

The crowd around were all excited, and the noise was so loud that it could make people's ears buzz.

Knowing that the real owner had appeared, the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

"Ahhhhh!! She's coming, she's coming"

"Please invite the victim to make a shining appearance!!"

"Damn, I don't dare to watch it anymore"

"Prepare to take screenshots. The pictures will be very beautiful soon."

"Who understands? At this moment, I am twisting like a maggot on the bed."

"This beastly anchor is still going to take action"


Zhou Siyu walked very slowly.

It seemed that every step she took was carefully considered. She was very determined and pious.

Just like the little daisy growing in the cracks of the rocks, it looked beautiful and made people want to protect it.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

As she got closer and closer, Zhou Siyu's face also appeared in the screen of the live broadcast room.

The next second.

The barrage of wailing sounded everywhere

"Holy crap!!!"

"Holy crap!!!"

"This is Zhou Siyu? ?!!"

"Ah, this is my favorite type"

"Please, let her go, what are you going to do? Come to me."

"Don't make such a fuss, the anchor is just selling roses"

"How can you bear to make fun of such an innocent girl? Give me her contact information and I will comfort you later."


"I, I, I know the answer to this question. I’ve been holding it in for a long time!"

"Damn, the anchor's operation is so abnormal that even a pervert like me thinks it's abnormal"

"Hurry up, I can't wait"


Under the spotlight, Zhou Siyu walked in front of Su Yang.

On the way here, she had been thinking about how to refuse in order to minimize the harm.

But when she really stood in front of Su Yang, she found that she couldn't say a word.

At this moment, Su Yang was also very conflicted.

Do you really want to say it?

Do you really want to say it?

He is still not thick-skinned enough to take it for granted.

Just like that, they looked at each other but no one spoke.

Seeing this, the onlookers around became nervous.

They all clenched their fists to cheer Su Yang.

"Say it, you say it"

"Let's talk, success or failure depends on this one move"

"Think about your purpose"

"Oh my god, I'm so anxious, my forehead is sweating."

At this moment, they all wanted to help Su Yang to express his feelings.

It's the final step, why hesitate? The stalemate lasted for another two minutes.

Just when Zhou Siyu thought about how to refuse and was about to speak.

Su Yang gritted his teeth and held up the rose,"Do you want it? Ten yuan a rose"


Zhou Siyu was dumbfounded.

Her almond eyes looked at Su Yang in confusion, as if trying to understand what this sentence meant.

The crowd around was also confused.

It seemed that the nine years of compulsory education had been learned in vain, and they all became clueless. They could understand every word and knew what it meant when put together, but in this environment.

They just couldn't understand it at all.

The CPU was smoking.

Everyone's eyes were clearer than those of college students, and they didn't know how to react.

After a long while, someone asked hesitantly,"Is this sentence what I understand it to mean?"

This was like a thunderbolt, which made everyone's scalp numb and their pupils contract violently.

Damn it, what else can this sentence mean?

No, it's definitely not that.

Everyone's brain cells died and injured countless times at this moment, trying to make up for it while trying to deny it.

It looked funny and funny.

The most confused one was Zhou Siyu. Since she heard this sentence, she has been in a daze. There were even more twists and turns in her mind.

Was he stimulated by something?

Did he do this because he knew he was going to refuse?

Or is this his job? It was like performance art or something.

If Su Yang knew what Zhou Siyu was thinking, he would probably cry to death.

She thought of countless possibilities, but she never thought that this was Su Yang's prank.

Su Yang had no choice. The prompt for successful mission had not appeared yet, so he could only bite the bullet and repeat it again,"Zhou Siyu, do you want to buy flowers?"

"Ten yuan a flower, I have a thousand flowers."

This time, everyone heard it clearly.

Dead silence!

There was a dead silence all around!

After confirming that this was not an auditory hallucination, everyone's three views were collectively shattered.

This is literally what it means.

This guy is here to sell flowers!

How can he sell flowers?

I really don't understand.

Love songs, roses, atmosphere group, such a complete configuration.

The heroine appeared after being called for a long time.

Shouldn't she passionately confess that she wants us to be together?

How can she sell flowers?

I just want to ask how can you sell flowers?

And a thousand flowers!

You are here to rob money.

Everyone around was speechless.

If you want to sell flowers, you should have said so earlier, why did you sing a love song and make everyone cry.

You made people cry just to sell your few broken flowers?

Oh my gosh!

I was so touched just now, but I am so speechless now.

Some people have already started to curse.

Those young girls who are inexperienced and still have fantasies about love, after seeing this scene, they felt their eyes go dark and their concept of love collapsed.

What is love!

What is love!!!

And those older people thought they could witness a vigorous love.

Unexpectedly, they witnessed a rose marketing.

This made their three views suffer an unprecedented impact.

They were helpless and speechless.

Seeing so many emoticons at the scene, the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't hold it anymore

"Hahahaha, I can’t stop laughing"

"I felt relieved when I saw that they all had expressions of doubt about life."

"At this moment, they are thinking about the three most philosophical questions in their minds: Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing??"

"If I were there, I would be so angry that I would pull out my 40-meter machete and shout: Anchor, I'll let you run 39 meters first"

"Good, good, these people did not gang up on me, which shows that they are of high quality."

"When they see someone confessing their love in the future, will they all say,"Tsk, another rose seller?"’"

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter."

"Because I have been caught in the rain, I want to tear up other people's umbrellas"

"I don’t have to say this, but these people have to sit up and curse when they fall asleep in the middle of the night: No, he is sick!"

"One time of extroversion leads to a lifetime of introversion"


Netizens were almost rolling on the ground with laughter. The comments were full of joy.

The expressions of these passers-by were too rich.

Their eyes were wide open and their mouths were open.

Their faces were full of disbelief.

Their small eyes were full of confusion.

Their eyes seemed to say, they didn't do anything wrong, why should they watch this?

This was compared with the previous scene where they were shouting together, and the comedy effect was immediately maximized.

People couldn't help but burst into laughter at a glance.......

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