He weighed the straw hat boy who had been in the Mackinaw bar anyway, and slowly pushed open the creaking wooden door.

The singing paused at the moment the door was opened.

The drunk Scarface looked to this side, and the cigar man who sharpened his knife also stopped his work.

The pirates of another force were gambling and playing poker and they also stopped, and Hu Stubbs, who lowered the captain's hat and drank silently by the bar, gently pressed down the brim of his hat.

It was too strange for a kid to appear here.

As everyone looked around, the little friend Luffy approached the bar without anyone else, and he chose an unmanned high stool to sit down.

"Ahem," Enjoying the feeling of being watched, Luffy lowered his voice pretentiously: "A glass of juice."


"Wa hahaha"

"I thought there was a character here!"

"This kid..."

Before Luffy's words were over, the tavern suddenly came alive.

The roars of the pirates laughed wildly, and the sound of clapping the table resounded endlessly.

Seems to hear the funniest joke in the world. Of course, the most common drink for Pirates is wine, and it's not wrong to even say that there is no alcohol.

Because I live a life of losing my head, I don't know what tomorrow will happen today. Alcoholic beverages are the best choice to paralyze the nerves, and alcohol is often an important target when pirates hijack ships.

There are many drunks who are dreaming with empty wine bottles in their arms.

"A glass of juice?" The only person who didn't show a smile was the barkeeper.

To be able to settle here, of course he has seen what kind of person he is, and of course he knows that misfortune comes out of his mouth.

The best way to survive here is to do your best job.

Because this is the experience and lessons of countless hotels, bar owners, and waiters in exchange for their lives and blood.

"A glass of juice?" As if the surrounding voices were too loud, the shop owner confirmed to the kid again.


The bar owner with a beautiful tattoo took a deep look at the kid wearing a straw hat: "Are you rich? My bar doesn't allow credit."

Unexpectedly, this sentence happened to scratch Luffy's heart, he snapped a pile of Bailey on the table: "I want to be the One Piece, how can I have no money!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was louder than the laughter just aroused.

These marketable pirates laughed and almost turned off the table, One Piece? Pirates don’t want to eat, drink, and have fun.

Especially this is still spoken from a nasty kid, how ignorant!

"Hey! Kid, go away to Laozi"

A pirate with a greasy dirt came over and pointed at Luffy who was drinking juice on the bar counter. The stench boy was smothered by the stench from the other party's mouthful.

His comrades applauded and laughed as they witnessed this rude act.

During the long period of going to sea, the living environment on the ship is not favorable, and the pirate ship is even more so.

Dirty and disgusting can be said to be synonymous with pirates.

Except for drinking fresh water, the boats rarely store other water for bathing and other domestic water deliberately. In addition, most of the pirates are drunks and live lazy lives.

The Navy can at least execute collective washing, cleaning, and tidying up as an order that must be completed. But for pirates, it is normal not to take a bath or gargle for ten and a half months.

"One Piece??"

"Hahahahaha, dream? What is that? We have no elegant ambitions in pirate trading!"

These mobs with low education level confided all their contempt and disdain on the little figure wearing a straw hat.

Life ashore does not actually require the pirates to strictly abide by any rules.

As Luo Xindi introduced earlier, [the rules here are no rules!] Everyone can live as they please.

Depending on how much money the pirates can pay, everything from neat and high-end clubhouse restaurants to shack taverns located along the street.

As long as there is a shack where they can go back and have a good sleep after drinking in the tavern.

"Drunk fights and various disputes often occur in pirates. This is also a pirate." Luo Nandi couldn't help but lifted the mute space and reminded Luffy in his ear: "The honest man, the coward is Those who are insulated from this profession, instead of earning hard money on merchant ships and towns honestly, it is easier to make money by extortion and robbery."

Perhaps, most of the pirates were born in poverty and yearned for wealth. Robbery naturally became the fastest and lowest cost way to make money.

Coupled with the rules of the world government fucking, those kingdoms and towns that can't afford the heavenly gold are often turned into a paradise for pirates.

There are only a few people of noble birth and wealthy life, but the call from the ocean, the desire to take risks, and the desire to grab more wealth also make these people go into the sea as pirates.

Very few adventurers will wear the cloak of a pirate and chase their dreams.

Pirates like to live a life of drunkenness and dreams. After a rich robbery, it is accompanied by a spoil-sharing convention and a carnival feast. The whole night is immersed in the dreams of swag and wine. After all, can people like them see the first The sun on the second day is an extravagant hope, so naturally I am drunk now when I have wine.

Pirates are usually short-lived, and there are few good deaths.

There are many reasons for the poor medical conditions on board, death in battle, severely injured and dead, execution after being captured, sun and rain, no hygiene habits, contact with other patients and getting sick, starvation, dehydration, shipwreck...

Ignorance and superstition are mixed, and most pirate ships do not have female crew members.

Of course, in this pirate town, apart from some female crew members and captain mistresses of the pirate regiment, the largest group of women who enter and exit this unlawful and fertile soil are still warblers.

Just like the famous Happy Street in the New World, here, these women of the wind who trade in skin and flesh are also very popular.

It is difficult for pirates who seek life at sea to enjoy the tenderness on the boat, and the men on the pirate boat still account for most of the male to female ratio.

And here, as long as there is money to squander, the uncle Pirate can let these stray warblers play a cup of two girls.

"Yo, this little brother is rich,"

The richly-painted Oriole shook his waist and walked to the side of [the rich man] on a catwalk. "Hey, little One Piece, do you want my sister to help you cool off? I like boy chicken the most."

Mengxin Lu Fei has a blank face. He has no idea what the other party wants to do with this woman rubbing him.

In order to cover up her body odor, the inferior perfume sprayed, not only failed to achieve the corresponding effect, but the too strong perfume lingered all over her with choking and pungent smell.

He didn't understand a word, but he still understood the word [Shuang].

[Shuang = eating meat] The novel brain circuit brings funny words.

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