I See The Galaxy

Chapter 19: I see

Yu Xing was dumbfounded.

Since she was a child, her aunt taught her not to take advantage of what should not be taken, and it is not good to spend other people's money.

Thinking about sending him an embarrassed emoji, she didn't answer, she just said: [After school tomorrow afternoon, I will come to the lounge to return the card to you, please make a trip to the senior. 】

There was no movement there for a long time. Yu Xing waited and waited, and the news went to the bottom of the sea, and Sheng Yi never returned to her.

After school the next afternoon, Yu Xing went to the lounge with his card. When we arrived, it was empty and the door was closed. She waited five minutes to see no one, and sent a message to Sheng Yi without replying. She hesitated and went to the third grade teaching building.

Compared to their grades, seniors and seniors in senior three seem to have more personality. Breaking into an unfamiliar place, Yu Xing's eyes were cautious and did not dare to glance around. There were still people looking at her along the way, and there were many voices discussing and whispering.

Being involved with the 7th class, it's hard not to be noticed.

Yu Xing once again deeply realized that in Lintian, Sheng Yi and their influence are comprehensive, not only the lower grades are afraid of them.

I found Class 7 of Senior Three, and most of the seats were vacant.

Seeing her looking at the door, a boy seemed to recognize her, looked at her for a while and stepped forward: "Are you looking for...?"

"I'm looking for Senior Sheng Yi." Yu Xing answered and asked carefully, "Is he there?"

At first glance, there were no recognizable faces in the classroom.

The boy said, "Brother Yi didn't come today. You are late, Brother Yan and the others just left."

"Then... when are they coming back?"

The boy shook his head: "This is not clear."

Can't ask more, Yu Xing thanked him and left.

Walking out of the third grade teaching building, Tong Youjing called.

In the middle of Yu Xing's arms, she hurriedly said: "I have something to do with Senior Sheng Yi. Yesterday I agreed to see you today, but now I can't find anyone else. Tong Tong, are you and Senior Shen together?"

"No. I didn't see that dog thing Shen Shiyu today." Tong Youjing said, "I'm looking for you to eat! You were all gone after the last gym class. Where are you? "

The two were talking and meeting.

Meeting at the pavilion downstairs in the third floor of the high school, Tong Youjing raised Yu Xing's arm and went to the restaurant, not forgetting to ask: "Why are you looking for Sheng Yi?"

Yu Xing briefly talked about the card.

Tong Youjing heard it, and immediately said: "You still haven't gone back! From what I know about him, he said that, you better go buy it, otherwise it will be endless. !"

Sheng Yi, don't look at him smiling, in fact, his temper is scary. Originally a trivial matter, if he had to do it against him, then he would have to go with his heart before giving up.

Yu Xing frowned: "Really, don't buy it?"

Tong Youjing persuaded her: "Don't worry! He gave it to you himself, it doesn't matter if you max out!"

Originally planned to go to the mall on the day off, Su Qiu called first and asked her to have dinner together after school on Friday.

Su Qiu is an art student. She usually takes professional classes when others go to self-study at night. It just so happened that this Friday night, their professional teacher had something to do and took a temporary holiday.

Yu Xing and Su Qiu can only see each other once a week. Sometimes they have other arrangements, so they can only wait for the next time.

I haven't seen you for a long time, and there is a rare chance, Yu Xing agrees.

"If you come to me, make an appointment at the largest shopping mall in the business district near our school." She said, "I just want to buy something."

Su Qiu has no objection.

After school on Friday, I told Tong Youjing in advance that after class, Yu Xing packed up and went straight to the school gate.

Su Qiu came once, when Yu Xing was just entering school, he took her to the school gate, glanced at the taxi, and left without getting off.

This is my first close encounter with Lintian.

Did not enter the school, Su Qiu was measured and knew that it was inconvenient for people outside the school to enter.

They simply strolled around the shops on the left and right sides of Lintian campus, and at the entrance of the coffee shop, Yu Xing invited her to drink.

After walking around for such a circle, Su Qiu sighed with emotion: "Your school is really different, even the small shop at the door is so advanced."

Yu Xing smiled and said nothing. High or not, it has nothing to do with her.

I saw a shop selling Japanese snacks not far away, Su Qiu came to be interested: "Ayu, do you want to eat that?"

Yu Xing was ordering on his mobile phone at the drink window, and he heard the sound and looked over: "Do you want to eat?"

Su Qiu nodded.

"Then I'll buy it for you, wait until I finish ordering here..."

"I'll go." Su Qiu held her down, "You drink here, I'll buy it."

After finishing speaking, she ran towards the store two stores away.

Yu Xing stood and placed the order with her mobile phone, and the clerk handed her the receipt. As soon as he took it, he looked up and saw a familiar figure walking by the side of the road.

She was stunned, and greeted me cautiously.

“…Senior Jiang.”

Saobao's convertible sports car was parked on the side of the road, Jiang Zhiyan just got out of the car and planned to come over for a cup of coffee. I don't want to meet Yu Xing here.

The beautiful face was exposed. As a face control, Jiang Zhiyan found her more pleasing to the eye and nodded.

"Buy coffee?"

"Uh, drink." Yu Xing pursed his lips and asked, "Senior, did you see Senior Sheng Yi today?"

Jiang Zhiyan's eyes flashed: "No. What?"


"He didn't come today." Jiang Zhiyan said, "Are you looking for him? If you are in a hurry, I can call and ask."

