The words did not fall,

The ape flying sun chopped the foot muscles contracted and stretched rapidly, and quickly came out of the legs, directly hitting a white chopping wave more than thirty meters long,


Maybe the white chopping wave is too sharp,

So that there is also a crack in the air that is visible to the naked eye,

Laugh at!

One second later,

The white chopping wave collided with the giant fireball,

As if cutting tofu, the giant fireball was cut in half, and then exploded, emitting a deafening roar, rolling up one storm after another, sweeping out in all directions.

Followed by

The white slashing wave slashed down towards the square unabated,

"Not good..."


In the face of this white chopping wave,

The ninjas of the Uchiha clan swelled faction wrote that the gap urged by the wheel eye was a hurriedly flashing body,


An earth-shaking roar resounded,

The white chopping wave bombarded the square like a devastation,

This area violently shook a few times, and the powerful shock wave made the ground of the square like a mirror, countless cracks appeared, and in the middle was a huge ravine more than thirty meters long.


Extremely shocking!!

The ninja of the Uchiha clan who had just finished dodging,

Looking at this scene in front of you,

A rare flash of surprise flashed in the crazy Sharingan's eyes,

What's the situation?

They collectively performed two ninjutsu in a row, the first could not break the defense of the three generations of Hokage, and the second was even more praised, and they were directly exploded by a slash, and a ravine appeared in the square.

This...... How else can this attack?

"Didn't use Chakra..."

"This so-called Konoha Six is really too strong."

"The iron block is to improve the defense, the Arashi foot is the attack move, and such a god-level physical technique has been developed, and the third generation of Hokage is simply a monster?"


Looking at the one-sided scene in the field,

Despite being mentally prepared, but... The ninjas of the Konoha Garrison, the Hyuga clan, the Nara clan, the Kiki clan, the Yamanaka clan and other families, were shocked and still felt a roar in their minds, only feeling that the scene just now had been imprinted in their hearts unconsciously, and it was hard to forget for eternity.

A person,

Just a wave of the thigh,

Just the ninjutsu jointly performed by more than a hundred ninjas, how powerful this 02 is, look at everything!

"Don't be afraid!!"

At this time, despite the incomparable shock in his heart, the Great Elder of the Uchiha Clan Elder Group was still frantically cheering himself up, "With so many of us, are we still afraid of him alone?" With such a strong physical skill, he definitely can't perform it continuously. "

"That's right... He is only one person, what is he afraid of? "

"Continue to attack ... It's better to beat him down so we can attack him en masse. "

"Three generations of Hokage, we are determined!!"


Sure enough,

Even in the face of the three generations of Hokage, who showed an overwhelming advantage,

After more than a hundred ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion faction surged for a few times, they gradually settled down, and some of the scattered momentum became more and more crazy and violent.

"That's it... Life and death are your own! "


Ape Fei Ri's eyes flickered slightly, and he was too lazy to think so much,

It's good that these more than a hundred ninjas of the Uchiha expansion faction still have a certain combat effectiveness,

If it is put on the battlefield, it will definitely become a big killing weapon, really kill them all, it's a pity, he just wants to subdue them and crush their inflated ambition and crazy spirit at once,

Pity...... Now it seems that

The Uchiha ninja, who has gone to the extreme and fallen into madness, has been completely dominated by the Sharingan;

"You guys look good, this is the moon step in the six styles of Konoha..."

While pondering, Ape Fei Richo did not forget the on-site teaching, stepping on the air and saying: "Using strong foot force to step on the air, you can walk step by step in the air like stepping on a staircase." "

"This time, everyone attacks at will..."

Looking at the ape flying sun slashing in the air, completely ignoring them, the three elders of the Uchiha clan elder group ordered angrily: "No matter what, let me beat him down from the sky first." "

"Fire Phoenix Immortal Claw Red!"

"Fire Escape Hao Dragon Fire Technique!!"

"Magic Sharingan!"

"Shuriken Shadow Doppelganger!!"


Hearing these words, more than a hundred ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion Sect Chakra surged and came to a Eight Immortals across the sea, each showing their powers, all of them performing their best ninjutsu, and countless chaotic ninjutsu once again attacked towards the ape flying sun in mid-air.

"You guys look good, this is a paper painting in the Six Styles of Konoha!"

"You can unload the strength of your whole body and control your body as easily as if you were drawing on paper,"

Looking at these messy attacks, Ape Flying Sun Chopper's eyes lit up, and he was worried that he didn't have the tools to teach, isn't this coming?

