The next day,

Early in the morning,

After a night of crazy fermentation, those rumors that were not favorable to Qimu Shuomao had spread almost throughout Konoha Village, and they had reached the point where everyone knew it;


In such a situation,

Some irrational civilians, ninjas, merchants, etc. who like to follow the trend are standing at the highest point of morality, and they are angry and angry at Kiki Shuo Shigeru, thinking that he did not put the interests of Konoha Village first at all, and gave up A-level tasks at will, which is simply indistinguishable and a sinner.

Whereas...... It just took one night

Qi Mu Shuo Shigeru completed the transformation from a famous hero of Konoha Village to a god-level sinner of Konoha Village who everyone shouted at, and fell from heaven to hell.


Konoha Village Garrison;

When the rumors began to erupt

In order to maintain stability, the ninjas of the Konoha Village Garrison began to send a large number of personnel to conduct all-round carpet patrols, and when they encountered some emotional or troublemakers, they directly arrested without any hesitation.

This also led to,

Rumors are constantly fermenting and spreading

However, there were no mass riots that affected public security


Over time,

More and more civilians, ninjas, merchants, etc. know

The Konoha garrison also arrested more and more people, which invisibly made the Konoha garrison also Alexander.

At this point,

the top floor of the Konoha Garrison Building;

Inside an office,

"Father, many civilians are following the wind, the prison is already full, what should I do now?"

The young Uchiha Fugaku wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said with some puzzlement: "It's just an A-level mission, how can it cause such a big storm, besides, Kiki Shuomao has already taken the initiative to be punished, and the third generation of Hokage-sama did not blame him, even if it has a bad influence, there is no need to be so unforgiving!" "

Speaking of which,

Uchiha Fugaku's tone was obviously a little puzzled

He can be regarded as seeing the horror of public opinion, and in an instant, the Konoha White Fang, which everyone worships, becomes a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts at.

What's more,

As the rumors unfavorable to Shuomao spread wildly, some civilians, ninjas, and merchants could no longer maintain their sanity, and actually began to gather and march, and if they were not careful, it would turn into a vicious social incident of smashing, looting and burning.


The Konoha garrison can only keep arresting people

It's only been a long time

Fill the prisons all over.

"The three generations of Hokage didn't blame him, but... Some people don't want to let him go? "

Hearing this, Uchiha Futian smiled a little helplessly, and said meaningfully: "Fugaku, you are still young, you will always remember that politics is cruel, there is no right or wrong, only victory and defeat. "


"Is it because of the matter of the fourth generation Hokage candidate?"

Uchiha Fugaku is not a fool, since they all mentioned politics, he reacted at once

At present, once Konoha Village conducts the election of the fourth generation of Hokage candidates, Kiki Shuo Shigeru, who has played the title of White Fang in the ninja world, he will definitely be elected without dispute, and even the three Shinobi will not be able to compete with it.

Just huh?

This is based on the aging of the three generations of Hokage-sama

Right now...... The third generation of Hokage has returned to the peak, and the fourth generation of Hokage candidate is just a false proposition.

"With the state of the third generation of Mekage-sama, the candidate of the fourth generation of Mekage will definitely be far away, this... Is it really worth it? "

A few seconds later,

Uchiha Fugaku hesitated for a moment before saying slowly, "This will only annoy the third generation of Hokage-sama." "


Uchiha Futen sighed and said, "There is nothing worth it, this matter has been full of conspiracy from the beginning, and it has already involved the struggle between the high-level of Konoha, we Konoha garrison only need to do our job well, and should not be involved too much." "

"With the three generations of Hokage remaining silent, if you participate rashly, the consequences will be serious."

Of course,

Uchiha Futen didn't say a word

If it weren't for the knowledge that the third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata-sama had returned to the top, for their own benefit, the Uchiha clan would definitely be secretly contributing to the situation, making Kiki Shuo Shigeru the first victim of the power struggle.

In a word,

Whether or not Kiki Shuomao has the idea to be the fourth generation of Hokage,

He must be notorious and not qualified and threatened to be promoted to Hokage.

"I see..."

Uchiha Fugaku was silent for a moment before he said helplessly: "We, the Konoha Garrison, still want to continue to arrest people?" "


Uchiha Futian took a deep breath and said in a firm tone: "We Uchiha clan will not participate in this high-level fighting method, we just need to do our job well, there are not enough prison rooms, just find a few who can escape, get some simple cells, we must ensure the stability of Konoha Village." "

"By the way, after you catch it, first starve for a few days, and only give a little water every day."

"So... Wouldn't that be too radical? Uchiha Fugaku said with a wry smile: "There are too many people arrested, and they are not given food, and the reputation of our Konoha garrison is not good." "

"It's okay,"

Uchiha Futian snorted coldly and said, "Anyway, the reputation of our Konoha garrison is not good. "

"Got it..."

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but rub his temples, and left the office without looking back.

If there is a choice,

He really would rather stay at the ninja school

Politics is really too complicated, and the Uchiha family seems to be the largest family in Konoha Village, but in fact, they are walking on thin ice.

As he experienced more and more things, he seemed to be unable to see the road ahead.

"It's getting more and more mature, and in a few years, maybe I can abdicate."

Looking at the back of Uchiha Fugaku's departure, Uchiha Futen showed a relieved smile, his good son was growing into his imaginary shape, and in time, he should be a qualified patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

And there is,

Third generation Hokage-sama,

How do you deal with it this time?

In fact, Koharu, Mito Menyan, Shimura Danzo, and Uchiha Futen have always been very unhappy with the transfer of the elder group, these three Konoha high-ranking people have completely inherited the will of the second generation purpose, and they want to suppress the Uchiha family all day long.

Right now...... He was waiting to throw off Koharu, Mito Menyan, Shimura Danzo slapped the third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata-sama Bright Sword.

He didn't believe that the Third Generation Hokage, who had achieved a metamorphosis, would remain silent.


At the same moment,

It's not just Uchiha Futen who is waiting

The patriarchs of the major families in Konoha Village were actually waiting silently

From the rumors that were unfavorable to the White Fang of the Banner Wood spread throughout Konoha Village, the patriarchs of the major families realized that something was wrong almost immediately, and the high-level of Konoha seemed to be fighting in the air.

On one side is the silent three-generation Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata, and on the other side is Koharu, Mito Monita, and Shimura Danzo, who are the dormitories of the Elder Regiment

Qimu Shuomao is just a bargaining chip in the fighting method


At a time when public opinion is getting more and more out of control

In addition to the Konoha garrison of the Uchiha clan,

The major families were secretly observing, not daring to act rashly, for fear that the fire at the city gate would affect the pond fish.

Pity...... As time passed, neither the three generations of Hokage-Sarutobi nor the Dark Department made any movements or made any statements

Instead, he waited for the condemnation of the rescued companion, saying that Kiki Shuo Shigeru should not have saved him, violated the rules of the ninja, caused the village to suffer losses, did not have any overall view, and was not suitable to be a ninja at all..........


This rescued "companion" once spoke

The storm of public opinion, which was already getting stronger and stronger, exploded in an instant, and the situation directly presented a one-sided situation, even the Konoha garrison could not suppress it.



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