Wuyin Village,

A ninja village completely cut off from other countries,

Due to its distance from the mainland and the separation of the ocean, the Second Ninja World War Kirigakura did not participate;

At this point,

Wuyin Village Central Area,

In an office on the top floor of the Water Shadow Building,

The three generations of Mesui Ying, the Yuan Master of the Elder Group, the seven people of the Ninja Dao, the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, the patriarch of the Ghost Lantern clan, and other high-level officials of the Mist Hidden Village all gathered together, and no one spoke, which invisibly made the atmosphere almost weird to the extreme.

As for the reason,

Of course, they got a piece of intelligence about Konoha Village,

When they see the content of the intelligence, their first reaction is to believe it, and the second reaction is to let people reinvestigate.

But...... No matter how Wuyin Village investigates, the intelligence that comes from the end is the same,


The third generation of Mesui Kage urgently convened this high-level meeting.

"You should all know what happened in Konoha Village!"

It seemed that he felt a little depressed, and the expression of the third generation of Meshui Kage was not very good-looking: "The third generation of Mekage-Ape Flying Sun Slash not only returned to the peak, but also transformed into a golden giant Buddha, and with a set of physical techniques called the Six Styles of Konoha, he crushed everything with the power of destroying decay. "

"I know."

Hearing these words, the patriarch of the Ghost Lantern clan said with a solemn expression: "I didn't expect that the ape flying sun slash would be so ruthless, first the ninja of the Uchiha clan was completely destroyed, and then even the high-ranking elders of Konoha Village were forcibly removed. "


Yuan Shi snorted coldly and said coldly: "The elders of Konoha Village are a group of waste things, and it is normal to be crushed by the ape flying sun. "


The third generation of Mu Shui Ying glanced at Master Yuan with a smile and said, "Elder Yuan Master, what do you think then?" "

"I'm not a water shadow, of course I see with my eyes?"

Yuan Shi raised his eyebrows, and also replied with a smile.


The third generation of Mizukage snorted coldly, and didn't bother to look at Yuanshi,

If he has great strength,

Will also learn the ape flying sun to remove the elder,

The side of the couch,

Do you allow others to snore,

The marshal, this elder, is his own faction in Wuyin Village, has the same power and status as him, is in charge of everything in Wuyin, and the most important matters in the village can only be carried out by him nodding his head and agreeing, and he has long been a little unhappy.


Seeing Yuan Shi and Water Shadow fighting each other there,

The seven people of the Ninja Dao, the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, the patriarch of the Shui Wuyue clan, and others all shook their heads helplessly, revealing strange expressions.

Anyway, in Wuyin Village,

Yuan Shi and Shui Ying have never been eye-to-eye, they are used to it.

"The incident in Konoha Village has already sounded the alarm for us,"

At this time, the patriarch of the Kaguya clan thought for a moment before adding: "Once we decide to participate in the three battles, we must be careful of the three generations of Hokage-Sarutobi Slash. "

"We will definitely participate in the three battles."

Upon hearing this, the third generation of Mizukage grinned and said in a deep voice: "Our Wuyin Village did not participate in World War II, if we don't participate in the three wars, the entire ninja world is afraid that they won't know about the existence of our Mist Hidden Village." "

Of course

The three generations of Mesui Kage still did not say a word,

That is, the internal contradictions of Wuyin Village are also very serious,

It is urgent to deflect the conflict through external war, and it is best to let the Kaguya, Ghost Lantern and other blood-succession families die a little more ninjas.

"Hahaha, really looking forward to it?"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost laughed loudly, showing his sharp teeth, and said, "The ape flying sun slash is very strong, but... After the rest and recuperation of World War II, our Wuyin Village is not vegetarian. "

"That's right..."

Loquat Shizang smiled coldly and said with some expectation: "For the three battles, we Ninja Dao Seven already have some impatience. "

As for the remaining five Ninja Dao Seven, although they did not speak, but... The cold smile on their faces has already indicated everything, and they who have specially performed difficult tasks for previous generations of Water Shadow will definitely be able to make a big splash in the three battles.

"Well... Then prepare for war. "

The third generation of Mei Mizukage took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "This incident in Konoha Village will only make the situation more and more tense, and Yunyin Village, Yanyin Village, and Shayin Village will not sit still." "

"So, our Wuyin Village..."

"Wait a minute..."


Just when the third generation of Meshui Ying still said something, Yuan Shi frowned, and said crisply: "I only have one request, that is, Wuyin Village should not participate in the war at the first time, but watch the fire from the other side first, and it is best to participate in the middle and late stages of the war." "


The third generation of Mei Mizukage took a deep look at the marshal and continued to order: "During this time, the situation is more complicated, and all of you Ninja Dao Seven temporarily put down the task in your hand, and all go to the border line to be on guard, and if you encounter suspicious characters, shoot and kill." "


Loquat Juzhao, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost and others shrugged their shoulders in disapproval, letting the famous them go to the border line to guard, it was really overkill, hindering the order of the three generations of Mesui Shadow, they could only nod in agreement.

