Konoha Village,

With the determination and gradual implementation of the guidelines of the Three World War Plan,

The soldiers and horses did not move, the food and grass went first, and a large number of logistics materials began to be transported to the front line by the ninjas of the logistics department,

And the dark department, root, Konoha garrison, major families, etc. of Konoha Village have also begun to act in an orderly manner, increasing the supply of resources, wanting to improve everyone's strength as much as possible before the three battles are intense.

As for the civilians of Konoha Village, life has gradually returned to normal,

After all

The wars are all fought at the border of the Fire Nation,

For them in the big rear, in addition to some freshness at the beginning, they have resumed their usual rhythm of life in the back, and the most they can do is to listen to the battle situation in front of them, happy and excited when they win, and frustrated when they lose.

A week later,

Inside the Hokage Office in the Hokage Building,

"Sure enough... If you don't stay up late, your spirit will be better. "

After Yugito left,

Ape Fei Ri stood up from the office chair in high spirits, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth,

These days,

Konoha Village began to move in the direction he had planned,

He, the Hokage, only needs to sign a signature, have a meeting, and look at the latest information.

"Wait a minute..."

"The big snake pill actually came back early?"


Just when Ape Fei Ri wanted to pick up the water cup and drink water, he seemed to sense something and showed an unexpected expression.

According to the information transmitted back by Orochimaru, he should have to wait a few days before he could return to Konoha Village, and now that he arrived early, he thought that he was speeding up the overnight.


When I think of it,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper couldn't help but sigh,

For the apprentice of the Great Snake Pill, he is still very optimistic and very important, but... Half a step more is a genius, one more step is a nightmare,

He changed a lot of plots, such as Orochimaru's best friend (Kato Broken) and apprentice (Ropetree) did not die, but... People did not respect life during World War II, and witnessed the death of many Konoha ninjas, plus he defeated the three generations of Thunder Kage and Yaoi Ren and suffered heavy damage.

As a result, the big snake pill still felt the fragility of life, there were some extremisms and negative ideological tendencies, often went out, and did not know what to do!

And everyone has their own ninja and ideas, especially a self-centered genius like Orochimaru, who has no intention of completely transforming Orochimaru into his own shape to brainwash Orochimaru (and will not brainwash successfully);

It's just that, ah,

A genius gradually degenerates,

Ignoring the original nature of life, vainly wanting to develop the art of immortality to change the world, and making Ape Fei Ri have some unbearable feelings, especially when he thought of the snake aunt incarnated by the big snake pill, he couldn't help but shiver.

"I hope that my strength can make the big snake pill's heart fearful!"

The next moment,

Ape Fei Ri shook his head, not bothering to think so much.

It's going to rain, my mother wants to get married, what he can do has been done, after the end of the three wars, if the big snake pill still has to follow the old road in the original book and go to the opposite side, then I'm sorry, I can only let you see what it means that Master Yan is a high apprentice, and filial piety comes out under the stick.

On the other side,

The big snake pill who had just walked into Konoha Village frowned, and then stretched out, if he guessed correctly, the feeling of being spied on should be that Sarutobi-sensei found him back to Konoha Village.

"Sarutobi-sensei, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you look like after your transformation."

The golden longitudinal pupils of the big snake pill flashed a wisp of disbelief, and muttered: "I didn't expect that I went to the Dragon Earth Cave and set up a few laboratories outside by the way, and so many things actually happened in the ninja world." "

That's right

During this time, the big snake pill was in the Dragon Earth Cave,

After luckily passing the screening of Tian Shinji Ji, Ichiki Shimahime, and Yunjinhime and entering the Dragon Land Cave,

He wanted to cultivate the immortal mode of the Dragon Earth Cave, but as a result, when the White Snake Immortal injected natural energy into him with his fangs at the last moment, he temporarily changed his mind and temporarily did not practice the immortal mode of the Dragon Earth Cave, but instead concluded a psychic contract with Ten Thousand Snakes, the only condition was that 100 living people would be sacrificed each time he was channeled.


After coming out of the Dragon Cave,

After a little inquiring, he knew a series of things that happened in Konoha Village.

Sarutobi-sensei became younger and returned to the top, and he will also turn to sleep Koharu, Mito Menyan, Shimura Danzo to the end, and also kill the ninja of the Uchiha clan's expansion faction, fist shock the Nine Tails, blast a doppelganger of Uchiha and so on...

When he heard these things, his first reaction was disbelief.

The second reaction was to hurry back to Konoha Village, wanting to see for yourself what Sarutobi-sensei looked like after his transformation.

As for why he didn't build a laboratory in Konoha Village, it wasn't because he was afraid that the stern Sarutobi teacher would find out,

After all

There are some studies that are somewhat prohibited.


Five minutes later,

"Sarutobi-sensei... ~..."

