I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 167: Hugging my little pity(59)

Chapter 167 Hugging My Little Poor (59)

Dream back at midnight.

The cold feeling seems to be still in my heart. The dust-burning choking breath was close at hand.

The teenager opened his eyes.

He froze for a while before slowly recovering his breath, his expression a little dazed, looking at the top of the bed.

The blank eyes gradually wake up.

The weather is not cold, but the fingertips of the teenager are cold. Every time he dreamed of that **** afternoon in recent years, he would be like this, as if he was blocked by ice and snow.

It seemed to be put in ice cubes, and then gradually sink to the bottom of the water. It was cold, unable to breathe, and unable to speak for help.

The cold fingertips were suddenly held by a small hand.

The boy was slightly startled.

It seems that in this brief second, he was caught back to the warm reality.

He paused for two seconds and turned his face.

Beautiful and clear eyes, staring at the slender white girl beside him. In the trance of the pupil, there is a bright and simple face.

The girl slept soundly on his shoulders, her small head leaned against him, her lips slightly splayed, her little tiger teeth white, her long dark hair spread loosely on the pillow, and her cheeks were soft and white.

He held him like an octopus.

Her body temperature is very warm, and her sleeping face is calm and sweet.

The sense of weightlessness that made him panic slowly subsided.

Nanhuai gently bent his eyes.

He turned sideways almost in love, slender fingers wrapped around him, buckled the slender girl into his arms, and bowed her arms around her waist.

The person around me.

It was the only warmth in his life.

The teenager's lips fell gently on her neck fossa and slipped along her hair.

The big demon woke up and saw the pupil close to him. The milk cat was shallow and clear. The man rubbed sticky, and the lips fell on her forehead, the tip of her nose, and slid down again.


The girl's voice was small, confused with the morning mist, "Ai Huai? It's dawning?"

Ruinuo's nasal voice made the young thin lips unconsciously laugh, lowering her head to rub her lips, softly: "No, it's still early."

The girl tilted her head for two seconds.

"Oh," she rubbed her eyes and yawned, the white little tiger teeth were cute, "Then go to sleep and get up and go to the palace when the day is light..."

She held the teenager's waist and wanted to continue to sleep.

The other party was silent, then gently lowered his eyelashes, and whispered: "My wife... I don't want to sleep, I can't sleep, can I no longer..."


Yun Xia opened her eyes in surprise, looked at him blankly for a few seconds, and tilted her head: "It's almost dawn now..."

I slept late enough yesterday.

I'm going to the palace today.

She was about to speak, but her chin was raised to block the words, and the man bent his eyes.

"I just can't sleep, and I don't want to sleep... My wife promised me." The cold voice was soft and soft.

I want to do something to express my liking.

Want to hug tightly, the **** of his life.

Use all of your own to please, as long as she is not thrown away.

When she got up in the morning, the girl looked stunned.

The people around them were in a good mood, with gentle movements, personally holding his wife to take a bath, and then finishing and dressing were all done.

Yunxia glanced at him, "You last night... didn't something happen?"

Nanhuai made a move.

In addition to feelings, she is very sensitive in other respects, only in the feeling piece like a piece of wood.

He hummed, "Dream about some things in the past, and suddenly afraid that the wife will leave me..."

The devil looked at the beautiful boy for a few seconds.

She turned her face needlessly.

The tone is plain: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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