I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 266 264. I will teach you how to use people (6 more chapters, please subscribe and vote!)

Before Situ Gonghong finished speaking, Xie Chong's white eyebrows had already frowned.

The so-called single-handed protection of Shenzhou naturally means that the Red Dust General Sect has taken over all the affairs.

If other forces want to harm the vast land of Shenzhou, the Red Dust Ancient God Sect General Sect will continuously fill in people.

If they are not satisfied with the battlefield of Shenzhou, then they will not hesitate to start a war directly in the Red Dust World.

This has been said, and the determination to fight to the end is very clear.

But one of the prerequisites is undoubtedly that the Ancient God Sect in Shenzhou will completely return to the sect and listen to the arrangements of the Red Dust General Sect.

The person who has the greatest impact is undoubtedly the leader Chen Luoyang.

Letting him go to the Red Dust actually means transferring him away from the vast land of Shenzhou.

To be fair, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

It is more likely to be an exchange.

It mainly depends on how the General Sect arranges Chen Luoyang next.

He couldn't help but say: "Hongchen is willing to protect Shenzhou, and I am grateful for the kindness. I just don't know how the head of our sect will arrange it now that the leader of our sect has gone to Hongchen?"

Situ Gonghong did not mean to correct the title in Xie Chong's mouth. He smiled and replied: "Are you worried that Mr. Xie will be left idle? This is really worrying too much. Mr. Chen is young and promising. He has unified the world of Shenzhou. His strength and talent are one in a million. He is also a rare hero in Hongchen. Of course, the sect cannot leave such a talent idle."

Xie Chong frowned, not relaxing at all.

He now understands a little why it is the people of Qinglong Hall who came to Shenzhou, instead of the people of Baihu and Xuanwu Halls who are generally responsible for handling internal affairs.

It turns out that the head of the sect wants to arrange Chen Luoyang in Qinglong Hall?

No matter how isolated Xie Chong is from the news there, he knows that there is obviously something wrong with this arrangement.

Chen Luoyang's eyes are neither happy nor angry. He just looks down at the young man from Hongchen below quietly.

Situ Gonghong was stared at by Chen Luoyang, his face remained calm.

He said slowly: "According to the discussion of the God and Demon Association, the most suitable position for Mr. Chen is undoubtedly to enter the God and Demon Palace."

Xie Chong's frown relaxed slightly after hearing this.

The God and Demon Palace is a force directly under the leader of the Red Dust Ancient God Sect. Those who can be selected to enter it are all the leader's confidants.

Most of the high-level figures of the Red Dust General Sect, including the current four halls, first entered the God and Demon Palace for training and then sent out.

Of course, it is uncertain whether Chen Luoyang will be sent out and whether he will be reused after entering.

But this is at least a normal procedure, indicating that he has entered the highest level of training echelon of the Red Dust General Sect.

As long as the leader himself does not dislike him, there will be no situation where Chen Luoyang is awkwardly hanging in there.

From the current situation in Shenzhou, the leader of the general sect has no prejudice against Chen Luoyang, but rather has some appreciation for him.

Even if Chen Luoyang is ambitious and unwilling to be inferior to others, for the head of the general sect, these can be regarded as a manifestation of ambition.

Those who will be afraid of him are those high-level strongmen competing for the next leader.

But these people cannot affect the Palace of Gods and Demons.

Xie Chong was thinking so, but heard Situ Gonghong continue to say: "But the old man, the leader, is in retreat now. If Mr. Chen wants to enter the Palace of Gods and Demons, he must have the approval of the leader himself. The Gods and Demons Association cannot make this decision."

Chen Luoyang tapped the armrest of the chair lightly with his fingers, still without speaking.

Xie Chong frowned and said: "So, the head sect means that you Qinglong Temple..."

Situ Gonghong nodded: "The position of the fourth star of Qinglong in this temple is vacant. Mr. Chen can take over this position for a while. After the leader comes out of retreat, we will make arrangements. The head of this temple also intends to recommend Mr. Chen to enter the Palace of Gods and Demons."

Xie Chong's face was as gloomy as water.

Although he knew that the Red Dust Master was full of powerful people, such an arrangement was almost a face-to-face humiliation!

In Xie Chong's impression, if it was Wang Fei, Chen Chuhua, Nie Guangyuan, who were deep-minded and patient, it might not be a big deal.

But for the always arrogant Chen Luoyang, this was more like a mockery.

Xie Chong was getting older and hotter, and he also felt angry.

He immediately said, "May I ask if this is the intention of the head of the Azure Dragon Hall, or the joint decision of the entire God and Demon Association?"

Although he had a hot temper, Xie Chong still had some calmness.

At this moment, he seemed rude to interrupt first, but he left some room for his master to maneuver.

If his master and the master directly confronted each other, the result would be completely out of control.

Situ Gonghong said: "Of course it was a joint decision of the God and Demon Association. I don't know where Mr. Xie's question came from?"

Xie Chong's words began to be impolite: "Forgive me for asking, why was the former headmaster Qinglong Si absent?"

Situ Gonghong answered frankly: "He sacrificed for the Divine Religion and died on the battlefield."

Xie Chong nodded: "The righteous man is heroic, I admire him, but I have one more question here, can this brother in the sect fight against the five direct descendants of Xiaoxitian, Nanchu Dynasty and the Demon Buddha in one battle?"

He looked directly at Situ Gonghong: "Looking at Mr. Situ's cultivation level, I believe that the former Qinglong Si will never be low in cultivation level, but what I said refers to the direct descendants of other holy places at the same level as him."

Situ Gonghong didn't mind, but smiled slightly: "I understand what Mr. Xie means. I have also heard that Mr. Chen showed the prestige of our Divine Religion in the previous battle.

