I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 892: Humph, this big pig’s hooves

Chapter 892 Humph, this big pig’s hooves

Also, I didn’t mean not to call you. It happened so suddenly, I didn't expect it... I actually thought about telling you later, but I thought you would be worried if you knew about it, and I wasn’t hurt at all, so..."

“So, you don’t think it’s necessary to tell me?” There was a trace of suppressed anger in the man’s deep magnetic voice.


"Then even some people on your crew who have nothing to do with you know that you almost had acid thrown at you, but I, the husband, don't know? Do you think this is appropriate? You are my wife, but I don't know about you. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to know it from other people’s mouths?”

 “Sorry! I, I didn’t mean to...”

How could Qiao Mianmian have thought of so much?

She simply didn’t want him to worry at that time.

She didn't expect that because she didn't call him right away, he would be so angry and concerned.

Had she known what he was thinking, how could she have endured it all this time?

 She had wanted to call him for a long time.

 Such a thing happened, even if it did not cause any adverse consequences to her, she was still afraid.

 When she was scared, the first person she thought of was him.

 Want to seek his comfort as soon as possible.

I want him to rush to her side, kiss her, hug her, and tell her not to be afraid.

 But her reason suppressed her urge to call him.

 Because she knew that as long as she said a word, he would definitely drop everything and rush to her side as soon as possible.

 But she also knew that he was not always available.

 He will also be very busy.

 He also has a lot of things to deal with.

 She didn't want to delay his work.

  I don’t want these things to affect him.

She was always thinking about him, but she still made him angry. Qiao Mianmian felt a little aggrieved after being scolded.

  The fear and grievance of almost having acid thrown at her suddenly came to her heart. When her eyes became sour, heat filled up from the bottom of her eyes: "I really didn't mean it, I just didn't want you to worry too much."

 “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you would be so angry.”

As soon as the grievance in her heart emerged, she couldn't hold it back. The more Qiao Mianmian thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. Tears welled up in her eyes and almost fell out.

 She wanted to cry so much.

 The man who was usually very obedient, gentle and doting to her, and would never say a harsh word to her, was so aggressive at this moment.

 He was even blaming her.

 He became aggressive and violent.

 She was a little scared.

 When Mo Yesi is a man who is gentle, he can pamper others to the heavens.

 But when his temper gets louder, he is really scary.

 “Are you crying?”

 Qiao Mianmian sniffed and ignored him.

She was already scared and frightened today.

 When she received his call, she wanted to be coquettish with him and let him coax her and say nice things to her.

 This way, she won't be so scared anymore.

However, he didn’t have a word of comfort.

He is still complaining about her, saying that she did something wrong...

 Hmph, this big pig’s hooves.

She doesn’t want to talk to him anymore!

Mo Yesi was ignored, and after a few seconds of silence, he spoke again, his tone much gentler, no longer so aggressive, "Baby, stop crying. I don't mean to blame you, I'm just... too worried about you, too much Scared."

 (End of this chapter)

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