[You know that there may be unknown dangers in the Lao Ma Lake in front of you. Entering hastily may bring danger to you. Do you want to consume a certain number of prediction times to predict the situation three minutes before your death in the future? 】


With his confirmation, three prediction opportunities were consumed on the panel.

[In order to find Liu Qing'er of Taixu Sect, you controlled your avatar and came to Lao Ma Lake where Liu Qing'er disappeared. You know that there must be a crisis hidden under this seemingly peaceful Lao Ma Lake. 】

[You control your avatar to search in Lao Ma Lake, and soon discover that there is a stone plate full of runes at the bottom of the lake. You see that it is a formation plate. 】

[You stand on the formation disk and try to use the power of blood to activate it. As you activate it, the formation disk successfully operates. The next moment, your avatar loses contact with you. 】

[You understand that your incarnation must have entered an independent space under the transmission of the formation disk. The power of the space blocks the connection between you and the incarnation. 】

[Incarnation is very important to you, but you have no choice but to come from Qianshou Town to Jinshu Town. 】

[Two hours later, you came to Lao Ma Lake and found the formation disk in the center of the lake. Following your urging, you suddenly came to a huge underground space that looked like a cave. 】

[Under your feet is also a formation disk, which is the exit from this space. Your avatar is also standing on the formation disk, motionless. 】

[As your body enters, you finally establish contact with your avatar again. You control the avatar to move forward and back, wanting to explore the space in front of you. 】

[A minute later, you suddenly saw through your avatar that a majestic palace appeared in front of you. You tried to control your avatar to walk towards the palace. However, the moment your avatar approached the palace, an invisible force came. 】

[Your avatar was killed, and the power of the original magic returned to your body. You didn't understand what happened, but you also knew that the palace was full of dangers. You had to change the direction and continue exploring. 】

[Two minutes later, you encounter a palace again. Compared with the one the incarnation encountered, this palace is larger. After the last experience, you dare not approach easily and observe carefully outside the palace. 】

[Three minutes later, you found no danger and tried to approach the palace. But the moment you approached the palace, an invisible force came again and you died. 】

[You don’t know, this is an ancient cave, but it’s not the time for the cave to be born yet. If you enter forcefully, you will only be bombarded by the power in the cave. 】

Both the avatar and the body were defeated, without even a chance to struggle.

There is actually an unknown ancient cave space down here?

Su Nan was surprised. Taixu Sect sent people here to investigate, but they obviously didn't know what was going on here. Not even Taixu Sect knew about it, which meant that the cave space here had never been discovered before.

What would happen in a cave of an ancient powerful man that no one has ever discovered?

Sunan's breathing became short just thinking about it.

It's a pity that the cave has not yet reached the time of birth, and entering it now means death.

We have no choice but to find Liu Qing'er first and rescue her.

His eyes fell on Han Fu's mission.

The cave space is too dangerous, and Liu Qing'er may trigger the power of the cave at any time and be killed. Once Liu Qing'er dies, this mission will never be completed.

After all, this is a three-star mission. Not to mention the 45 points of demon power reward, he can also get the reward from Han Fu for completing the mission, so he can't give up easily.

Sunan continued to predict.

Next, he used death prediction twice.

After six prediction opportunities, he really found Liu Qing'er.

However, Liu Qing'er was trapped in the prediction.

It seems that I still have to take action.

Liu Qing'er was trapped. Sunan had the power to move the heavens, so it was not difficult to rescue Liu Qing'er. The problem was that once the avatar entered the cave space alone, he would lose contact, and he could only take action in his own body.

Fortunately, it is not far from Qianshou Town to Jinshu Town.

Two hours later, Sunan arrived at Laoma Lake in Jinshu Town.

Under Lao Ma Lake.

In the cave space.

This is a stone pavilion. In this stone pavilion, a spirit-level young man of eighteen or nineteen years old was pacing back and forth anxiously.

On one side, there is a Xuan-level woman in her mid-twenties, tall and thin, with slender and graceful curves. Compared to the young man, the woman is much calmer and is studying the thing in front of her carefully.

That was a chess game. This chess game was originally here, the only thing in the stone pavilion.

What should I do, senior sister? Do we have to wait like this? The young man finally couldn't hold it anymore and cried.

