I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 336 The Origin of the Magic Scripture

Half an hour later, Sunan left Daxuan Palace and went straight to the Black Devil Lake.

At this time, in his Qiankun Ring, there is not only the monster Luo Yu, but also three peak king-level paper puppets and four early-stage king-level paper puppets!

The god-sacrifice demon was killed, and now he became the sole owner of these paper puppet demons. No one could stop him from taking them away directly.

The mission of exploring Daxuan Palace was completed easily without any accidents, and the available demon power reached 455 points!

It's a headache even if you have demonic power but don't have blood!

Su Nan secretly sighed, fortunately, he still had the blood of the physical system, and it wouldn't be long before Wang Nan's character could continue to integrate the blood.

In addition to Wang Nan's bloodline, he also needs two physical bloodline and two secret power bloodline to try to break through to the king level. Otherwise, he can only accumulate 1,500 points of demon power to upgrade the Life Wheel Sutra to The fourth floor.

Fifteen hundred points of demon power is too much, and I definitely won't be able to get it together in a short time. I'd better find a way to get the ancient demon bloodline.

Improving the Life Wheel Sutra can bring him many benefits, but the huge amount of demon power is simply not something he can afford now.

Instead, it would be easier to find a way to break through to the King level, and then accumulate demonic power to improve the Life Wheel Sutra.

After all, if he breaks through the realm, he will gain more daily demonic power and accumulate demonic power faster.

It's very difficult to gather four copies of ancient demon blood. Let's see if we can get it through other means. If not, we can only exchange it with points.

Of course, according to the information in the prediction, after Wang Nan's bloodline was completely eroded by demonic energy, he could also fuse with ordinary bloodline, without having to worry about losing control of his bloodline.

But after fusing the ancient demon bloodline several times and seeing how powerful the ancient demon bloodline was, he was naturally unwilling to fuse with ordinary bloodline again.

I don't know if the top three rewards at the end of the Twelve Star Palace this time will have ancient demon blood?

The Twelve Star Palace event will end in the last three days. He got a copy of the ancient demon bloodline last time, and it stands to reason that he should be able to get it this time as well.

However, now is not the time to think about that.

Turning his hand over, a jade slip appeared in his hand, which was the reward of the Shinto secret technique.

[Sacred Paper Puppet Technique: Shinto secret technique. After using it, you will get the secret method of making the paper puppet demon. Do you want to use it immediately? 】

It turns out to be the secret technique of making paper puppet demons! Su Nan's eyes showed joy.

He knew very well how powerful paper puppets were. If he could master the secret technique of making paper puppets, he might be able to master a large number of paper puppets in the future!


Without hesitation, he immediately chose to use it. As the jade slip exploded, a large amount of information entered his mind.

Su Nan looked carefully, and it took a long time to finally read the method of making the paper puppet demon, with a sudden realization in his eyes.

Soul! To make a paper puppet, you need to kill others and use other people's souls to make it. Only powerful souls can make powerful paper puppets!

Su Nan was horrified to use other people's souls to make them, which meant that every paper puppet was a human life.

According to the records in the secret method, if you want to create a king-level paper puppet demon, you must capture a king-level peak existence alive, and then use the secret method to extract his soul from the body, which is a cruel method.

Moreover, it must be a person who majors in divine soul.

Otherwise, the realm of the paper puppet demon produced will be greatly reduced, and at most it can only exert the power of the early king level and the middle king level.

No matter how you look at it, this secret method is an evil method!

Su Nan frowned, but he did not give up because of the cruel method of making paper puppets. As long as he could improve his strength, cruel methods didn't matter.

More than an hour later, he came to a large lake.

The lake in front of you is dark, and you can feel the uncomfortable evil energy even from a distance!

This is the Black Demon Lake.

It's strange, you've already escaped from the trap, why is there still such a strong demonic energy here? Su Nan glanced at Luo Yu and said in surprise.

Luo Yu explained: Master, I am not the only monster suppressed here, but those guys suffered worse than me because they were stronger than me at the beginning and were suppressed more thoroughly.

But now there are problems with those magic circles. I'm afraid that after a while, they will get out of trouble like me.

More than one monster? Su Nan suddenly understood what was going on.

With the restoration of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, it won't be long before all the monsters sealed in ancient times will be freed.

After releasing the avatar, it's time to get down to business.

Su Nan let go of control of the incarnation, Luo Yu used a secret method, and the soul temporarily separated from the current body and entered the avatar, and then controlled the avatar to enter the Black Demon Lake, using the demonic energy of the Black Demon Lake to transform the avatar.