After entering the office, Orochimaru looked at the tall and mighty ape flying sun in front of him, with black and bright hair and sideburns, and no wrinkles on his cheeks, and the whole person was stunned.


If the breath is not right,

He had to think that Mr. Ape Fei had changed his body,

Rao is so,

The big snake pill still couldn't help but show a shocked look.

"Orochimaru, you're finally back." Seeing the big snake pill's incredulous expression, Ape Fei Ri showed an expression that had been expected for a long time, and said with a relaxed expression: "Listen to Tsunade, you went to the Dragon Land Cave, one of the three holy places?" "

"That's right... Sarutobi-sensei. "

Hearing these words, the big snake pill suppressed the shock in his heart and said in a deep voice: "I feel the fragility of life, so I want to go to Longdi Cave to cultivate the immortal mode to become stronger." "


Ape Fei Ri frowned and said, "Then has your Immortal Mode cultivation been successful?" "


The big snake pill thought for a moment before he said in a surprising voice: "There are too many uncertain factors in the immortal pattern of Longdi Cave, I think that after I have enough time, I will study it myself, and only signed a psychic beast named Ten Thousand Snakes." "


Ape Fei Ri said quietly: "How many times have you summoned it?" "


As soon as you hear this sentence,

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the big snake pill,

Although it quickly returned to normal, but... Or was seen by the ape flying sun.

"I... It has just signed a contract with it, and it has not been summoned once. "

Orochimaru took a deep breath and explained.


Sarutobi raised his eyebrows, did not say anything more, and directly changed the topic: "Orochimaru, since you have returned, and you also know that the three battles have broken out, I want you to lead a large army of Konoha ninjas to guard Mount Kirito at the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind." "

"No problem, Sarutobi-sensei."

Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll leave when I rest for a few days." "


Ape Fei Ri waved his arm and said quietly: "You have worked hard in a hurry, go back and rest!" "


The big snake pill nodded, turned around and left, but walked to the door of the office, and still couldn't help but ask: "Sarutobi-sensei, you have undergone such a big transformation, is it really the reason why you cultivated the Konoha Six Styles and Armed Color Domineering that you developed?" "

"It's not just this set of physical techniques."

Ape Fei Ri thought for a moment before he said in a shocking voice: "It's because I unintentionally awakened the immortal body, and only you know about this matter at present." "


The words did not fall,

A majestic Chakra fluctuation permeated from the ape flying sun.

"What a majestic Chakra fluctuation?"

The pupils of the big snake pill's eyes shrank sharply, and he was silent immediately, the huge chakra, vitality and resilience of the immortal body, in cooperation with that set of body techniques, does it really have that much effect? He was still a little skeptical.

He knew better that there must be secrets in Teacher Ape Fei, such as being able to transform into a golden Buddha and so on.

"Take it..."

"This is the Moon Breath Method and the Serpent Breathing Method that I developed, which should be useful to you."

"By the way, what is sealed in this scroll is something called Bai Jue, you can study and study."


Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn't care what the big snake pill thought, and whether he believed it or not, he directly threw out three scrolls, as a teacher, he thought he was worthy of the big snake pill, Tsunade, and Zilaiye, he really wanted to stick to his ideals to go to the opposite, he had no choice, fists to serve.

"Thanks... Sarutobi-sensei. "

After the big snake pill took the scroll, he walked away without looking back, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sarutobi teacher,

You deserve to be a doctor of ninjutsu, and you have developed so many good things, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Looks like

You have a big secret!!

Why don't you share it?

You return from a sick monkey who has gone downhill,

This... It was simply miraculous, and it happened that the apprentice was very interested in this ability to bring people back to the top.


After the big snake pill left, Ape Fei Richo couldn't help sighing, a ray of disappointment flashed in his eyes, Jiang Shan is easy to change his nature is difficult to move, he has changed a lot of plots, but he still can't change human nature, especially people like Big Snake Pill who have their own pursuits and ideas, let alone change.

No wonder the master can be killed in the original work,

Just huh?

Your teacher will always be your teacher,

Want to do things,

Then be prepared to be killed.

"Teacher Ape Fei, something is wrong."


Not long after Orochimaru left,

Tsunade hurriedly pushed the door in, and said in an urgent tone: "I just got the latest news, the seven people of the Ninja Blade of Mist Hidden Village have infiltrated the Fire Country and are raging in the Fire Country. "

"Ninja Dao Seven?"

Ape Fei Ri, who was originally processing the documents, frowned and said, "Where is it exactly?" "

"It's not clear yet."

Tsunade's expression was a little ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The seven people of the ninja knife killed some people and changed places, and now the root ninja has gone to investigate, I believe that there will be results soon." "

"Really damn it, does the Wuyin Village also want to declare war on us?"

After saying this,

Tsunade couldn't help but clench his fists,

"No rush..."

