I See The Galaxy

Chapter 17: I see

Yu Xing can't swim.

I was really nervous for a while at the beginning of falling into the water, but fortunately someone went into the water to save her soon. While struggling, I heard another anxious voice instructing: "Don't flutter... Relax...!"

The familiar voice sounds like Tong Youjing.

Tong Youjing is one of them. I forgot the exact day, but I mentioned it in a chat. Tong Youjing said that he would go to the swimming pool together in the summer, and when he learned that she would not, he promised to teach her personally in the future.

Yu Xing tried to relax, let himself be floated by her, and handed over safety to her.

Tong Youjing's slender arms were particularly strong at this time, pulling her all the way and swimming to the shore.

The movement has attracted the attention of other students nearby, and the number of people is increasing.

Soon someone came with a big blanket.

Tong Youjing wrapped the two of them in a blanket and asked her if she was okay.

Yu Xing was terrified and shivered, except for being cold, she had no more thoughts for a while.

It wasn't until Tong Youjing lifted her face and met her unwavering gaze that Yu Xing reacted.

Looks like…

The feeling of being **** by my auntie at home is exactly the same.

The field of vision is wide, and there are no obstacles in front of you. The thick Qi bangs no longer block the middle of the eyes, which makes them uncomfortable. The hair on her cheeks, wet against her ears, and beyond.

Glasses are gone.


Tong Youjing held her face for a long time without letting go, staring and excited: "I just said that your facial features are very good-looking! Really good-looking! Xingxing, you are so beautiful...!"

Speaking of being unable to hold back, she shook her face with force.

After that, there was always a sigh of surprise in my ears, and the word "beautiful" was repeated by Tong Youjing.

Yu Xing doesn't know if he should be happy. Tong Youjing obviously liked her look very much, and her eyes lit up. But when I looked up and glanced around, there were a lot of people present, and with so many eyes watching, I was afraid that the nerd would not be able to do it.

She sighed silently.

But since that is the case, so be it.

Tong Youjing said a series of words, so excited that she accidentally choked.

Yu Xing quickly patted her on the back: "We'll talk about other things later, let's get up first."

Tong Youjing nodded his head and coughed, and finally stopped, "Wait, I slowly..."

Before they could stand up, the students next to them gave way.

I heard Shen Shiyu's clearly worried voice, calling Tong Youjing.

Tong Youjing took a deep breath and answered. Soon, Shen Shiyu's figure rushed in front of him.

The onlookers are not included. Starting from Tong Youjing, Shen Shiyu and Jiang Zhiyan stared blankly at each other.

Yu Xing knew that he couldn't avoid looking at him, so he kept silent and let them look happy.

Only Sheng Yi, his eyes met, Yu Xing wondered if he was thinking too much, but felt that there was something indescribable in each other's eyes.

She's actually a pretty good-looking bastard.

This is a secret in Lintian, which belongs to her, and only she and him know it.

Not anymore.

Just for some reason, the eyebrows subconsciously frowned slightly.

Jiang Zhiyan's reaction was as big as Shen Shiyu's.

The moment I saw that face clearly, I was stunned and full of disbelief.

A few days ago, he and Shen Shiyu were still worried about Sheng Yi's "taste", and they ended up doing it for a long time...? He looked at Sheng Yi and then at Yu Xing, suddenly he didn't know what to say.

Tsk, life is full of surprises.

Shen Shiyu, who was surprised for a few seconds, quickly recovered, and just as he was about to speak, a figure suddenly rushed over.

"Fuck! You are—"

Qin Huai jumped out from behind Jiang Zhiyan, rushed to Shen Shiyu's side - in front of Yu Xing, and grabbed her wrist, her eyes glowing.

Yu Xing was looking at Jiang Zhiyan a little embarrassedly, his expression translated into one sentence: "Who are you, classmate?!"

Being caught off guard, there are more people in front of you.

Yu Xing was taken aback, and was grabbed by the wrist of a strange boy.

He held it harder: "Listen to me—"

Tong Youjing immediately pulled his hand away: "Qin Huai, what are you doing?!" He reached out and covered Yu Xing behind him.

"No, my..."

Qin Huai looked at this face that he had been looking for for a long time, not knowing where to start.

"Which one are you?"

"I, she..."

Qin Huai was stunned, turned his face and rushed to the side: "Fuck!

Shen Shiyu: ? ? ?

Yu Xing was guarded by Tong Youjing behind his back, frowning slightly.

This person came with Shen Shiyu and the others. Heard the tone of voice, 80% of them are friends from the same circle.

She remembered that Sheng Yi told her that a friend was looking for her and "love at first sight" for her. I was skeptical at the time, but now...

Yu Xing lowered his eyes and pursed his lips.

