In the proving ground.

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π•₯π•¨π•œπ•’π•Ÿ.π•”π• π•ž

After becoming familiar with the fighting methods of the demon tribe, the contestants' killing speed became faster and faster.

The competition in the standings has also become fierce.

The first place is still Wang Sheng, with a terrifying score of 93 points.

Followed closely by Liang Yuxin with 89 points.

The two were almost leading by a cliff.

Although both of them chose Su Nuo Ghost Mother, their playing styles were completely different.

Wang Sheng's attacks opened and closed, heading straight towards Huanglong.

It usually breaks the defense with one punch and shoots the head with one punch. If there are little monsters blocking the way, they can be easily cleared away.

The advantage is that you can get a lot of points, but it also consumes a lot of physical energy.

Liang Yuxin's fighting style was very clever. She led several Sunuo ghost mothers to a corner of the battlefield, constantly harvesting the low-level monsters around them.

Then he used Su Nuo Ghost Mother's resurrection ability to kill her repeatedly.

Often a low-level monster would have to be killed three or four times by her before it would be reduced to pieces of flesh and unable to be resurrected.

Although her scoring efficiency is not as good as Wang Sheng's, she is more stable and consumes less energy. When it comes to the last moment to break out, her ability reserves and physical energy reserves are definitely more abundant than Wang Sheng's!


A contestant was excitedly chopping up the crawler in front of him, completely unaware of the movement behind him.

But in an instant, his head was blown off by a monster covered in armor, and he turned into a white light and exited the battlefield.

Guan Shan hid on a damaged city wall, quietly watching the battle below.

"Headshot, internal organs smashed, hands or both legs severed, completely losing combat effectiveness, will be teleported out."

he muttered.

"Even if you activate Rage of Revenge, you must be careful not to be too seriously injured. You only have one chance..."

Guan Shan looked past the people on the edge of the city and aimed at a group of terrifying human-like creatures standing on the main road.


Lincheng, the Demon Slayer Division.

"After the war broke out, the mobile team immediately evacuated the crowd."

"Remember, most people in the cult are not awakened. During the operation, don't take ordinary people lightly. A bundle of bombs detonated by an awakened person will have the same power as when detonated by ordinary people."

"A warning, if you continue to approach, you can kill on the spot."

"Places where crowds gather are key prevention targets."

"Everyone, cheer up and annihilate all the cultists, today!"

In the conference room, He Jing stood in front of the podium and said seriously.

Outside the trial venue.


Chen Yuxiang said towards the intercom, his eyes full of cold murderous intent.

"Captain, should we inform Brother Lu about this operation? After all, he participated in the last crusade against the cult, and he has more experience in dealing with these lunatics." A team member asked in a low voice.

Chen Yuxiang stared at the surroundings vigilantly, shook his head, and said softly, "No, this time is different from last time. The cult may attack from any direction. Brother Lu has no superpowers to assist him, so it won't have much effect. Let him stay here In the training ground, it should be the safest place in Linjiang Province."

"But, our battle is so big, do those cultists really dare to come? Isn't that just throwing themselves into a trap?" The team member was still a little optimistic and did not take this mission too seriously.

"You didn't participate in the last encirclement and suppression, you don't understand." A solemn look appeared on Chen Yuxiang's face, and his expression became more and more grim.

"They are all lunatics. They don't regard themselves as human beings at all. They can do anything with just a word from the so-called evil god."

"What I'm worried about is not the believers who are being used as cannon fodder. What I'm worried about is whether the people hiding behind the scenes will take advantage of the fact that our defense focus is on the trial ground to do other things..."

Upon hearing this, the team member closed his mouth thoughtfully, and his expression gradually became serious.


Lincheng Hotel, the highest rooftop.

Xu Wang took the telescope and scanned the entire Lincheng, and finally fixed his sight in the direction of the trial venue.

"Master Divine Envoy, judging from the surface, all the defense forces of the Demon Slayer Division have gathered at the trial ground."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for our believers to get close to the core area."

