"Bang! Bang!"

The first shot naturally returned without success, and Van Oka's second shot aimed at the swordsman's head was also slammed by the opponent, and the bullet wiped his cheeks to avoid it.

Even though he escaped the killing gun, Sauron was still taken aback by the blow. The hairs on his body stood upside down, and fine goose bumps gradually appeared.

"[Sword Wolf Stream]!"

This is Sauron's "soft sword" with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Instead of focusing on the fierce and indomitable sword force, it uses three knives to resist and defend against the opponent's attack, playing fast, thereby turning it into a fatal counterattack towards the opponent.

It looks like a breeze blowing willow branches, which is both gentle and gorgeous.

Although this is a very suitable move for actual combat, it must have superb kendo skills to be able to display it.

The gunman didn't retreat but advanced, and didn't want to open the distance. Instead, he pushed the muzzle directly against Sauron's forehead.

He deliberately lowered his left arm, using the more threatening muzzle of the opponent against his forehead as a cover, and at the same time he shot the opponent's thigh.

Unexpectedly, Sauron suddenly became short in an emergency, rotating his small half body with one leg as the support, avoiding the two shots with calculated angles.

In the blink of an eye, already deceived, the swordsman launched a counterattack logically, and the extremely sharp blade also mercilessly chopped off the opponent's neck, heart, waist and abdomen.

Van Oka slid backwards out of the attack range without chaos, and simply knocked the handle of the gun on Sauron's long knife, blocking the opponent's cutting edge.

Immediately afterwards, he placed another gun at the center of the swordsman's eyebrows, and the muzzle was only less than 10 centimeters apart from Sauron.

I saw that the other party made a brazen cut, hitting the facing pistol with the thick back of the sword.


The muzzle with a crooked direction could wipe the swordsman's hair and the ends of the hair were offset. At this time, Sauron's long-planned knife had already rushed to Van Oka's face.

When the sharp sniper was about to pierce the pupil with the tip of the knife, the harrier turned over in a large arc, kicked up on the ground, and turned over Sauron's head.

Waiting to raise his gun to aim in midair, Van Oka caught a white light bursting from his left side from the corner of his eye.

There is no way to avoid it in mid-air, he can only withstand the risk of being hit by the ricochet, and a shot fell on the blade that the opponent drew.

After half a second, the right leg of the sniper who landed steadily squatted slightly as the key fulcrum for bearing the weight. He lowered his position, the two shots from the bottom up didn't aim at all, and he threw it straight at Sauron.

The intense close combat is far more stressful than the previous collision between Nodachi and Taito.

Even Usopp who was watching the game could not help clenching his fists, his palms were filled with greasy sweat.

Watching from the sidelines, it is almost as if two dancers take their lives as the quality, dancing the dance of death in every inch.

The man holding the two guns was not surprised, always avoiding the stabbing, scratching, picking, and cutting of the blade at the slightest difference. The deadly sword flower shook off his side, but he never hurt him half a point.

With a total distance of less than two meters, the fireworks from the muzzle and the white glow that the sword aura crossed each other.

In this round of competition that lasted only a few seconds, the two quietly exchanged their previous positions.

Usopp was stunned. He had never seen such a splendid and fleeting moment of fighting.

Undoubtedly, the two big bosses in front of him are admirable masters, eyesight, skill, and the most important thing-prediction.

Every time the gun is raised, in addition to the huge muzzle of the frontal threat, the other gun is always looking for the swordsman's next foothold, or paying attention to the opportunity to interrupt and obstruct the opponent's offensive.

And the green algae-headed swordsman with the turban is also an experienced master, who can always launch a fatal counterattack immediately while evading the opponent's shooting.

Even when the sniper launches a fierce offensive, the offense is used instead of the defense.

"This green algae head is a bit interesting." Sanji, a well-known teacher, is quite good in his vision. This Donghai swordsman is like that.

The type of 【Strong when you are strong】 is an extremely rare combat genius.

Under the enormous pressure, instead of being defeated as quickly as everyone initially expected, this green algae head gradually forced out its own potential in the rapid offensive interaction.

This kind of guy, if he can improve himself in the battle, it is not impossible even to make a breakthrough.

The teammates know how difficult Van Oka's "gun fighting technique" is.

Even they were secretly speculating in their hearts that Sauron would be defeated in less than three seconds from the moment his sniper completely let go of his hands and feet.

Van Oka, who should have an absolute advantage, was still unable to suppress Sauron.

From the perspective of others, Sauron was only slightly inferior to the fight between the swordsman and the gunner.

But the immersive Van Oka only felt that the two men were completely even in close combat.

"Oh, the captain found the treasure this time." If you talk about how many people get along these days, Frankie hasn't taken this swordsman brother too seriously.

Now that the opponent's amazing swordsmanship has made the Transformers have to face Sauron's dreams.

"Is the world's number one swordsman...maybe this guy can really do it in the future?" Frankie muttered to himself.

This piece of uncut jade, with more polish, will surely be among the top swordsmen in the world in time.

"Continue? We haven't decided the victory or defeat yet." Sauron seemed full of fighting spirit, he hadn't experienced such a hearty battle for a long time.

I was totally immersed in the world that resonated with the sword, with every breath and every blink, I was engrossed, as if the other noises in the world were far away from the ears, requiring a lot of mental calculations and high-intensity battles in his eyes. It seems so...preserving the essence.

The trash fish in the East China Sea have no value as a whetstone, just as the straw hat group predicted and promised when they invited him on the boat: only by constantly fighting with real masters can you break through.

"Sorry for interrupting your fight." A slightly anxious female voice stirred into this short test.

When everyone looked at it, it was Nuoqigao who was supposed to watch the game with popcorn in his hands.

A small and exquisite orange telephone worm was lying quietly in the palm of her open palm, and she was on a call at the moment.

"Nami? How do you choose to call this time?" The steady deputy captain asked first. After all, this [Minister of Finance] is a busy man.

"Cai fan, what happened?" This is the little friend Luffy who is good at giving people a nickname.

"I suggest you return to the boat immediately and prepare to run." Nami sighed slightly in distress and reached everyone's ears.

The Straw Hats looked at each other. There must be a saying for running around for no reason, right?

"I only got the news from the intelligence department commanded by the [fraudster]. At the same time that you removed Branch 153, the Naval Supervision Branch was also investigating corrupt elements in the 16th Branch of the East China Sea." She did not know this information beforehand. Nami came to get the exact news until the scandal was about to stab the general's desk.

The orange-scented financial fan in the orange was also quite curious when passing this information to the Straw Hat Pirates:

"I don't know what the local mouse colonel did, which caused the prosecutor to get angry and report the information and evidence directly to the expeditionary army."

"What will happen to this?" Luffy blinked blankly. He really couldn't guess what was going to happen next for Nami's habit of talking half way.

The phone bug seemed to be full of schadenfreude: "In normal times, it’s okay. The Supervision Division catches the people and it’s done. But this time, I don’t know why I completely annoyed Lieutenant General Doberman who was the first to receive information. At least three of the lieutenant generals headed by him are about to arrive in the East China Sea."

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