
The words did not fall,

The ape fluttered a flicker and sat down in the office chair

"Someone coming?"

Listen to this sentence,

Shimura Danzo, turning to sleep Koharu, Mito Gate Yanleng, just when he wanted to get up, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in..."

Sarutobi picked up the cup and took a sip of water, and said quietly.


With the sound of the door opening,

I saw the patriarch of the Uchiha clan - Uchiha Futen, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan - Hinata Tenme, the patriarch of the Akimichi clan - Akimichi Takekaze, the patriarch of the Nara clan - Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Saku of the Yamanaka clan and others, walking into the office in no particular order;

Without a doubt,

After learning about the sound that happened at the Ichiraku ramen restaurant,

The patriarchs of these families all went to the Hokage Building in no particular order, and when they happened to meet, they entered the Hokage Building together.


And yet,

After entering the office,

The patriarchs of the Uchiha Tomiten, Hinata Tenme, and other clans saw at first glance Koharu, Mito Monyan, and Shimura Danzo, who were getting up from the ground

Especially on the already red and swollen cheeks of the three people, a palm print is clearly visible, coupled with the blood remaining on the ground, even a fool knows what happened in the office, which invisibly makes the atmosphere embarrassing to the extreme....


I am most afraid of the sudden quiet of the air!!


"Did we miss something?"

"Was the elder of the Elder Group beaten by the Third Generation Hokage?"

"This... This is also too violent? "

Looking at the embarrassed sleeping Koharu, Mito Menyan, Shimura Danzo,

After the patriarchs of the Uchiha Futen, Hinata Tenme and other families reacted, the expressions on their faces changed and changed, and their hearts set off terrifying waves, which could not be calmed down at all.

They just came to meet the three generations of Hokage-sama, but they did not expect to see such a shocking scene, the leader of the Konoha elders and the root department who stood high above were actually slapped by the three generations of Hokage-sama.

It's just scary....

The other side,

Facing the patriarchs of the major families of Konoha,

Koharu, Mito Meng, and Shimura Danzo, who had just stood up from the ground, had an extremely gloomy face, and they were embarrassed and just wanted to find a hole to drill into

In the past, they were extremely proud in the face of Uchiha Futen, Hinata Tenmu and others, and they had a natural sense of superiority and pride, and they simply looked down on Uchiha Futen and others?

Are you the patriarch?

The status of our Elder Group in Konoha Village is higher than yours

Well now,

Their fame was ruined

You don't need to think about it to know that the news that they were slapped by the third generation of Hokage will definitely spread

As soon as I think of it,

Turning to sleep Koharu, Mito Menyan, Shimura Danzo's heart is as uncomfortable as eating

Until now,

They still haven't figured it out,

Why did the three generations of Hokage Ape fly to the sun

After achieving a metamorphosis, such a big change will occur, and they don't care about the serious consequences after the showdown with them.


It seems to see that the atmosphere is somewhat depressing

Ape Fei Ri, who was sitting in the office chair, picked up the water cup and coughed a few times deliberately.

"Third generation Hokage-sama!!" , "Three generations of Hokage-sama!! "Three generations of Hokage-sama!! ",“............"

The cough just fell,

The patriarch of the Uchiha clan - Uchiha Futen, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan - Hinata Tenme, the patriarch of the Akimichi clan - Akimichi Takekaze, the patriarch of the Nara clan - Nara Shikayu, Yamanaka Saku of the Yamanaka clan and others also reacted, and they all shifted their attention, took a few steps forward, and looked at the three generations of Mekage who were sitting in the office chair.

"Whew!!" , "Whew!! "Phew!! "

The next moment,

Accompanied by the sound of gasping for air,

The expressions of the patriarchs of the Uchiha Futen, Hinata Tenmoku, Akimichi Takekaze and other families froze

Although he had already been mentally prepared, but... When he really saw the three generations of Hokage, who had achieved a great transformation, he still showed an extremely shocked and incredulous expression.


It's really that the changes in the ape flying sun chopping adults are really too great

For a while,

They all had some


Especially looking at the majestic and young three-generation Hokage,

My heart turned over one after another of the terrifying waves, and it couldn't be calmed down at all.


At this time, looking at the dumbfounded people, Ape Fei Richo put down the cup in his hand and said quietly: "As you can see, this time there is a major breakthrough in retreat cultivation, I have not only become younger, but also taller." "

When it comes to this,

Ape Flying Sun Chopper also added slowly, "The stubborn disease that has been bothering me is also better, and the strength has also recovered by 100 million points." "


Although the tone of the ape flying sun is very flat,

But...... Falling into the ears of Shimura Danzo, Sleeping Koharu, Mito Menyan, Uchiha Tomiten, Hinata Tenmoku, Akimichi Takekaze and others, it was still like a bomb, bursting out, and countless roars resounded.

No way,

Perhaps you have seen it with your own eyes

Can...... When the real party admitted that his strength had recovered, he also made everyone in the office show a shocked look.

A retreat to practice,

The third generation of Hokage-sama has achieved a earth-shaking change

It's just terrible

It's really unbelievable

Whereas...... The facts are again in front of us, and you have to believe even if you don't believe.

Major breakthrough,

What kind of major breakthrough would make such a big difference?


In such cases,

Uchiha Futen, Hinata Tenmoku, Akimichi Takekaze and others looked at the eyes of Sarutobi Hinata, they were full of doubts and curiosity, and there were still some expectations in their vague hearts.

That's right

They would love to know,

What is the so-called major breakthrough?

It can make the three generations of Hokage, who have begun to go downhill, achieve a "rebirth" like Nirvana rebirth

Once they can all learn,

Does that mean that they can all be like the ape flying sun

Achieve a big metamorphosis.

Brush! Brush! Brush!!

The next moment,

Everyone in the office looked at the third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi Hibiki

Even Shimura Danzo, who had just been slapped in the face, turned to sleep Koharu, and Mito Menyan couldn't help but prick up his ears, obviously very curious in his heart, what this so-called major breakthrough was.

Judging from what Sarutobi just said

It should be that there is no transplantation of any cells of the original Hokage, and the immortal human body is nonsense.

So what kind of major breakthrough can a person who has begun to go downhill achieve a earth-shaking transformation?

I don't know, I don't know,

I can only wait for the explanation of the third generation of Hokage-Sarutobi Hinata-sama...



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