"We have been completely exposed by this action. I suggest that we cancel the discussion."

Qiu Shali did not respond to Xu Wang's words.

Just stare quietly at the hour hand on your wrist.

After a moment of silence.

"Send an order to all believers to storm the trial field at all costs."

"Gather all level 4 and above practitioners and attack the Demon Slaying Division branch. The target person is: He Jing."

Qiu Sally looked away from her watch and stared at Xu Wang solemnly.

"I have more important things to do. Whether I can complete the task assigned by my Lord depends entirely on you."

"In this action, all of you will die."

"But my Lord's light will shine to farther corners because of you."

"We...are with God!"

After Qiu Shali finished speaking, she looked at Xu Wang quietly, waiting for his answer.

The corner of Xu Wang's mouth curled up, and without any nonsense, he gave two orders, threw away the phone, and crushed it with his foot.

β€œBe with God!”

He crossed Qiu Shali, left Lincheng Hotel, and headed towards his own death.


"Boss Lu, what is Guan Shan doing? The score gap is getting bigger and bigger. The trial field has a time limit, not a competition of who can survive to the end. What if he can't catch up later?"

Lv Jiangming's eyebrows were wrinkled into a "Chuan" character, and he stared at the scoreboard restlessly.

"I think Gou Shengzi's strategy is right. His ability focuses on explosive power. Continuous combat is not his strong point. If he really wants to compete with those two guys in hand speed, he would probably be exhausted now."

Lu Changsheng supported his chin with one hand, staring at the screen calmly, with a flat tone.

What he didn't say was.

Guan Shan has been practicing with Hongye in the state of [Rage of Vengeance].

In other words, he has long been accustomed to the third-level fighting method. How could those second-level monsters still be in his eyes?

"Don't worry, don't worry, the winner will be revealed soon." Lu Changsheng raised his chin and looked at the screen.

There were so many names, but now only 7 people are still fighting.


The huge body of Sukuna Demon Mother was cut into more than a dozen pieces of meat by the invisible silk thread descending from the sky, sliding all over the ground, and the blood and flesh mixed with the stench of internal organs rushed straight to Liang Yuxin.

Fortunately, her nose had been numb for a long time, otherwise she might not be so calm.

[Wang Sheng] 159 points

[Liang Yuxin] 126 points


Liang Yuxin bit her silver teeth lightly and cursed Wang Sheng inwardly.

Originally, she was stuck in the corner and was having a great time brushing points, but Wang Sheng, the bastard, actually rushed over and killed all the demon mothers she had finally blocked.

He also smugly mocked her, "If you can't attack your teammates, you won't be alive until now."

Liang Yuxin was provoked by him, and her temper also came up, and she competed with Wang Sheng in killing speed.

The result is that the gap is getting bigger and bigger...

Liang Yuxin took a deep breath, stabilized her emotions, and looked at the remaining time.

There are less than ten minutes left...

At this efficiency, she will definitely lose.

If she wants to win, she can only find a way to kill a third-level demon...

Liang Yuxin looked at Wang Sheng's arrogant back, gritted her teeth, and stretched her fingers upward.

A silver-white silk thread fell from the air and connected her wrist.

It seemed that a giant in the air was exerting force and lifted her up slightly.

The silver-white silk thread rippled in the air, turning into a huge thrust, throwing Liang Yuxin out like a cannonball and heading straight into the city.

She kept fine-tuning the direction in the air with the silver silk thread. After more than a dozen turns, she finally found a lone third-level demon.

That demon was a huge spider with a mouth full of mouthparts on its back. Four pairs of scarlet magic eyes looked in all directions, waiting to choose someone to devour at any time.

[Ghost Tooth Blood Spider]....

"It didn't weave a web. It just came out. Is it too late?"

"Great! I won!"

"The first place this time is mine!"

Liang Yuxin loosened the silver thread wrapped around her wrist and gently landed in front of the Ghost Tooth Blood Spider, her eyes full of joy.

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