I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 2956: The most beautiful of all brides

 Chapter 2956 The most beautiful of all brides

The wedding in her dream was on a very beautiful island. The island was full of green trees and flowers. The day of her wedding was bound to be a beautiful day with clear skies. The wedding venue was set on the seaside and held in the open air.

 She won’t invite too many people. A few witnesses from relatives and close friends are enough.

 Because she never likes excitement.

 She doesn’t want too many irrelevant people to be invited to her wedding.

 Her happiest moments can only be witnessed and blessed by a few of the most important people.

Fortunately, Mo Yesi had the same view as her on this matter. He also didn't like many people by nature and liked purity. Qiao Mianmian had discussed with him early in the morning that their wedding should not be too high-profile and they would invite a few relatives and friends to have a private ceremony. Just do it.

Mo Yesi was reluctant at first.

He felt wronged by Qiao Mianmian.

 He felt that he could keep a low profile on everything, but he wanted to keep a high profile on his wedding to Qiao Mianmian.

 He wanted the whole world to witness their happiness.

 But Qiao Mianmian persisted, and he had no choice but to obey her in the end.

 The wedding cannot be held in a high-profile manner, so Mo Yesi wanted to make up for her with other things.


 The wedding dress that has been customized for more than half a year is incredibly beautiful.

  It is countless times more beautiful than Qiao Mianmian imagined.

  It was so beautiful that she couldn’t find the most appropriate word to describe it.

She looked at herself shining in the mirror and felt a little strange.

 Is the person in the mirror really her?

Like her, but not like her.

  The two clerks behind her who put her into a wedding dress looked straight in their eyes, full of amazement.

 Brides wearing wedding dresses are naturally beautiful.

 But Qiao Mianmian is definitely the most beautiful bride they have ever seen.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that there could be such a beautiful woman. It was as if she had stepped out of a painting, and it was no exaggeration to say that she was much prettier than the beauties in many paintings.

 The people in the painting are fake, no matter how good-looking they are, they are limited.

But the fairy in front of me is real. She is so vividly beautiful, so beautiful that she is so overwhelming, so beautiful that women like them are moved by her.

No wonder he was able to win over Mo Yesi, the president of the Mo family.

No matter how unfavorable a man is to women, as long as his sexual orientation is normal, there will be no way he won't be moved by such a heavenly beauty.

 Unless he is not a normal man.

"Mrs. Mo, you look so beautiful in this wedding dress." The clerk praised from the bottom of his heart, "Mrs. Mo is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Mr. Mo is so lucky to have such a beautiful wife like you. ”

Many people say that Qiao Mianmian saved the galaxy so that she could marry a man as good as Mo Yesi, but what man wouldn't want to marry a stunning beauty like Qiao Mianmian?

What's more, this stunning beauty also has a very good background, and she is the daughter of the famous Bai family.

 In terms of family background and appearance, Qiao Mianmian can definitely match Mo Yesi.

Of course, Mo Yesi can definitely match Qiao Mianmian.

 The two of them were a match made in heaven.

However, Mo Yesi's love for Qiao Mianmian did make them very envious.

 Previously, Qiao Mianmian and Mo Yesi posted their marriage certificates on Weibo, announcing their married relationship. While many people congratulated them, there were also many people who made slanderous remarks and questioned their relationship.

 One of the points of doubt is that the two did not hold a wedding.

There are many voices saying that the reason why Qiao Mianmian and Mo Yesi did not hold a wedding was because the Mo family did not really accept Qiao Mianmian. Although Qiao Mianmian married Mo Yesi, he was not recognized by his family.

 (End of this chapter)

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