The next moment,

Under the gaze of countless people,

The strong body of the ape flying sun is like a piece of paper,

Constantly flickering in mid-air, like dancing between those chaotic ninjutsu, sometimes it seems to be attacked, but it is dodged at the moment of a shot.


This is the explosion sound of those messy ninjutsu bombarding the top of the enchantment,

As for the third generation of Hokage-sama, he managed to the point where he had passed by ninjutsu in front of everyone and did not stick to his body.


Faced with this demoralizing scene,

The Great Elder of the Uchiha Clan's Expansion Sect urgently stopped with an extremely ugly face.

Nima's... What kind of ninjutsu is this? In this way, the ape flying sun slash was not attacked, and their chakra was almost consumed.

"Well... Warm-up is over!! "


At this time,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn't have so much patience, his body flashed and he fought to the square, and said in an unhurried tone: "The next thing I'm going to cast is the shaving and finger gun in the six styles of Konoha!" Among them, the shaving uses the explosive reaction force generated by stepping on the ground dozens of times at high speed to do high-speed movement, and the finger gun is to gather the strength of the whole body on the index finger to attack between the hardened fingers and flint. "

"Just like this..."


An explosion sounded,

The earth under the feet of the ape flying sun suddenly cracked, a deep pit appeared, and as for the body, it was like a ghost, and it had disappeared!

"Not good..."

In an instant,

The ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion Faction, who were already tense in the square, were suddenly startled in their hearts, and the Sharingan Eye was frantically urged, but... To their disappointment, the Sharingan actually did not see any trace of the movement of the ape flying sun.

In a nutshell

The speed of the ape flying sun chop was too fast, reaching a point where it was impossible to see even the eyes of the writing wheel.

"Finger gun!!"

When the ape flying sun slash appeared again, he had already arrived in front of a Shangnin who urged the eyes of the three-hook jade writing wheel, stretched out his index finger, and poked it sharply.


Under such circumstances, that Shangnin didn't have time to react at all, and could only subconsciously cast the Sharingan Illusion.

Pity...... It may be useful to others, but it is of no use to ape flying sun.


An explosion sounded,

The head of that Uchiha Swelling Faction was poked alive, countless red and white things rushed around, the headless corpse fell to the ground with a bang, blood stained the ground, and the pair of dead three-hook jade chakra eyes fell not far away.

All right!

Maybe to death,

This Uchiha Shinobu did not expect,

The self who has the Sharingan will die so quickly, and he will be killed in seconds without the power to fight back.


Seeing an upper ninja being poked alive in the head,

The remaining ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion faction all gasped, and extreme horror flashed in the eyes of the red Sharingan, and there was a rare trace of fear in the originally crazy and violent heart, but... Quickly adjusted, they are completely crazy Uchiha, afraid of a hammer?


The Great Elder, Third Elder, Fifth Elder, Sixth Elder, Seventh Elder, and Eighth Elder of the Uchiha Clan Elder Group were even more agitated, and finally showed a ghost-like expression.

What's the situation?

Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn't use any chakra and ninjutsu, relying on physical skills to kill an upper ninja who opened a three-hook jade in seconds, wouldn't it??

What a terrible speed, what a terrible physical fitness?

"The power I just used is too great, that's why I poked my head, when you are cultivating, you can control your strength a little, so as not to splash your body with blood."

However, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The killing did not stop,

After killing a Uchiha Shangnin of the Uchiha Expansion faction in seconds, Sarutobi Hinata's emotionless voice sounded again,

Laugh at!!

A sound that broke through the air sounded,

Another two nervous Shinobi were killed in seconds,


Their heads were not poked,

It's just that a blood hole has appeared in the heart of the chest that is spraying blood.


The two nervous Shangnin spat out a mouthful of blood with a shocked face, opened their mouths, wanted to say something, but found that their bodies had fallen uncontrollably to the ground.


This is the sound of two bodies falling to the ground,

Invisibly, it made the remaining ninja of the Uchiha expansion faction at the scene tremble, and a rare fear appeared on their cheeks,

And that's just the beginning.

The body of Sarutobi Hinata kept appearing next to a ninja named Uchiha like a ghost,

Laugh at! Laugh at!!

One after another the sound of piercing the air sounded,

With the sound of vomiting blood and spraying blood, the ninjas of the Uchiha expansion faction are like paper paste, one poke and one accurate, even if a ninja uses a shadow avatar, it is useless, and the body is accurately found.

Whereas...... Before they died, their spirits seemed to return to normal, showing fear and regret, but they found that the vitality of their bodies was passing at an extremely fast pace.


He could only fall to the ground in horror and fear.