The woman did not raise her head, and continued to study the flags on the chessboard while saying: If you want to be like the two junior brothers Ahu and Abao, you can also try to leave here.

Hearing this, the young man subconsciously glanced at the steps outside the stone pavilion. He couldn't help but shudder and his face turned pale.

He saw two young men about his age lying there, making no sound for a long time.

Just a day ago, they came here and saw the chessboard in the stone pavilion. Several people thought that the chessboard would be some kind of treasure.

But after some research, they discovered that this was just an ordinary chessboard on the surface. They were disappointed and prepared to leave and return to the sect to report first.

However, among the several people, the one who stepped out of the stone pavilion first fell to the ground instantly.

The other young man didn't know what happened, and subconsciously wanted to help the fallen young man up, but the moment he stepped out of the stone pavilion, he died silently.

As the senior sister among the group, the woman finally saw the problem and immediately stopped the last young man from leaving, thus preventing the entire army from being annihilated.

Now it's best for us to stay where we are and wait for the sect to send someone to rescue us. The woman said solemnly.

After saying that, she ignored the young man and continued to study the chessboard. In her opinion, the key to leaving here may still be on this chessboard.

Time passed, I don’t know how long it took.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the dead space.

somebody is coming!

Upon hearing the sound, the woman immediately stopped studying the chessboard and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a young man walking slowly.

Only one person? Seeing Sunan alone, the woman's heart sank.

And when he saw Sunan's unfamiliar face, his expression became even more tense.

who are you?

The woman asked, no one would dare to be careless when meeting a stranger in this dangerous space.

Are you Liu Qing'er? Su Nan looked at the woman and asked.

Do you know me? Did the sect ask you to come? Liu Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief when Su Nan called her name.

In her opinion, since Sunan knew her, he must have come to save her.

Su Nan shook his head and said: I am not from your Taixu Sect, nor was your sect asking me to come.

You are not from our sect? Hearing Su Nan's words, Liu Qing'er was greatly disappointed, and then she was curious as to why a person who neither knew herself nor was from the Taixu Sect would come here to look for her.

Before she had time to think about it, Liu Qing'er immediately said: Don't get close to this place. Once you enter this stone pavilion, you will not be able to leave. Inform Taixu Sect. Only Taixu Sect can save us.

Don't worry, since I can come here, I will naturally have a way to rescue you.

Sunan ignored the woman and walked straight into the stone pavilion.

When she saw Sunan coming, Liu Qing'er wanted to say something, but thinking about her current situation, she didn't say anything.

She now hopes that Sunan really has the ability to rescue them.

Su Nan came to the stone pavilion and said, Although I can take you away, I need your cooperation.

How do you want us to cooperate with you? The young man who had been silent until now was excited and asked quickly.

This is the Qiankun Ring. You can enter this Qiankun Ring temporarily. Su Nan took out the Qiankun Ring.

He was moved by the heavens, and Shi Ting's power could not trap him, but if he wanted to save the two of them, he could only let them enter the Qiankun Ring.

Now there is nothing in the Qiankun Ring. The eldest princess and the Dragon Turtle were all transferred to the Mountain Gourd by him, which is where people stay.

Qiankun Ring, how come you have such a treasure? Liu Qing'er was surprised and looked at Sunan in disbelief.

The Qiankun Ring was not an ordinary thing, not even among the king-level elders in the sect. She couldn't understand how a spirit-level Sunan could come up with such a thing.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. If you want to leave now, just cooperate. Su Nan's voice was deep.

In fact, he could just hand the things to Liu Qing'er now and complete the task. There was no need to rescue Liu Qing'er.

But everyone is here, so it’s okay to save him by the way.

Liu Qing'er frowned, but finally cooperated with Sunan and entered the Qiankun Ring.

Afterwards, Sunan used Heavenly Movement and easily moved out of the stone pavilion.

Originally, he thought about using the Heavenly Movement to try to enter those palaces. Unfortunately, he succeeded in entering the palace due to prediction, but entering the palace would also lead to death.

A few minutes later.

Outside Lao Ma Lake, Sunan released Liu Qing'er and the young man.

It's out! It's really out!

Seeing the familiar lake surface, the young man was overjoyed, and his eyes were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.

He actually came out? Liu Qing'er's eyes were filled with surprise.

What Su Nan showed was only at the spiritual level. She couldn't figure out how Su Nan did it.

