I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 2973: I don't want anyone except Shen Xin

Chapter 2973 I don’t want anyone except Shen Xin


"Sister, time flies so fast." From another place on the island, Qiao Chen looked at the rolling waves on the sea and couldn't help but sigh, "In a blink of an eye, you are already married, and so am I. Going to college feels like a dream.”

There are only two siblings in this place.

Qiao Mianmian hasn’t chatted with Qiao Chen alone for a long time.

 She hasn’t seen Qiao Chen for a long time.

 After Qiao Chen went to college, he basically never returned to Yuncheng except for winter, summer, summer vacation and Chinese New Year.

 Qiao Mianmian heard from Mo Yesi that in addition to managing his father's company, Qiao Chen also established a company where he studied in college.

 In just over half a year, it has reached a certain scale.

Of course, the help of Mo Yesi, my brother-in-law, is indispensable.

 But Mo Yesi didn’t help much.

 The company was able to be established, and it started to make profits after a month from initial losses, and then earned more than 10 million after half a year. Basically, Qiao Chen was operating it himself.

Mo Yesi admired his cousin and brother-in-law very much. He praised Qiao Chen more than once in front of Qiao Mianmian because he was young and promising, very smart in business management, and was born to do business.

Qiao Mianmian is also proud of her brother's excellence.

Since she was a child, she felt that Qiao Chen was very smart, and she firmly believed that he would definitely be able to accomplish something when he grew up.

Now, looking at her younger brother, who is a head taller than her, standing in front of her, Qiao Mianmian feels very emotional.

 Who says it’s not?

 She also felt that time passed so quickly.

"Sister, you and your brother-in-law have such a good relationship, and he has always doted on you so much. I really envy you." The once youthful boy has transformed into a handsome young man with a calm temperament and firm eyes. Compared with the stunning young man he once was, A handsome young man, what is more attractive about him now is his aura that is different from ordinary people.

 This seems to be the unique aura of the Mo family.

Mo Yesi has it, Mo Shixiu has it, and now Qiao Chen has it too.

 In the past, Qiao Chen was good-looking, but it was the kind of good-looking that people felt could be obtained casually.

 Now, there is something in his eyes that makes people dare not approach him easily.

 Anyone who meets him will not think that he is an easy person to get close to.

Of course, these people will never include Qiao Mianmian.

In Qiao Mianmian's eyes, no matter what Qiao Chen becomes in the future, no matter how powerful or powerful he becomes, he will still be the little brat who follows her behind and asks for sweets.

Qiao Chen's emotion made Qiao Mianmian hear something. She looked at her younger brother with a hint of confusion in his eyes, reached out and pressed lightly on Qiao Chen's shoulder: "Chen Chen, are you and Shen Xin okay? "

"Originally, you are an adult now, so I shouldn't ask more questions about emotional matters. But you and Shen Xin have been entangled for so long, and you still don't want to let go?"

"Sister, I don't want anyone except Shen Xin." Although Qiao Chen's eyes were confused, his voice was firm, "Unless she gets married one day, finds a good husband, and has a very happy family. Otherwise. , I will never let her go.”

"You..." Qiao Mianmian wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh, "Your brother-in-law told me that the men in their Mo family are devoted and long-term, and it seems that this is true."

Mo Yunchen's feelings for Tang Wanqiu have always been there. If he had not had to fulfill some of his obligations at that time, he would definitely have chosen to marry Tang Wanqiu.

And Qiao Chen’s father…

 (End of this chapter)

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