"Let them change their clothes first."

Sheng Yi suddenly made a sound, interrupting their unnecessary conversation.

Yu Xing raised his eyes, he was standing, his condescending gaze collided with her unexpectedly.

Pause for one second, then move away.

Sheng Yi frowned and said, "When you finish speaking, the two of them can be sent directly to the hospital."

Shen Shiyu reacted, and got up with Tong Youjing.

Qin Huai wanted to help Yu Xing, but He Tong and Jing pulled her up first.

The initiator Qiu Huini was stunned for a long time.

Pushing Yuxing into the water was to vent his anger, and he didn't want to be hit by Tong Youjing, who jumped into the lake without saying a word. Seeing Tong Youjing jumping into the lake so decisively, Qiu Huini realized later that Yu Xing might not be able to swim.

There is a hint of fear.

Tong Youjing and Shen Shiyu were childhood sweethearts, and Shen Shiyu was Sheng Yi's friend again, so when the trouble got bigger, there might not be good fruit to eat.

After Yu Xing was brought up safely by Tong Youjing, Qiu Huini breathed a sigh of relief. After all, there was nothing serious that could not be handled. Who would have thought that what made her more uncomfortable was behind.

—Yu Xing is not ugly.

It's not ugly, it's beautiful!

In terms of looks, Qiu Huini thinks that she is a beautiful woman. She is not ranked in the top of Lintian, and she is definitely in the most outstanding group.

She has been proud of her appearance more than once, but now, compared with the face she saw, and the star in front of her, the difference is not even a star.

Qiu Huini is beautiful and beautiful, as many people have said.

Yu Xing is different.

Yu Xing is beautiful.

She has both the advantages of bone and skin. The facial features are beautiful and charming, and it is the beauty that hits the senses directly at the first sight.

The impact of Yu Xing's appearance was greater than the previous fear, Qiu Huini was stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

She was stunned and silent, Tong Youjing was not a bully, and she did not forget her before she left.

"That girl—"

Pointing at Qiu Huini, she said to Shen Shiyu: "You asked her to take her to the student union office, and she pushed Yu Xing into the water. Don't let her slip away, I'll settle the account with her later. !"

Back to the girls' apartment to change clean clothes, Tong Youjing tidy up first, and came to Yuxing's apartment to find her.

Yu Xing also cleaned up and blew her hair out of the bedroom.

Tong Youjing waited for her, sat on the sofa for a while, then got up to greet her: "Are you alright? Do you have a cold?"

Yu Xing shook his head, "I'm fine, it's not cold now, how about you?"

"I'm fine." Seeing her holding the comb, Tong Youjing raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to brush your hair? I'll come!"

For fear that she would make another helmet for herself, she sat down without saying a word.

First help her comb, Tong Youjing asked: "Where are the rubber bands and clips?"

Yu Xing stretched out his hand, with a rubber band and two black hairpins on his palm.

Tong Youjing frowned: "That's not enough."

"I have it in the bathroom of my bedroom."

"I'll get it!"

Xiao ran into her bedroom, and Tong Youjing took out enough.

"Your hair can be **** at this length, but it will be a little broken. I will clip the bangs for you, and clip the hair that is not long enough on both sides to tie up... Anyway, don't block your face anymore, It's not good to block your face..."

Tong Youjing couldn't stop thinking, and Yu Xing laughed. The more familiar you are, the more you can't stop him.

As soon as she was busy, Tong Youjing helped Yu Xing get a simple look.

She has a beautiful face, a pretty nose, and beautiful eyebrows. Anyway, she looks good everywhere.

Tong Youjing admired it for a while and wondered, "Have your eyebrows been trimmed?"

"No." She shook her head, "It's always been like this."

"That's great too, those eyebrows are so pretty, I sometimes even fix them myself."

Tong Youjing said in an envious tone, Yu Xing suddenly turned around.

"What's wrong?"

For convenience, Tong Youjing knelt beside her, which was convenient for her. She didn't say a word, leaned over and put her hands around Tong Youjing's waist lightly.

Tong Youjing was stunned for a moment, and put her hand on her back: "What's the matter with you?"

“…Thank you.”

A muffled voice came from her arms, and Yu Xing thanked her.

"Thank you for saving me."

Tong Youjing paused for a while, then laughed: "Hey, I can swim, you fell into the water if I see it, can't I help you?" He patted her on the back, with a coaxing tone. Said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Yu Xing did not speak.

I was helpless in the cold water. At that time, I was so flustered that it was indescribable.

The moment Tong Youjing jumped into the water and swam over to hug her, she almost wanted to cry.

This person is obviously a thin girl, but he still tried his best to carry her ashore, and he didn't even think about it when he rescued her.

