I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 820: It's something related to your daughter

Chapter 820 is about your daughter

Seeing that he was still standing, Qiao Ruhai dared to sit down first.

 In fact, he is feeling very anxious and uneasy now.

 He didn’t know why Gong Zeli asked him to come.

 The Gong family and the Qiao family have never had any dealings with each other.

 It’s not that he doesn’t want to deal with the Gong family, but because of the status of the Qiao family, he is simply not qualified to deal with the Gong family.

 In the eyes of the Gong family, the Qiao family is not even a small fish or shrimp.

However, now the young master of the Gong family suddenly said that he wanted to see him for something. Qiao Ruhai couldn't figure out what it was. Thinking of the various comments made by the people in Yuncheng about the young master of the Gong family, he felt uneasy. Very, very scared.

Who doesn’t know that this young master of the Gong family has a bad temper and is moody and angry? He is a very difficult person to offend.

If you mess with him, it will be a dead end.

“Master Gong, I wonder why you are looking for me?” Qiao Ruhai put his hands in his hands nervously, his tone was very respectful.

Gong Zeli slowly walked to the stone table and sat down, still playing with the teacup in his hand. He raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Ruhai's uneasy expression, curled his lips, and said in a polite tone: "Mr. Qiao, please sit down. I don’t like to keep my head raised when talking to others, it’s tiring.”

 When Qiao Ruhai heard the word "tired", his face changed slightly, and he quickly walked over and sat down.

How dare he tire the prince in front of him?

 The tea master poured another cup of tea and placed it in front of Qiao Ruhai's table.

Gong Zeli waved his hand, signaling for everyone else to leave.

 After a while.

When he and Qiao Ruhai were the only two people left in the pavilion, Qiao Ruhai hesitated for a few seconds and asked again uneasily: "Master Gong, the Qiao family has not done anything to offend the Gong family, right? Master Gong suddenly said that Look at me, I'm really in a state of confusion here, and I don't know anything at all. If the young master has any instructions, you might as well tell him..."

Gong Zeli swung the tea in the cup, took a slow sip, and then slowly raised his eyes: "Mr. Qiao, don't be afraid. I just came to you to ask something, not to cause trouble for you."

  Qiao Ruhai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was not the one causing trouble.

 The tense body relaxed obviously. He didn't look as nervous as before, and the expression on his face became much more relaxed.

“I wonder what the young master wants to ask me?”

Gong Zeli narrowed his long, feminine eyes and said, "It's something related to your daughter."

"My daughter?" Qiao Ruhai was stunned for a moment, and the first thing that came to his mind was Qiao Anxin, "Is Mr. Gong talking about Anxin?"

Gong Zeli frowned, as if he was a little unhappy: "Mr. Qiao has two daughters. Why didn't you think that what I was looking for was your other daughter?"

 “You mean...Mianmian?”

Although Qiao Ruhai doesn’t use Weibo, he doesn’t know anything about things on the Internet.

 He suddenly remembered the time when Gong Zeli helped Qiao Mianmian clarify the scandal on Weibo.

 And today…

 Before he came over, he saw the scandal between Qiao Mianmian and Gong Zeli.

Then, he was suddenly called over by the prince of the Gong family.

 She also said that she wanted to talk to him about things related to his daughter.

 Qiao Ruhai slowly thought of a possibility, his expression suddenly changed, and he grabbed the teacup on the table.

Gong Zeli nodded: "Well, what I want to talk about is related to your eldest daughter Qiao Mianmian."

 (End of this chapter)

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