I Secretly Got Married To a Super Boss

Chapter 178: Dog abuse scene

Chapter 178 The scene of dog abuse

  It was difficult to associate him at this moment with the man who was so passionate and alluring in front of her.

 I always feel like they are not the same person.

She didn't want to disturb his work, so she walked out quietly. As soon as she took a step forward, she saw the man who was carefully flipping through the documents a second ago slowly raised his head and looked straight at her.

He opened his mouth and asked her in a gentle and **** voice: "Baby, have you slept well?"

 Qiao Mianmian: “…”

She bit her lip and walked towards him a little embarrassed: "Did I disturb you?"


Mo Yesi put down the pen in his hand and raised his finger at her.

As soon as Qiao Mianmian walked in front of him, he reached out and pulled her into his arms, wrapped his strong arms around her waist, held her delicate body and sat on his lap.

 The warm breath blew into her ear, and the man almost spoke into her ear: "You are much more important than work."

 Qiao Mianmian's face suddenly turned red.

 Because she had just woken up, her face was still red, so it was not obvious.

 The man who exuded an aura of abstinence one second was holding her in his arms and flirting with her the next.

  It made her little heart beat rapidly.

"You, why didn't you send me back to school?" His breath kept touching her ears, like feathers gently scratching her earlobes. Qiao Mianmian felt itchy in her ears and tilted her head to avoid it.

The man chuckled: "You fell asleep in the car. Seeing how soundly you slept, I couldn't bear to wake you up, so I brought you directly to the company."

Qiao Mianmian had greeted Jiang Luoli beforehand.

 So it doesn’t matter if I don’t go to school in the afternoon.

"...Can you let me go?" Qiao Mianmian was held in the man's arms, her breath was filled with his breath, and her heart was beating very fast against his warm and strong chest.

 It was so fast that it made her a little scared.

This feeling was very unfamiliar to her, so unfamiliar that it made her a little panicked.

 She was not like this when she got along with Su Ze.

 Perhaps it’s because she and Su Ze have known each other for too long, and she and he still know very little about each other.

 That's why she was so unaccustomed to him being too close to her.

"No." The man laughed lowly again and reached out to touch her head. There was a hint of endearment in his eyes that she didn't see. "Baby, I like holding you like this. Don't you like me holding you?" ?"

 Qiao Mianmian: “…”

 “Huh? Do you like your husband holding you like this?”

She said nothing, and the man reached out to lift her chin, staring at her with his deep and charming eyes: "Answer me."

 Qiao Mianmian's face was as hot as fire, and heat kept coming out of her pores. Her eyes flickered a few times: "Mo Yesi, I..."


 At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

  A voice sounded outside the door: "Mr. Mo, there is a document that you need to see in person."

Qiao Mianmian immediately reached out to push Mo Yesi away.

But the man seemed to have realized that she would do this. He tightened his arms and hugged her tightly. He lowered his head and bit her ear gently: "Don't move."

 Qiao Mianmian's whole body stiffened, and her ears began to feel hot.

Looking at her shy and blushing look, Mo Yesi curled his lips happily, raised his head and said to the person outside the door: "Come in."


Wei Zheng opened the door and saw the scene of dog abuse.

His Mr. Mo was sitting at the desk holding the young lady in his arms, holding a document in one hand and holding the other around the young lady's waist.

 (End of this chapter)

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