After making sure it was safe, Liu Qing'er thought of another question and immediately asked: You are not from our sect, why did you come to save us? Why do you know my name?

A man named Han Fu asked me to give you something. Su Nan took out the ring that Han Fu gave him.

Senior Brother Han? Senior Brother Han is not dead? Where is he? After hearing Su Nan's words, Liu Qing'er suddenly lost her composure and asked eagerly.

He was in Trapped Heaven Prison before. I don't know whether he is dead now. Su Nan did not say much and continued: He promised me to give me one of the rare treasures he obtained in his early years as a reward.

Liu Qing'er took the storage ring, but did not open it immediately. Instead, she said in a cold voice: Trapped Heaven Prison? Where is Trapped Heaven Prison? How is Senior Brother Han doing now?

Liu Qing'er had obviously never heard of Sleepy Heaven Prison. She stared at Sunan as if she wanted to force Sunan to reveal all the information.

At the same time Liu Qing'er took over the storage ring, the task completion prompt appeared:

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task Complete Han Fu's commission, and 45 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 156 points]

There are still four points of demonic power left, which is enough to elevate a bloodline to Dzogchen.

Ignoring Yao Li, Su Nan looked at Liu Qing'er with a slightly gloomy expression.

He didn't expect Liu Qing'er to be so ungrateful. Not only did he not thank him for rescuing her, but now she was questioning him.

Naturally, Su Nan would not spoil Liu Qing'er and said calmly: If I can rescue you, I can send you back.

Liu Qing'er was aware of her attitude, took a deep breath and said, Sorry, I just want to know where Senior Brother Han is.

Su Nan said: If you want to know about Trapped Heaven Prison, go check it out yourself. Now open the storage ring and give me my things.

Liu Qing'er hesitated slightly, but finally used a specific method to open the storage ring.

The storage ring was opened. Su Nan didn't give Liu Qing'er a chance to check it, and reached out to take the storage ring.

Liu Qing'er discovered Sunan's intention and wanted to stop it.

But there was nothing she could do to stop Su Nan. In an instant, her mind went blank and she lost consciousness.

When she regained consciousness, Sunan had returned the storage ring to her, and in Sunan's hand was a white palm-sized key.

Trapped Heaven Prison is beyond your reach. I advise you to give up.

Sunan said and turned away without looking back, leaving Liu Qing'er with a dull look on her face.

Senior Sister Liu, what's wrong with you? The young man on one side asked anxiously.

Liu Qing'er reacted and immediately asked: How long did I lose consciousness just now?

I just saw that when that person took the storage ring from your hand, you stayed there for about three breaths.

Three breaths! Liu Qing'er suddenly broke out in cold sweat on her forehead, and her back felt cold.

He actually lost consciousness for three breaths under the attack of someone else's soul?

Who is he? Looking at the direction Sunan left, Liu Qing'er was surprised and uncertain.

[Key to the Heavenly Gate: Collect ninety-eight keys to the Heavenly Gate to open the Heavenly Gate. 】

It's actually such a thing!

Su Nan was surprised. He turned his hand and took out another identical key.

It was the reward for finishing first in the last survival trial.

He originally thought that this kind of thing was a game prop like other things, but he didn't expect to encounter it again this time.

Where exactly is Tianmen?

I don't know if I can still get the key to the Heavenly Gate after this human crisis mission is over?

Su Nan was curious and couldn't help but want to go to Tiangong Pavilion to check.

It's a pity that this place is far away from the imperial city. If he goes back now, he will be delayed for a day every time he comes back. He doesn't have that time to waste.

The avatar will remain in Jinshu Town, and the body will return to Qianshou Town.

Compared to yesterday, there were more players in Qian Shou Town today, and there were even a large number of warriors patrolling around Qian Shou Town.

If you stand on a high place and look into the distance of Qianshou Town, you will definitely see a large number of monsters waiting dozens of miles away from Qianshou Town at the border of Zhongtian County.

They are waiting for the moment when the forbidden power of the Sky Vault disappears.

Everything is almost ready. We are just waiting for the mission to start. I don't know how much contribution I can get this time. Su Nan looked at the several items contributed to the mall with anticipation in his eyes.

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was eleven o'clock in the evening in the real world. On the panel, the countdown to the mission was only one hour away.

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