A wisp of coldness flashed on Ape Fei Sun's cheeks, and he said in a deep voice: "Let the dark part also act, as long as the country of fire is in the territory, they can't escape, this time, I want none of them to escape." "


Tsunade nodded,

I turned around and went to convey the order.

Mist ninja elites like the Ninja Dao Seven are definitely not a trivial matter in the territory of the Fire Country, and the location must be determined as soon as possible before high-end combat power can be sent to deal with it.

"The first batch of Ninja Sword Seven seems to have been blasted by Mater Dai in the original book, right?"

"Now that the students of the ninja school are basically in the school, Matkai, Bukai Genma, and Ebisu should not have gone out, and the plot has changed again?"

"Mind him, since he has come to the territory of the Fire Nation, then give the Mist Hidden Village a bloody lesson!"



The words did not fall,

The ape flying sun's body disappeared into the office,

Just saw that the domineering was raised a notch, so I went to find you seven ugly monsters.



In a dense forest in the eastern part of the Land of Fire,

Brush! Brush! Brush!

One after another the sound of breaking the air sounded,

I saw three Konoha ninjas fleeing in a panic,

Behind them, there were seven misty ninja with different expressions, chasing unhurriedly behind like cats and mice.


"Don't you be afraid of the ninja of Konoha?"

"I love watching you Konoha ninjas sneak around with their heads!"

"To tell you the truth, we have already killed more than a dozen Konoha ninjas."


With the sound of playfulness,

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Chestnut Shotstring Pill, Tongcao Wild Baitman, Wuli Jinhachi, Black Hoe Thunder Tooth and others couldn't help but glance at each other, and they could see the smug look in their eyes.

The three generations of Meizukage let them guard at the border is really boring,

Just as the three battles Yunyin Village and Konoha Village declared war on each other, the seven of them together, simply went to the territory of Konoha Village to wreak havoc, shot a shot to change places, and when Konoha sent high-end combat power, they would return to the Land of Water.

Anyway, with the strength of the seven of them, they can run if they can't win.

"Damn it!"

"How could the Ninja Dao Seven be met by us."

"I'll cover later, and you guys will go back to Konoha Village to move the rescuers."


The three Konoha ninjas who were fleeing also had a panicked look on their faces, they were just performing a B-level mission in the territory of the Fire Country, but they did not expect to meet the Ninja Seven who were famous in the ninja world.

Bang! Bang!!

A few minutes later,

Under the absolute strength gap,

The three Konoha ninjas were blown up by the detonation charm thrown by Shinhachi and smashed to the ground,

"Poof...", "Poof..."

Accompanied by the sound of vomiting blood,

The three Konoha ninjas looked desperate, perhaps their bodies were injured and they were still trembling.


The watermelon mountain puffer ghost grinned, showed a cruel expression, and said, "Why didn't you run away?" "

"Hee-hee... Aren't Konoha village ninjas awesome? "

Zhao (Zhao Li's) Qiu Shi Qiao laughed loudly, took out the decapitation knife, and said violently: "Now you three give me a look?" "


Hearing these words, one of them Konoha Shinobu endured the pain coming from his body, gritted his teeth and laughed: "The third generation of Hokage-sama will not let you go, the more people you kill, the worse you will die." "

"So scared?"

Ryokimachimaru shook his head in disdain and said, "We will withdraw if we kill you, why did he come to kill us?" "


The Grass Bait shook his head and said, "We have been in the territory of the Fire Country long enough, and if we kill them, we will withdraw, lest it be late." "

"Tongcao wild bait man, you really go back the more you live,"

Black hoe Thunder Tooth said confidently: "The seven of us join forces, even if we can't win, we can withdraw." "

"Look how I torture them."

Orochimaru took a few steps forward, took out a long knife and stitches, and said coldly: "I want to dismember them alive little by little, enjoy the torture, right?" "

The next moment,

Just in the chestnut shotshomaru hands-on,

When the three Konoha ninjas were already looking desperate, a voice full of blood sounded.

"Youth is a hymn to hard work..."

I saw a figure with a body emitting green energy rushing out from the depths of the dense forest, perhaps because the speed was too fast, causing Chestnut Shotwemaru to react, and a bloody hole was poked by the index finger on his right arm, revealing Sensen white bones.


Orochimaru screamed, and the hand holding the long knife and stitch trembled,

"Enemy attack."

The man with thick eyebrows who suddenly appeared made the expressions of the remaining seven ninja swords change suddenly, and their bodies retreated tens of meters without hesitation, and they all picked up their respective ninja knives and entered the battle state.

"Open the door and completely blast them."


Just when Mater Dai was about to take advantage of the situation to launch a second wave of attacks, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, which directly made him fluster.

(PS: Please collect flowers evaluation, Mengxin thank you readers.) )。

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