Less than twenty seconds,

There are only more than thirty of the more than a hundred Uchiha ninjas left, and the number is decreasing with the number of seconds.


"I... I'm not inflated anymore. "

"Convinced, I... We were convinced. "

"Let us go, we... We really wouldn't dare anymore. "


With the ninjas of the Uchiha expansion faction being randomly selected to kill, the feeling of being powerless and not knowing when it was their turn made the remaining swelling ninjas who were not yet dead finally feel scared and terrified.

Not long since

They think that the eyes of the writing wheel are open,

After complete madness, they are not afraid of death,

The reality is that they slapped them hard, it turns out that they are still very afraid of death when they go to the extreme,

Especially met a three-generation Hokage who killed Shinobi like a chicken,

Are they really unbearable?


Expand a hammer?

In this life, they don't dare to swell anymore!!

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

The next moment,

The sound of kneeling sounded,

The remaining thirty-odd ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion Sect were perhaps too terrifying and frightened, and their bodies knelt uncontrollably on the ground, and Yin Hong's chakra eyes also lost their former self-confidence, flashing with a thick color of fear.


"Isn't that inflated?"


The ape flying sun chopping body that was moving at high speed stopped on an intact ground, and said without emotion: "I have already given you the opportunity, but... None of you cherish it, if kneeling down to admit mistakes is useful, then what do you want me to do with this Hokage? "

"You're still in your next life - pay attention!"

After saying this,

The ape flying sun appeared in mid-air with a flicker, and as soon as his heart moved, wisps of armed domineering energy flashing with a metallic luster were wrapped around his fist, and he simply bombarded the remaining thirty or so ninjas of the Uchiha expansion faction.

Are you kidding

If you want to expand, you can expand,

If you don't want to expand, don't swell,

Where in the world is there such a good thing?

If you don't swell, won't those thoroughly crazy Uchiha ninjas die in vain, or swell together and die together, so that you all have a companion.

"You guys see clearly... This is the armed color domineering that matches the Konoha Six Style, which can improve its own defense and attack power! "

"287 Fist Bone Impact!!"


Although there is no overlord color domineering winding, just a simple armed color domineering winding, but... A punch blasted out, or burst out a palpitating force,


This is the sound of the air appearing like a spider's web.

Followed by

A majestic white energy shockwave bombarded the remaining thirty or so ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion Sect with the momentum of destruction.


"Third generation Hokage, you are too ruthless!"

"We have already confessed our mistakes and surrendered, why don't you let us go?"

"Why did you kill them all?"


With one desperate voice after another,

The remaining thirty-odd ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion faction all widened their eyes in disbelief,

They couldn't figure out why the three generations of Hokage wanted to kill them all, they obviously didn't dare to swell, they didn't want to kneel with dignity and face? What else? Moreover...... You are the third generation of Hokage, in front of so many people, shouldn't they be forgiven?


In such cases,

They didn't want to die, so they could only resist with all their strength, cast ninjutsu one after another, and fought a battle;

However...... It's not of any use.

How strong the physical skills of today's ape flying sun slash are, in fact, even he himself is not very clear,

Under one punch,

Maybe it's not comparable to the overlord-colored domineering fist bone impact, but... It was still easy to kill some ninjas who were already scared.

And so it is...

The white energy shockwave defeated one ninjutsu after another,

In the end, it bombarded the place where the more than thirty Uchiha expansion ninjas were standing.


A deafening roar resounded,

The explosion produced a terrifying energy shockwave,

Swept out in all directions, causing the already broken square to completely collapse, and when it applied to the Eight Purple Yan Array, this enchantment that was difficult to break even a shadow-level powerhouse actually began to falter, and there was a feeling that it was about to be blasted.

"Not good..."

Qimu Shuomao, who had been paying attention, suddenly changed his expression, and hurriedly signaled a team of dark ninjas to reinforce the Eight Purple Yan Array,

Such a huge energy shockwave,

Once the enchantment is broken, the consequences are very serious.

Brush! Brush! Brush!!


With the addition of a team of dark ninja Chakra,

The Eight Purple Yan Array, which was originally shaky, could not resist it, but looking at the purple transparent flame that was uncertain, I think it was also exhausted.

At the same moment,

As the majestic energy shock wave gradually weakens and disappears,

The ravine-crisscrossing square had disappeared, replaced by a giant crater with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, and the more than thirty ninjas of the Uchiha Expansion Sect had disappeared, even with the Sharingan.

Since then,

More than one hundred and thirty ninjas of the Uchiha faction were completely destroyed.

(PS: Ask for tips, collects, flowers and reviews, moe new.) Thank you, readers. )。

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