It is precisely because of this that he was arranged to temporarily take the position of Qinglong Sixiu.

According to past practice, it should be Qinglong Five who takes Qinglong Four's place, I take Qinglong Five's place, Qinglong Seven takes my place, and the new Qinglong Seven will take Qinglong Seven's place.

This rule will not be broken based on the level of cultivation.

Only when the later ones have made great contributions will they be adjusted.

This time, Mr. Chen made an exception because of his merits. "

Hearing this, Xie Chong almost laughed out of anger.

So, I have to thank you and be grateful?

Situ Gonghong smiled at Xie Chong, not impatient or impatient.

However, he knew that the person he was really dealing with was not the white-haired old man in front of him, but the young man in black sitting high on the seat.

Situ Gonghong was always paying attention to the other party's reaction in secret.

Strictly speaking, there was nothing wrong with their arrangement in terms of procedures.

The former Qinglong Si who died in the battle, and Chen Luoyang, were both Martial Emperors of the Fourteenth Realm.

The only difference was that the former Qinglong Si was not qualified to practice the peerless magic skill of God and Demon Blood.

In fact, even most people in the God and Demon Palace were not qualified, and only the most outstanding lucky ones had some hope.

There were only a limited number of people in the entire Red Dust Sect who could cultivate God and Demon Blood. A small group of people.

Like Chen Luoyang, he is an outlier among outliers.

In the Red Dust Ancient God Sect, there are also people like Chen Luoyang who are the abbots of a world under the Red Dust.

The nature is equivalent to the outer rudder guardian.

The outer rudder guardian is transferred back to the inner four halls. If he is not the head of the four halls or the first night in the hall, it is basically considered a demotion. This is true.

However, this treatment of Chen Luoyang is only "temporary", so there is no problem with the procedure.

To enter the Palace of Gods and Demons, the leader must personally allow it, there is no doubt about this.

Before the leader comes out of retreat, this path does not need to be considered.

When the leader was in retreat, he probably did not expect that Chen Luoyang, in addition to the direct descendant of the Demon Buddha lineage, also provoked Xiao Xitian and Nanchu Dynasty at the same time.

Although these two families are old enemies of the Ancient God Sect, it is not easy for anyone to escalate the conflict to this extent at one time. Can do it.

Of course, no one thought that Chen Luoyang was so good at fighting.

How to deal with him has become a difficult problem for everyone, but it cannot be completely ignored.

The current situation is embarrassing for everyone.

But Situ Gonghong knows that many people, including his own head, are actually secretly satisfied with this situation.

That's why he made this trip.

If the other party holds back, then the position of Qinglong Four will be waiting for him.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't want it, then he will really be idle in the mortal world, and there is no other suitable place to arrange him.

Everything will be discussed after the leader comes out of retreat.

I believe that at that time, this young man will still have the opportunity to enter the Palace of Gods and Demons, and then wait for the opportunity to be reused in a real job under the arrangement of the leader.

If there is no opportunity, concentrate on martial arts and be trained by the leader himself. Raise.

That's fine.

These are all the routes that everyone has walked together. Next, everyone should continue to compete based on their abilities. After all, their first-mover advantage is real.

But the question is, can he tolerate this Chen Luoyang?

If Chen Luoyang takes the initiative to break up with the head teacher, that would be the best.

Whether he is left alone and let Xiao Xitian, Nanchu and other forces deal with him first, or he does it himself, there will be no problem.

Situ Gonghong faced Xie Chong and waited for Chen Luoyang's reaction.

He looked calm and composed, but he was actually extremely nervous.

If Chen Luoyang got angry, he, the errand boy of Qinglong Hall, might become the target of his anger.

If this man gets more irritable, he might kill Situ Gonghong as a sacrifice and break up with the head teacher...

Of course, Situ Gonghong didn't want to die.

Chen Luoyang unexpectedly met him in Luoyang City in the Middle Earth instead of the Nanhuang Ancient God Peak, which was closer to the void portal, so that Situ Gonghong had no hope of running away.

In this situation, Qinglong Six's mind became active, and he seriously considered whether he should tell Chen Luoyang the truth if he was really forced to the last resort.

In addition to Qinglong Four, there is another position of the guardian of the outer rudder that may be left for him.

An outer rudder on the side of the chief teacher is actually not much different from the weight of the host of a world under the mortal world.

It can barely be considered a horizontal transfer.

It's just that he was transferred from a country that he was very familiar with and unified with his own hands to a completely new place to fight again. It's still a loss anyway.

But compared to Qinglong Four, who was living under someone else's roof and had a bit of humiliation, this is at least still a single place.

The latter method was proposed by a relatively neutral person in the God and Demon Association.

But in the final analysis, no one wants Chen Luoyang to continue to stay in the vast land of Shenzhou.

That means that this world will always be independent from the outside.

In this case, why does the chief teacher of the mortal world care about him?

The two methods, one before and one after, can be regarded as first suppressing and then praising, bargaining.

However, the people of Qinglong Hall wanted to create a situation where Chen Luoyang would turn hostile if he didn't listen to the latter method.

When Situ Gonghong was thinking about how to strike a balance, Chen Luoyang finally spoke from above.

"Does Hongchen actually want me to go to Baihu Hall?"

Situ Gonghong was stunned.

What does this have to do with anything?

Although the big boss of Baihu Hall also wants you to die, what does Baihu Hall have to do with it now?

"If not, why send a person who is sentenced to death to me?" Chen Luoyang said, and stretched out his hand and clenched his five fingers into a fist.

“Although I have no intention of attacking the White Tiger Palace, since Hongchen doesn’t know how to use people, I’ll just demonstrate.”

PS: Today is the sixth update! Thanks to the Demon Emperor “丶Empress” alliance for the extra 3/4, thank you everyone, thank you all!

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