I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 2981: Extraordinarily... makes Qiao Mianmian's heart move

Chapter 2981 Extraordinary... makes Qiao Mianmian's heart move

 I hope Mohism will get better and better. I'm doing it all for their own good..."

"Am I wrong? I wholeheartedly think about them, but why in the end, everyone blames me and says I did something wrong." Tears flowed down the corners of her eyes and wet her face, " Tell me, did I really do something wrong?"

 “Now I have nothing. My husband, my two sons…”

"Madam." The maid couldn't bear to see Mrs. Mo crying every day. She squatted at her feet and comforted her gently, "You do do it for the good of the two young masters, but the way you treat them well may It’s the wrong one.”

"Used it wrong?" Mrs. Mo blinked. She was already half drunk, and her eyes were blurred. "Why did you use it wrong?"

The maid thought for a while and then replied seriously: "I have seen a saying before. What a person likes to eat is bananas, but you bought him many apples and said that those apples were the biggest and most expensive ones you picked. Give it to him. But what he likes to eat is bananas. No matter how many and good apples you buy for him, he won’t like them.”

“You are so kind to the two young masters, just like they like to eat bananas, but you buy them lots of apples.”

"The good things you have are not what they need. They may even... bring them a lot of trouble."

Mrs. Mo was stunned when she heard this.

"Actually, you may think that bananas are not as good as apples. But for the two young masters, what suits them and what they like is the most important. If you insist on forcing them to change their minds, they will naturally reject it. Even started to stay away from you.”

 “Banana, apple…” Mrs. Mo was stunned for a long time after hearing this metaphor.

"Madam, please stop drinking. Shall I go to the kitchen and make you some hangover soup?" The maid took the red wine glass from Mrs. Mo's hand and gently placed it on the coffee table. "You didn't eat anything for lunch. Come on, let me cook some porridge and stir-fry some refreshing side dishes. No matter what, you have to protect your health."

"The two young masters are your biological children. As long as the madam can figure out some things, change your original thoughts, and show your sincerity to make amends, they will forgive you sooner or later."

 The maid got up and left.

Mrs. Mo sat on the sofa blankly, thinking over and over again what the maid had just said.


 On the island of Sevia.

Qiao Mianmian originally thought that she was the only one who was nervous about her wedding to Mo Yesi, but when she was led by Bai Yusheng to her groom, when she handed one hand to Mo Yesi, he handed her The moment she held her hands tightly, Qiao Mianmian realized that the man in front of her, who seemed to be calm and calm, was no different from her.

 The man’s palms were sweaty and clammy.

As soon as he held her hand, Qiao Mianmian felt a warm and moist breath emanating from his palm.

Qiao Mianmian was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and glanced at him in surprise.

The man's profile was as handsome as the first time she saw him. His eyes were deep, his nose was high and straight, his lips were thin and beautiful, and his facial contours were three-dimensional and distinct.

He is a little different today.

 Extraordinarily... makes Qiao Mianmian's heart move.

 He was wearing a white tuxedo and a bow tie, and his hair was combed up on his forehead.

  With no hair covering the forehead, all the beautiful eyebrows are exposed.

 (End of this chapter)

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