I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 523: It's better to ask Qiao Mianmian

Chapter 523: It’s better to ask Qiao Mianmian

"No matter what, An Xin is already with A Ze. What she said is right. If A Ze's heart is not with Mianmian, he will find another woman sooner or later. If he chooses to be with An Xin, at least he still has some influence on the Qiao family. Benefits.”

 “An Xin, you should say less.”

After Lin Huizhen finished persuading her husband, she persuaded her daughter softly: "Your dad is in trouble and is in a bad mood, so he doesn't speak nicely. He is your dad, so don't really care about him. An Xin, you are in a coma. We have been here for a day and a night, so we still don’t know some things. This time, our family is in trouble.”

"All the businesses your dad invested in before have gone wrong. Now the funds cannot be returned and the projects have been interrupted. Now there is an urgent need to invest another sum of money to start the project. Otherwise, if all the projects are unfinished, he will lose a lot of money. Big."

 “At this juncture, you must never break up with Su Ze.”

“He is the only person who can help our Qiao family now.”

"You don't know, your dad is planning to sell the house. But where will we live after selling the house? Besides, even if the house is sold, the money will not be enough." Lin Huizhen said, wiping tears.

Qiao Anxin was stunned, and then her face changed: "Selling the house?"

"Yes." Lin Huizhen said sadly, "Otherwise, how can we raise so much money at once? It costs hundreds of millions, and you can't come up with it."

 Hundreds of millions?

Qiao Anxin's face turned ugly for a moment: "Mom, do you want me to borrow several hundred million from Brother Aze?"

 This little money is not a big problem for the Su family.

 However, based on Qiao Anxin’s understanding of Su Ze, Su Ze may not borrow it.

 It was not possible to borrow it before, and it is even harder to say now.

Su Ze is not a stingy man. He often bought expensive gifts for her in the past.

 But those expensive gifts are far behind compared to hundreds of millions.

Lin Huizhen nodded: "Only he can help our Qiao family. He has always been generous to you. This time something like this happened to him, and he must bear the main responsibility. He must be very guilty of you now. If you talk to him, he won't reject."

Qiao Anxin refused without thinking: "Mom, I'm sorry, I can't help."

 She could already feel that Su Ze wanted to break up with her.

At this juncture, if she borrowed money again, I'm afraid Su Ze would want to get rid of her sooner.

 She must not... let Su Ze know the current situation of the Qiao family.

"What?" Father Qiao's face turned gloomy. He didn't expect her to refuse and said angrily, "What do you mean, you won't help?"

Qiao Anxin said calmly: "Dad, it's not that I don't want to help, but that I can't help. You've seen Brother Aze's attitude. If the child in my belly hadn't fallen out, there might still be hope, but now..."

She mocked: "He wants to kick your daughter away, do you think he will still be willing to spend hundreds of millions to help the Qiao family?"

Qiao's father was startled when he heard Qiao Anxin continue to say: "Instead of begging me, you might as well beg Qiao Mianmian. The man she is dating now is not simple. I think she can easily spend hundreds of millions." Dad has raised her for so many years, and it’s time for her to repay your kindness in raising her.”

Lin Huizhen was stunned for a moment, then immediately agreed: "Master, An Xin is right. Last time we met that man, he seemed very stylish and wealthy, and he also valued Mianmian. You usually treat Mianmian so much Well, if you talk to her, she will definitely not reject you. "

 (End of this chapter)

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