I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 430: Boycott Black Heart Lotus Qiao Anxin!

Chapter 430 Boycott Black Heart Lotus Qiao Anxin!

 Announcement is in progress.

The host was interviewing Qiao Anxin with a smile: "Anxin, we all know that you are a very gentle and kind person in the eyes of netizens. But everyone still wants to know if you have any secrets in private that we all don't A well-known side.”

“For example, there are aspects of you that we have never seen before.”

 Because it is a live interview, comments from netizens will be displayed, and Qiao Anxin can see all these comments.

She took the topic and with a sweet smile on her face, she was answering the host's question: "Of course there is. Everyone actually has a side that others don't know. Even if you are an artist, you won't put yourself out there. Everything is on display.”

“For example, I usually show a very optimistic and positive side to everyone. In fact, sometimes, I will have bad negative emotions due to some things and become another me.”

The host pretended to be surprised: "Oh? An Xin also has negative emotions?"

Qiao Anxin nodded: "Of course, no matter how optimistic a person is, he will not be happy all the time. Occasionally, he will encounter unhappy things."

The host asked: "How do you adjust yourself at times like this?"

 Qiao Anxin smiled and was about to answer when she suddenly saw a message pop up on the screen: So this is the reason why you are a mistress and steal your sister's man?

She was stunned, and her expression immediately changed.

The host was startled when he saw her sudden change of expression. He followed her gaze and looked at the big screen. In an instant, his expression also changed.

at the same time.

A few more comments scolding Qiao Anxin popped up on the screen: Haha, being a mistress is indeed a side that no one knows about.

Qiao Anxin, do you have a good face in the drugstore? You just want to steal other people's men, but you also want to steal your own sister's man? It grosses me out.

I have never seen such a disgusting woman. She didn’t tell the man who stole her sister from her mistress, but she actually beat him up and spread rumors to frame and smear the victim. It's so despicable and shameless that I'm **** vomiting under my real name. Artists with such despicable personalities are recommended to be banned from the entire network, but be sure not to lead children into bad ways.

Qiao Anxin, get out of the entertainment industry!

This kind of black-hearted lotus with distorted views must be banned on the entire Internet! Boycott Black Heart Lotus Qiao Anxin!

Various words to curse Qiao Anxin kept popping up on the screen.

 Everyone present saw it.

  The staff recording the program was also frightened. For a moment, they were stunned.

 Let netizens criticize Qiao Anxin in various ways.

 Fortunately, the host was the first to react.

 She immediately took out the live broadcast mobile phone and turned off the comments from netizens.

 However, everyone has seen those barrages just now.

Qiao Anxin's face was extremely ugly.

 She wanted to find her agent immediately to find out what was going on.

 But the live broadcast is still going on.

 She can't just leave.

The expression on the host's face was a bit hard to describe. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation after interviewing so many artists.

  It’s too embarrassing.

It's okay if it's not a recorded live broadcast. If there is any emergency, it can be terminated in time.

 But this incident happened during a live interview, and it happened so suddenly that there was no way to stop it.

I don’t know how many netizens besides them saw those barrages just now.

 (End of this chapter)

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