In the blink of an eye, another two hours passed.

The twelve zodiac signs are open again!

The avatar is being transformed, and there is no other way. Sunan can only do it alone.

Just like yesterday, the three characters appeared in three battlefields respectively, but without the help of the avatar, he killed each battlefield one by one, which took half an hour.

When he switched characters and entered the last battlefield, almost all the players on his side were killed by the opposite Star Palace God of War without his help!

[Star Palace Artifact: Scorpio Boots (left) (real), after wearing it, the physical power will be increased by 10%. 】

[Star Palace Artifact: Lion Gloves (left) (real), after wearing it, the power of vitality will be increased by 30%. 】

[Star Palace Artifact: Archer Armguard (right) (real), after wearing it, the power of water is increased by 30%. 】

Increase physical strength by 10%?

This means that my strength, speed, and physique will all increase by 10%?

When his eyes fell on the Scorpio boots, Sunan's eyes lit up. Together with the other three artifacts that increase the power of the physical system, this is equivalent to an overall increase in the power of his physical system by 40%!

Ten pieces! Of the twelve Star Palace artifacts, we have now obtained ten of them, only the last two are left.

Sunan was very satisfied with the Star Palace artifact. Together, these things were more powerful than a single divine weapon, and they did not require any energy to activate.

Perhaps, these twelve star palace artifacts are his biggest gain from this twelve star palaces.

Look at the points again.

Yesterday, Zhang Yang's points were used up after redeeming the soul-capturing lantern, so he simply got more than 50,000 points today.

And Wang Nan also received more than 50,000 points yesterday, plus the 20,000 points left after redeeming the ancient fairy blood, a total of more than 70,000 points. In a few days, more than 50,000 points have arrived, and now his points have reached ten again. Twenty thousand!

It's enough to exchange for another drop of ancient fairy blood.

Lang Shisan only gained more than 40,000 points yesterday because he was the last to enter the Star Palace battlefield. Today, he hunted about the same players as yesterday. The two times combined only had 80,000 points.

If this continues, before the end of the Twelve Stars Palace, each character can exchange for a drop of ancient fairy blood. I shouldn't have to worry about Xuan-level ancient fairy blood.

Time passed, and four hours passed in the blink of an eye.

According to the predicted situation, Du Qiyuan should be here in two hours!

Fortunately, at this point, the transformation of the avatar has come to an end!

The real world has already passed zero point, and the game has been refreshed.

Looking at the missions, among the three character missions, Lang Shisan's mission and Zhang Yang's mission have not changed at all, only Wang Nan's mission has a new mission.

[Daily Task 1: Kill Du Qiyuan]

Mission Difficulty: Four Stars

The task of killing Du Qiyuan has also appeared. Unfortunately, my strength is still a little bit behind now.

In addition to the three peak king-level paper puppet demons in the prediction, they failed to kill Du Qiyuan. This task was destined to be impossible to complete in a short time.

Master, you have fulfilled your mission. This body has been transformed successfully! Luo Yu controlled the avatar to jump out of the Black Demon Lake, and then his soul returned to his body.

Very good, you did a good job. Su Nan nodded with satisfaction.

I saw that the appearance of the incarnation at this time had not changed much, but the demonic energy was billowing from his body. Without the control of the soul, the demonic energy spilled out uncontrollably.

You don't need to probe Su Nan to understand that the current avatar must be filled with a lot of demonic energy. At this time, he does not dare to use his soul to directly descend into the avatar.

With a movement in his heart, under his control, the second soul descended in his incarnation.

As the second soul entered, the puppet-like incarnation began to move.

The second spirit controlled the incarnation like a child who got a new toy, raising his head and kicking his feet, curious about the body.

After a while, the second soul seemed to have had enough fun and finally became familiar with the body, then looked at Sunan and said: I am.

Su Nan nodded: Very good, you will be Wang Nan from now on.

The second soul merged with the incarnation. As the demonic energy eroded, Sunan could clearly feel that the second soul began to be gradually affected by the demonic energy. His thinking began to change, he became restless, and thoughts that should not have appeared began to emerge one after another.

Sunan ignored it. It was an inevitable result that the second soul would be affected. As long as it didn't affect his own soul, nothing would be a problem.

The first step has been completed, and the next thing to do is to practice.

Luo Yu said: Master, if you want to become a demon clan, the most important thing is to communicate with the demon abyss, establish contact with the demon abyss, and leave a mark on the demon abyss.

Demon Abyss? What is that? Su Nan was curious.