When it's a big deal, go to the territory of the Land of Fire to fight a dozen autumn winds, kill (ahee) Konoha ninjas, and have a good time.


After saying this,

The three generations of Meizukage did not give the marshal a chance to speak, and directly got up and left.


Yuan Shi snorted coldly, and left without looking back.

And seeing this scene, the patriarchs of the major Blood Succession Limit Realm families all looked at each other and smiled, and left in no particular order.


Yunyin Village,

On a towering mountain,

Inside Thunder Shadow's office;

"How is that possible?"

"That wisp of origin power of the eight tails, how did the ape flying sun slash get rid of?"

"How can that old man who is slashed by the ape flying sun recover his peak and transform into a golden giant Buddha?"

"It can't be... When pigs fly!! "


The third generation of Thunder Shadow frantically pinched the intelligence scroll in his hand alive, and the whole person fell into an extremely crazy and violent state, and an extremely terrifying Thunder Chakra fluctuation broke out, making the entire Thunder Shadow Building tremble faintly.

He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out,

Why is the ape flying down all these years and suffering from internal injuries,

Why did it suddenly seem like taking a panacea, and achieved a earth-shaking transformation, which made the three generations of Thunder Shadow unacceptable at all?

In the last Armageddon of World War II,

He and the eight-tailed man Zhuli-Bu Ru fought the ape flying sun slash with the combined force of the two, and the chess was one move, and he lost!


Ape flying sun slash wins is win,

But it was a crushing victory, and Bu Rubi did his best to leave a trace of the origin power of the eight tails in his body,

So...... Over the years, the three generations of Mei Thunder Shadow have been silently paying attention to the state of the three generations of Mei Hokage while recuperating their injuries, and when they learned that the body of the ape flying sun chop began to decline with the passage of time, and often vomited blood, the third generation of mei thunder shadow knew that the ape flying sun chop had been abolished.

The ninja who crisscrossed the ninja realm will never appear again...

The result?

Plans can't keep up with changes,

A peak ninja who can transform into a golden giant Buddha appeared,

This...... The moment the third generation of Lei Ying saw the information, he almost vomited blood in anger.


In the face of the thunderous three generations of thunder shadows,

In the office, Tsuchidai, Yeyue Ai, Kirabi, the two Yugito, Azabui, Darui and others were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe, and in addition to shock, their hearts were shocked.

They also did not expect that such a big thing would happen in Konoha Village, and the third generation of Hokage completely detonated the entire ninja world.

"There must be an unknown secret in the ape flying sun."

At this time, the eyes of the third generation of Mei Lei Ying flickered continuously, and he muttered to himself: "Bu Rubi, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you." "

Since that Armageddon, Bulubi has been severely injured and died in less than a few years, and as a last resort, the three generations of Mei Thunder Shadow sealed the Yao into Kirabi's body, (read the violent novel, go on the Feilu novel network!) )

I don't know how long it took,

The third generation of Mei Lei Ying asked irritably, "Why did the ape flying sun slash undergo such a big transformation, have you investigated the reason?" "

"Not yet... For the specific information in this regard, Konoha Village is very strict. "

Hearing this, Tsuchidai hesitated for a moment before adding: "This time the Qimu Shuomao incident, many spies in our Yunyin Village have been arrested, it will take time to obtain information in this regard, at present, it is only known that Ape Flying Sun Chopper has developed a set of Konoha six-style physical skills and armed color domineering, and it is said that it is because of the successful cultivation of physical arts that Ape Flying Sun has transformed!" "

"Ape flying sun chopped this old puppy, he must be using the Konoha Village Elder Group to fish, and as a result, he fished out some spies from the major ninja villages."

A cold color flashed in the eyes of the third generation of Lei Ying, and said, "I have been practicing physical arts for so many years, isn't it still clear?" The so-called Konoha Six Style and Armed Color Domineering must be a pretense released by the ape flying sun, and the power may be very strong, but it is not the reason for him to achieve transformation. "

"I wrote down the things this time, once the three battles break out, I will ask Konoha Village to spit it out for me to double."

All right!

Over the years, the cultivation of the Thunder Forging Body Secret Technique has raised the strength of the three generations of Lei Ying itself by several notches, and it can almost suppress the violent Yao with the power of one person,


He is extremely confident in his strength,

No matter how the ape flying sun chop transforms and what physical technique he develops, it doesn't matter, if he fights again, he will definitely make the ape flying sun chop look good...


"This tone can't be counted like that!"

"You can't let Ape Flying Sun Chopper be so proud, you must teach him a lesson to drink."


The next moment,

The third generation of thunder shadows spoke in a deep voice,

I don't know when a terrifying aura fluctuation rose up from the top of the body,

"Execute Plan B..."


A trace of firmness flashed in the eyes of the third generation of Lei Ying, and he had already made a decision.


"Now that Konoha Village's momentum is at its peak, do you really want to risk carrying out Plan B?"

