I sell time in the world

Chapter 40 Strengthening Serum

Looking at the maturity and stability exuding from Lin Feng, Ling Dongqing sighed slightly in her heart.

Is this really the temperament that a person in his early twenties can have?

Ling Dongqing felt an inexplicable sense of steadiness in her heart.

She also smiled and stretched out her right hand.

"Thank you, Lin Feng, boss!"

The two gently held their palms together.

After a few seconds, the palms loosened.

Lin Feng's body moved, leaned on the sofa, and said.

"Remember what I just said, to build a laboratory?"

"I want to know what topic you are studying in the foreign laboratory?"

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Ling Dongqing hesitated a little.

However, the next second, she spoke.

"Extract different gene structures from various organisms, transfer and fuse them, and form a new and stable gene structure"

"That may sound a bit complicated!"

"To put it simply, it is to study enhanced serum."

"Just like in the movie, you are injected with enhanced serum and become a super soldier!"

Lin Feng's brows raised instantly.

Research enhanced serum?

Super soldier?

Then, if I inadvertently hired Ling Dongqing as an employee, wouldn’t it be a treasure?

Lin Feng looked at Ling Dongqing curiously and asked.

“How is the current research progress?”

Ling Dongqing shook her head helplessly and said.

“There are almost no laboratories in China that study enhanced serum.”

“But abroad, the research on enhanced serum has been going on for many years.”

“This is also one of the reasons why there are so many super soldiers or superheroes in foreign movies.”

“But so far, no laboratory has successfully developed enhanced serum.”

“To be precise, it should be that all enhanced serums developed by all laboratories have not been successfully used!”

“Injection tests have been conducted on different animals or in the bodies of dying people.”

“Enhanced serum can already coexist on these carriers.”

“Of course, this also includes my research laboratory.”

“Because the research on enhanced serum will face the same problem in the end!”

At this point, Ling Dongqing paused.

“That’s time!”

Lin Feng frowned and asked.


Ling Dongqing replied.


"It takes a long time to extract different genes from various organisms and fuse them with a normal human being!"

"We roughly estimated at that time that it would take about fifty years."

"Although there is now a preliminary human cryonics technology, genes can be injected into the human body and then frozen."

"But with current science and technology, it is impossible to wake up a frozen person."

Hearing this, Lin Feng understood.

If according to Ling Dongqing, her laboratory has successfully developed enhanced serum.

The reason why it cannot be successfully used on drug testers is that drug testers need fifty years to fuse!


A bold idea appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

I have the ability to accelerate time. Although it can only be used on myself now, there is a very detailed introduction to the ability.

Stage 1!

In other words, when waiting for the time acceleration ability to unlock stage 2, can time acceleration be used on other objects?

If it is really possible, then I will have a combat force that the whole world fears!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng looked at Ling Dongqing expectantly and asked.

"If I can give you enough money, how long can you replicate the same laboratory?"

"How long will it take to develop the enhanced serum again?"

Looking at Lin Feng's expectant expression, Ling Dongqing answered with some doubts.

"It will take more than a month to build the same laboratory!"

"Developing enhanced serum is much easier."

"My laboratory has not been successfully developed and applied for a long time, and the sponsor has been dismissed."

"The researchers in the laboratory have been dismissed."

"This is one of the reasons why I came back."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

The laboratory doesn't even need to spend a lot of effort to recruit talents, just hire all these researchers back!

As for whether they are willing or not, Lin Feng doesn't need to consider it at all.

As long as the money is enough, everything is not a problem.

Lin Feng asked.

"How much does it cost to build a laboratory?"

Ling Dongqing thought about it a little bit in his mind and said.

"It's like a laboratory starting from scratch, which requires renting a site or building and purchasing equipment."

"A basic laboratory requires 500,000, a chemical laboratory requires 2 million, a biological laboratory requires 5 million, and a medical laboratory requires 10 million."

Speaking of this, Ling Dongqing's voice became cautious.

"About 30 million"

30 million!

For 99% of the people in Longguo, they can't make so much money in their lifetime.

Even if they can't make money, it's already good to see it.

Now I just estimated it casually and reached this number

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak for a while, Ling Dongqing asked.

"Boss, although I don't know why you want to build a laboratory, do you have to build one?"

"If you just need to develop serum, you can rent someone else's laboratory."

Lin Feng nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, we need a laboratory!"

If it was before Ling Dongqing joined the club, Lin Feng might have chosen to postpone the schedule of building a laboratory.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng spoke.

"Give me a list of the site scale, equipment and materials needed for the laboratory."

"Leave the laboratory to me."

"I need you to recruit all the colleagues you need in your laboratory."

"The salary and benefits will be five times higher than your original salary!"

Ling Dongqing's eyes widened and she said in surprise.

"Yes, boss!"

"I'll go now."

After saying that, Ling Dongqing trotted out the door.

Just after taking two steps, she realized her impoliteness and said awkwardly.

"Boss, then I'll leave first?"

Lin Feng nodded and said.


After getting Lin Feng's response, Ling Dongqing turned around and left.

At this time, Ling Dongqing's face was full of relaxation and relief.

Because of Lin Feng's appearance, not only can she continue to live.

She can continue to do her research and fulfill her dream.


Ling Dongqing can feel that her life will become different because of joining the Eternal Club!

More than an hour later.

The chat software new message notification sounded.

Lin Feng's hand moved and took out his mobile phone.

It was the laboratory pictures sent by Ling Dongqing, as well as the required equipment and materials.

After searching on the phone for a while, Lin Feng dialed it out.

As soon as the blind tone sounded, it was instantly connected.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Lin Feng!"

"Do you have any instructions?"

Sorry, I changed the time so that it will not affect the readers.

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