His white fingers touched him quietly from under his sleeve.

Hook the girl's hand, interlocking fingers.

Under the red yarn, the teenager's thin lips and lips smile softly, with some pure and well-behaved joy.

He has lived in the deep palace since he was a child.

Several princes who had laughed at the palace before, heard the news at the wedding, and their teeth were almost broken by jealousy.

But jealousy is jealous. Such a wife-owner can't really find a second one in this world.

Hi room.

His Highness was inexplicably nervous.

He grasped the crimson sleeve tightly, covered the red yarn obediently, and lifted his light-colored eyes.

Because I couldn't see anything in the room, I only heard the voice from outside, which made my heart more stressed.

Like the previous wedding, the wife-owner did not let other women come in to the cave room.

Nanhuai bent his lips slightly.

He didn't know why he was nervous. At the last wedding, I only thought about how to get rid of her and how to talk to her about the conditions. It was not nervous at all.

I didn't expect this time to be upset.

From the moment he covered the red yarn, his heart thumped quickly. He thought vaguely. Should he laugh when his wife opened the red yarn? How to laugh.

The door was pushed open.

The teenager stiffened at once.

His eyes blinked, listening to her close the door, and then the footsteps came slowly.

The girl stopped in front of him, condescended, looked around for a few moments, and then grunted: "You're so good this time, you didn't lift it yourself."

His Royal Highness pursed his lips, his eyes grumbled.

How dare he move this time?

Walking all the way to Xifang, I felt that the red yarn seemed to be loosely covered, worrying that it would fall by itself.

He entered the happy room this time, and there was still some time before his wife came to lift his head. He didn't dare to move.

I was nervous and thinking about something in a mess. The time seemed to pass quickly, and I didn't feel long at all.

"I lifted it."

He heard the girl's voice softly.

The teenager held his breath slightly.

A hi scale lightly probed under the red yarn. The red yarn was picked up by the hi scale and the candlelight shone into the eyes.

Although I have already thought about how to face my wife's wife at the moment of opening.

But the high court raised his eyes and bent the curved eyes of the upper girl. His pale cheeks immediately rose red, and he lowered his eyes a little flustered.


It would be this kind of... terrible feeling to be lifted by the wife's wife in a mood of love.

The little prince bowed his head, blushed slightly, and was handed a wine glass. Yun Xia raised an eyebrow and said: "There is still wine, this time I have to drink it."

"Good." The boy responded obediently.

The wrists were staggered, the forehead warmed, and the swaying candlelight drank a cup of wine. The warmth seemed to be along the wine and poured into the heart.

Yun Xia gently lowered the glass, raised her eyes, and smiled at him, revealing cute little tiger teeth and two small dimples on her cheeks.

Nanhuai also bent his lips and was about to get up and put the wine glass, and suddenly he was held by his wrist and fell down. The wine glass rolled off the edge of the bed and covered a shadow in front of him.

Nanhuai stunned, staring silently at the blushing face in front of him, reaching out to clasp her wrist, preparing to gently lift the man up: "Wife Lord?"

The other party pressed him fiercely.

"You are not allowed to get up, just lie down, yes, you lie down!"

The teenager was stunned for a while.

He looked at the person above silently, and she could see that she was drunk, and she could not help but bend her eyes in surprise and laugh.

After a pause of two seconds, the teenager obediently said: "Okay."

The gauze layer falls.

(End of this chapter)

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