"If it succeeds, it may directly cause a third ninja battle, and Konoha Village may start a war desperately."


The words did not fall,

Tsuchidai, Night Moon Ai, the two Yugito, Azabui, and Darui couldn't help but let out an uproar,

Go and execute Plan B during this time period,

It is undoubtedly hitting the face of Konoha Village and hitting the face of the third generation of Hokage, and the risk is quite large.

As for the content of Plan B, it is to send someone to infiltrate Konoha Village and kidnap the candidate of the Nine-Tails Pillar Force, Vortex Jiu Shinnai, who has a vortex bloodline.

Over the years,

For this plan,

Yunyin Village has long sent people to lurk in Konoha Village, and even this time the Qimu Shuomao incident was not exposed.

"The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish, do you think I will be afraid of the outbreak of three wars?"

The third generation of Thunder Shadow said violently: "This matter is so decided, after so many years of layout, it should also gain something, and bringing back the captivity of Vortex Jiu Shinai can be regarded as weakening the strength of Konoha Village from the other side." "

"Well... All right! "

Tsuchidai hesitated, but nodded anyway.

As the third generation of Lei Ying said, Yunyin Village has been eyeing Vortex Jiu Xinnai for a long time, and if he can capture it back, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.


"Pass the order down, Yunyin Village into a state of readiness."

The third generation of Mei Lei Ying slowly raised his head, and said with a resolute and confident face: "In the third ninja battle, our Yunyin Village will definitely win the final victory. "



Somewhere unknown underground for the ninja;

In a deep and cold cave, a ray of flame burns in the darkness,

And the gloomy light of the fire faintly illuminated an old man who could not help the wind, his face was densely wrinkled, and he seemed to be dying at any time, he was sitting on a stone chair, his face was changing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this point,

If anyone is here,

You will find that this old man looks like he is going to die, but his body invisibly exudes an aura of staring at the ninja realm and suppressing everything, especially the pair of eyes, which are just ordinary chakra eyes, but they are full of eyes that seem to be able to see through everything.

That's right

This old man in front of you,

It is the strongest of the Uchiha clan, who was known as the "legendary ninja" along with Senjukuma.

"I didn't expect that I actually looked away, and the little devil of the ape flying sun slash is really hidden?"

"Senju has chosen a good successor!"

"The killing is decisive and unscrupulous, and the ape flying sun slash is much more ruthless than this fire shadow between the thousand hand pillars."

"It's just... The ape flying sun slash has no blood succession limit, how can it transform into a golden giant Buddha? This...... And what is the ability? "


A hint of doubt flashed on Uchiha's pale old cheeks,

After so many years of layout behind the scenes, everything is in his hands, but he did not expect that there was no problem in Yuyin Village, but there was a problem in Konoha Village, a little ghost who began to go downhill, achieved a metamorphosis, came to a gorgeous big transformation.

To put it in a bad way,

As a legendary ninja comparable to Senjukuma,

Uchiha doesn't pay much attention to these high-end combat powers of today's ninjas,

What Shinobio-Ape Flying Sun Slash, what two-day scale of Onoki, what is the strongest thunder shadow in history-three generations of thunder shadow, what is the strongest wind shadow in history, etc., he only feels like watching children play games.

Now, the third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi seems to have an unknown metamorphosis, which makes Uchiha feel free of his control for the first time.

Very upset!!

"Madara-sama, according to the intelligence I gathered, in the past year or two, Ape Flying Sun Chopper often retreats, and the external claim is cultivation and recuperation, and after the last exit, he has grown taller and younger, and his appetite has also increased."

Bai Jue silently emerged from the shadows, and prayed: "He also developed a set of extremely powerful physical techniques, and it is rumored that it is because of the successful cultivation of physical techniques that the body has achieved transformation." "

"Huh... This is just a pretense, the focus should be on that golden giant Buddha. "

Like the third generation of Mei Lei Ying, Uchiha didn't believe it, but instead showed an expression that had already seen through everything, and said: "I have been cultivating for so many years, and I have never heard that physical cultivation into functions makes people younger and their strength recovers to the peak, and there must be unknown secrets on Ape Flying Sun Slash. "

"Interesting, the ninja world is finally interesting."

"Ahem... Ahem..."

It seemed that there were some mood fluctuations, and Uchiha's old body trembled a few times, and he couldn't help but cough a few times.

"Madara-sama, do I still need to send a doppelganger to Konoha Village?"

Suddenly, Bai Jue seemed to have thought of something, and said with some palpitations: "The transformed ape flying sun slash perception seems to be very strong, and my last avatar was blasted by the air just after he appeared. "

"Not yet."

A rare hint of excitement appeared in Uchiha's eyes, "I will use that special old woman doppelganger to take a good look at Konoha Village and examine the chosen substitute by the way." "

"Yes, Madara-sama."

As soon as Bai Jie's mind moved, he burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

(PS: Favorites..... Flowers and reviews, cute new..... Thank you, readers. )。

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