Su Qiu, who grew up with her since childhood, was not by her side. Every day in Lintian, Yu Xing felt lonely.

Although Tong Youjing began to contact her because of Sheng Yi's entrustment, the later interactions and company were not fake.

Because she had Tong Youjing, some people complained for her, some people saved her from danger, and some people pointed to the culprit who bullied her and said they would settle accounts later.

Everything is new and warm.

Silently, Yu Xing hugged Tong Youjing's waist and sighed.

It's a long time away, but she's already looking forward to the summer she'll teach her to swim.

It's going to be great, it's going to be.


Sadly, the sudden exclamation startled Yu Xing, she let go of her hand and looked at Tong Youjing: "What's wrong?"

Tong Youjing clapped her hands bitterly: "—I threw the water I bought on the ground and forgot to take it!"

"..." Yu Xing was dumbfounded.

When Shen encountered a group of people, it was inconvenient for them to enter the girls' apartment, so they sent them to the door of the apartment, then went to the Yijiao Building and waited in the lounge. It happened that the student union office was also in the same building. When Tong Youjing and Yu Xing came, it would be convenient to deal with the girl who was taken there.

Since meeting Yu Xing, Qin Huai has not calmed down.

"It's her! She's the girl I'm looking for! Do you remember?"

"Can you change the sentence?" Shen Shiyu raised his hand and frowned, "You have said this sentence no less than fifty times since entering the door, and there is no end to it."

Staying together, you can't find it, and you said you didn't mean to play with me?!"

Shen Shiyu was helpless: "She only played with Tong Youjing recently. If you don't believe me, ask them. And I said, she didn't look like this before—"

"What does it look like if it doesn't look like this?" Qin Huai sneered, "Just this face, will it change?"

Jiang Zhiyan didn't speak, but he was also wronged for Shen Shi.

Don't say, she can really "change".

Long legs stretched out on the coffee table, Qin Huai leaned against the sofa and said, "My wife finally found it, you can introduce it to me."

"You **** can't chase yourself?!" Shen Shiyu scolded angrily. This grandson is still relying on him?

"You didn't see what she looked like just now. When you saw me, you tried to hide. You can't tell me how I will chase you? A few chases."

"Who's to blame? You look like a **** and you touch other people's hands, and I would have kicked you into the water!"

Qin Huai asked him to match up: "She plays with Tong Youjing, you have to do it for me."

"She plays with Tong Youjing, you go to Tong Youjing!"

"Damn, you woman. Just say no to your woman, is it brother?"

Shen Shiyu's face changed: "Who is the woman? Less nonsense."

"You pretend to be NM's innocence?" Qin Huai scoffed, "You don't like her, and you protect her like an eyeball? You're almost pressed into the quilt, don't do this."

Shen Shiyu refused to admit it, raised his leg and kicked him: "Go away, who likes her?!"

Shen Shiyu pushed his hand away: "No way!"

The two of them scolded me, swearing and arguing.

The more Jiang Zhiyan listened, the worse he became.

Did Shen Shiyu forget something?

Sheng Yi! Sheng Yi!

Yu Xing was called to the lounge if he had something to do, forget?

Sheng Yi took Yu Xing out for dinner, more than once, but also forgot?

Some time ago, Sheng Yi specially asked him to look after Tong Youjing to take care of Yu Xing, did he forget? !

Jiang Zhiyan suddenly wanted to open Shen Shiyu's brain to see what was inside, whether it was a mess.

Uneasy, Jiang Zhiyan looked at the silent man opposite.

Sheng Yi seemed to stay out of the way, turning the custom lighter in his hand, as if he didn't hear their quarrel, and played with the gadgets in his hand loosely.

"Sheng Yi—"

Afraid of what to expect, Qin Huai suddenly turned his head towards Sheng Yi: "Shen Shiyu is dead and will not be of any use!"

Shen Shiyu spat: "You are dead! I am your father!"

Qin Huai ignored him and said to Sheng Yi, "You have a relationship with Yu Xing, right? Ask her out for dinner and do my brother a favor. You can drive any car in my garage, which one do you want? Borrow them all!"

"..." Jiang Zhiyan remained silent.


The three of them looked at Sheng Yi, especially Qin Huai, with earnest eyes.

Actually, Shen Shiyu didn't introduce his girlfriend to him before, this time should be an accident.

Sheng Yi himself is casual, and this trivial matter doesn't matter to him at all.

Qin Huai just waited for him to nod.

I can't help it, I accidentally scared other girls, and there are children and Jing guarding, it may be a little tricky to chase.

Several pairs of eyes are waiting.

Sheng Yi hooked the corners of his lips, his eyes were light, and the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

"No help."

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