In the previous prediction, he only told him that he had successfully practiced the magic scripture in his incarnation, but did not mention the matter of becoming a monster. Naturally, he also did not tell him the specific steps to become a monster.

The Demonic Abyss is the birthplace of our demon clan. Legend has it that it has existed since the birth of heaven and earth. Only by establishing a connection with the Demonic Abyss can our souls be immortal. Even if our bodies are destroyed and our souls are destroyed, the Demonic Abyss will destroy our Demonic Abyss. The soul is resurrected.”

It's just that after each resurrection, we need to stay in the Demon Abyss for a certain period of time before we can leave the Demon Abyss and seize a new body. The stronger the strength, the longer the stay, and each person can only be resurrected ten times at most. .

Ten times? Su Nan was surprised. He couldn't help but think of the player's resurrection mechanism.

Each player can be resurrected twenty times, which is somewhat similar to Demon Abyss.

Luo Yu continued: After the ancient human race learned about the characteristics of the Demon Abyss, they developed the Magic Sealing Array. That kind of magic circle can block our connection with the Demon Abyss. If we are killed in it, the Demon Abyss cannot be resurrected. We, masters, must be careful in the future.”

Su Nan nodded and said, Then how to establish contact with Moyuan?

Luo Yu said: There are many ways to establish contact with the Demonic Abyss, such as taking some treasures containing demonic energy, practicing Demonic Scriptures, or even being corroded by the Demonic Aura. However, the most likely way is to practice Demonic Abyss. through.

It's just that the number of monsters that can be born from the Demonic Abyss is constant. It can only be less, not more, and the maximum number is only three thousand. Only when the number of our demon clan is less than three thousand, can we have the opportunity to establish contact with the Demonic Abyss and leave behind Imprint.”

In ancient times, the number of our demon clan once fell below a thousand. I don't know how much it has recovered now.

Falled below a thousand? Su Nan was shocked.

These monsters are powerful and can be resurrected ten times. The ancient humans were able to reduce their number to a thousand. I can't imagine how much the ancient humans paid to deal with the monsters.

It’s no wonder that the Celestial Clan and the God Clan took advantage of it later.

The current monsters should not have recovered to the number of three thousand. I still have a chance.

In addition to the monsters suppressed by the ancients, there are indeed other monsters in Dongchen State, such as the Demon Palace, but the number of these existences should not be large, at least Sunan has not encountered a few.

I just don’t know how many monsters there are in the other twelve states, but I guess there shouldn’t be too many.

Besides, not long ago in the Imperial City of Dayu, he used the Life Tribulation technique to completely eliminate a monster. That was a quota. It had only been more than ten days, so no one should have taken up that quota.

Thinking of this, Sunan no longer hesitated and prepared to let the avatar start practicing the Demon Devouring Nerve.

According to the Heavenly Demon's nerve-devouring training method, if you want to get started, you need to baptize your physical body with treasures of violent demonic energy.

To complete this step, you need a strong enough body and extremely strong recovery ability.

If the body is not strong enough or the recovery ability is not enough, the body will be directly corroded and torn to pieces by the violent power during the baptism process.

The incarnation satisfies both of these points.

Su Nan took out the demon blood and asked the avatar to start practicing.

The incarnation sat cross-legged and directly turned the demon blood into blood mist, covering the entire body.

The moment the demonic blood exploded and fell on the avatar, violent demonic energy suddenly erupted, and at the same time, like strong acid, it quickly corroded the avatar's body.

Almost instantly, the skin of the avatar was burned through. Fortunately, at this time, the immortal power in the avatar's body came into play, and the corroded body recovered quickly.

However, the power of the demonic blood was still eroding the avatar, and an incredible scene occurred. While the body of the avatar was being corroded rapidly, it was also repairing quickly, and finally reached a balance.

The incarnation reacted quickly, immediately ran the magic scripture, and began to practice with the power of the demon blood.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yu couldn't help but ask: Master, what kind of magic scripture are you practicing?

The devil eats the nerves.

The devil eats the nerves? Hearing this, Luo Yu couldn't help but be shocked.

What? Do you know this ancient scripture? Sunan asked.

Luo Yu thought for a while and said: To be honest with you, Master, I have heard that this Demon Devouring Nerve seems to have been created by an extremely powerful being. Relying on this magic scripture, that being even broke through to the level of God.

Breaking through to the god level! Su Nan was shocked and his eyes lit up.

The greater the origin of this magic scripture, the happier he will naturally be.

However, Luo Yu's next words made his heart sink. (End of chapter)

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