I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 678: Will you help Qiao Mianmian out of this?

Chapter 678: Will you help Qiao Mianmian out of this problem?

 As it turned out, it was several hours early and it was her turn in the afternoon.

 She only has one scene today.

   is a scene opposite her and Huang Yilin.

 There aren’t many scenes, just one scene.

She and the heroine played by Huang Yilin will have a quarrel due to a misunderstanding. This quarrel only has three lines each and can be played out in a few minutes.

"How are you, are you ready?" The first day went so well. Bai Yusheng was in a good mood today. When it was Qiao Mianmian's turn to come on, he walked up to her, ignoring the looks from the people around him, and smiled. Ask Qiao Mianmian.

Qiao Mianmian stood up and nodded: "Yes, I'm ready."

"Come on." Bai Yusheng encouraged her, "I can get through it in one go."

 “Thank you, Director Bai, I will try my best.”

Qiao Mianmian took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and silently encouraged herself in her heart.

 After seeing the acting skills of Huang Yilin and Tu Yilei, she still felt stressed.

 She just hopes that she will not hold back the crew.

Even if you can't pass it once, don't NG too many times.

Now, everyone knows that she was the third female lead chosen by Bai Yusheng himself at the audition.

If she performs too poorly, she will not only lose face, but also Bai Yusheng's face.

"I believe you, after all, my vision is not wrong." Bai Yusheng looked at the time, turned around and said, "Get ready, the shooting will officially start in five minutes."


The scene that was supposed to be shot in a few minutes took more than ten minutes to shoot, but it still didn't pass smoothly.

After another NG, Bai Yusheng said with a serious face behind the camera: "Yilin, what's wrong with you? Didn't I tell you that you pushed her accidentally, not on purpose. Why do you always act like you did it on purpose?”

 “Sorry, Director Bai.”

Huang Yilin hurriedly turned around, her face full of apologies, looking very embarrassed, and apologized with a great attitude: "I don't know what happened just now, I don't seem to be in good condition. I will definitely pay attention next time of."

Bai Yusheng squinted his eyes, a hint of dark color flashed under his eyes.

 He said nothing more, but turned his head to look at Qiao Mianmian, who was slowly getting up from the beach.

In this scene, because of the quarrel between the two, the heroine played by Huang Yilin accidentally pushed Qiao Mianmian to the ground.

 Then, turn around and run away.

 Such a play is not difficult at all for Huang Yilin.

 There is no problem with Qiao Mianmian's performance.

Logically speaking, this should be a one-time pass.

 But because Huang Yilin kept making mistakes in the last shot, it has been NG three times in a row.

 The scene when she pushed Qiao Mianmian at the end should be that she accidentally pushed him down.

 But she acted very deliberately every time, so she had to reshoot it again.

If it were a newcomer acting like this, it would be normal.

 After all, I have no acting experience.

 But for a capable actor, this kind of performance is too unsatisfactory.

 It doesn’t look like normal play at all.

 Many people at the scene could see that Huang Yilin did this on purpose.

How could she, a person who has won Best Actress awards, not be able to perform such a simple performance well?

 If they can all see it, the director must also be able to see it.

 For a time, everyone looked at Bai Yusheng and Qiao Mianmian with the mentality of watching a good show.

Everyone is speculating whether Bai Yusheng will help Qiao Mianmian in this matter.

You can also test whether he is interested in this newbie through this incident.

 (End of this chapter)

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