She doesn't have a phone number. Yu Xing waved his hand quickly: "No, no, no trouble."

While they were talking, Su Qiu came back with a box of octopus balls.

"Ayu! This is so expensive, you know, this..."

It was only when she realized that there was someone else in front of her, Su Qiu was stunned, and stopped before she finished speaking.

Lintian is worthy of being Lintian. Every one of the stores around the school is very beautifully decorated, and consumption naturally rises.

Those beautiful Japanese sweets in the glass window, a little bit, all in the triple digits. Although the cheapest tier was at the beginning, Su Qiu was still reluctant to buy it when he saw that there was only a small piece of dim sum for more than 100 yuan.

I didn't buy anything for a long time and was embarrassed, so I finally had to choose octopus balls. You can get three or four copies elsewhere, but here are only four.

Su Qiu is not a person who spends a lot of money. He was about to talk to Yu Xing about the pain in his flesh. When he saw an unfamiliar face, the topic suddenly stopped.

"Who is he?" Su Qiu asked in a low voice.

Yu Xing was silent and said, "The senior of our school."

Compared to Shen Shiyu, this man doesn't talk much, but he has a bad temper and is also not a good person.

I heard gossip when I first came here. Jiang Zhiyan talked to a few girlfriends before.

Forgot to be the school girl of Jizhong Middle School, said that she had been talking with Jiang Zhiyan for two months and was dumped, and ran to the next day to seek reconciliation. In the western restaurant outside the school, the girls were crying so hard that their eyes were swollen. Jiang Zhiyan's expression was indifferent throughout the whole process, as if it had nothing to do with him.

When everyone finished crying, he put the bill on the table and left without looking back.

It was even worse, waiting for him in the heavy rain for several hours, and he was soaked and soaked without waiting for him.

Su Qiu has a good personality, gentle and simple, Yu Xing doesn't really want to introduce them to each other.

She is still hesitating.

Suddenly, Jiang Zhiyan said, "Your friend?" It was Yu Xing who asked, but his eyes were fixed on Su Qiu.

Yu Xing nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Zhiyan raised his eyebrows, and so on.

Yu Xing had to introduce: "...her name is Su Qiu."

"Hello..." Su Qiu was a little embarrassed by him, holding octopus **** in his hand, and handed them forward, "You, do you want to eat?"

She has a beautiful oval face, with rounded lines, just right. His long, slightly curly hair was tied behind his head, braided into a fishbone braid, and the fluffy braid hung down on the side of his right shoulder. The facial features are exquisite and exquisite, and the corners of the eyes and lips have a pitiful taste, especially when looking at people.

The gaze lingered on her face for a while, Jiang Zhiyan's eyes flashed slightly, but he still shook his head.

He never eats such street gadgets.

Su Qiu cautiously took back the snack in his hand and moved a little behind Yu Xing.

The clerk called and the drinks they ordered were finished.

Yu Xing immediately took it from the window.

"Let's go first, goodbye senior!" She nodded goodbye, took Su Qiu's hand and left quickly.

Jiang Zhiyan stood for a while, looking at the two distant backs.

Yu Xing seemed to be talking to the girl next to her, she listened and looked back. With his eyes facing each other, he turned his head back instantly like an electric shock.

The largest shopping mall in the nearby business district has everything.

First accompany Yu Xing to buy pantyhose, and then accompany her to choose a scarf of more than 200 yuan, Su Qiu does not understand very well. The pantyhose was bought with the card of the "Senior Sheng" she said, but the scarf was bought with the pocket money she usually saved.

"He asked you to buy pantyhose, and you gave him a snack before, so it's even? Why buy a scarf again?"

Yu Xing said: "I sent the dim sum because he helped me. I don't want to owe him too much."

He helped her and she gave him a snack to thank. He insisted on taking the responsibility of her wrestling and breaking her pantyhose, but she deserved it, so she could only give back a little care.

It's one thing to not pay it, at least she pays it. Accepting the benefits he gave without any psychological burden was another matter.

Lintian's environment is complex, no more than an ordinary school, Su Qiu thought about it, and didn't say much more than sigh.

After dinner, Yu Xing took Su Qiu to a taxi home, and she hurried back to Lintian to study at night.

Send a message to Sheng Yi on the way:

【Senior, I bought new pantyhose with your card. I don't know when you are free to come to school. I will give the card to Senior Shen and the others and ask them to pass it on. You will remember to accept it when the time comes. 】

When I arrived at the gate of Lintian, I received a reply from Sheng Yi.

No emotion, he said: [Oh. Give it. 】

Didn't look angry, Yu Xing felt that he had obeyed Tong Youjing's wishes, did not contradict him, and was not worried at the moment.

The card, along with the scarf, was placed in the scarf box in a nice paper bag.

Tong Youjing often met with Shen Shi, Yu Xing gave her the paper bag and asked her to pass it on.

Tong Youjing immediately went to the third year of high school and handed it over to Shen Shiyu. Sheng Yi didn't come all day. After the first evening class, Shen Shiyu and Jiang Zhiyan left the school to find him.

Tong Youjing, who was reading in the classroom, first received a WeChat message from Shen Shiyu and said: [Give it. 】

She didn't answer.

After an hour or so, Shen Shiyu suddenly called.

Tong Youjing went to wash her hands indirectly.

As soon as it was connected, she heard Shen Shiyu's pressing voice asking: "What's wrong with Yu Xing, what's the matter? Sheng Yi was obviously in a bad mood after opening the box, and his face changed. It's gone!"

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