Yaoguang City.

This main city is known as the pride of mankind.

It is completely different from what Lu Changsheng imagined. There are no magnificent buildings and no residents living a leisurely life.

Most of the vehicles on the main road with 16 lanes are military vehicles of the Demon Slayer Department.

Rather than saying that this is a prosperous metropolis, it is more like a super-large military camp.

Like a beast, lurking in the wilderness, ready to devour anyone at any time.

"Young man, you are disappointed, right?" Old Li looked at Lu Changsheng's surprised expression and smiled triumphantly.

"At first, I was like you. I also thought that Yaoguang City, as the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division and the core of mankind, should be full of flowers and prosperity."

"It was not until I joined the Demon Slayer Division and went to the front line that I understood."

"Yaoguang City is not the pride of mankind."

Lu Changsheng glanced at Old Li, "What is Yaoguang City?"

The two walked out of the station side by side. Old Li pointed to the north and said, "Less than 300 kilometers ahead is Sun City, then Dawn City, and then the fallen Fengdu City."

"Do you know what Fengdu City was called before it fell?"

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

"The first line of defense."

Old Li's words surprised Lu Changsheng. Is the most important main city of mankind so close to the war zone?

No wonder this city is filled with a murderous atmosphere...

"The first line of defense now is Dawn City, the second line of defense is Sun City, and here..." Old Li sighed, "It is the last line of defense for mankind."

"If Yaoguang is destroyed, mankind will die."

Old Li looked at a building solemnly.

The tall building is like a giant dragon winding around, standing in the center of Yaoguang City.

There are three big characters written on it.

【Demon Slaying Division】

"No matter how difficult the situation is, as long as I can see those three words, I feel that there is still hope for mankind, and mankind will never be destroyed by the demons!"

"As long as the Demon Slaying Division is still there, the backbone of the human race is still there!"

"Even if those demons are powerful, humans will never give up and become the lambs to be slaughtered!"

"It's just a pity... I can't go to that battlefield again."

"The future of mankind can only rely on you young people."

"I just want to make use of my remaining energy to do some small things within my ability for you young people. Of course, if you can give me some wine money, I will be more..."

"Hey! Young man! Why do you run away when you talk about money! Wait, old man! Hey!"

Old Li chased Lu Changsheng's back and cursed in his heart, "My speech is in vain. I haven't even started talking about how to go to the battlefield and how to bleed and sacrifice. Why are you running away!"


Headquarters of Jubao Pavilion.

In the magnificent conference room, more than a dozen senior executives of Jubao Pavilion sat in front of the long table.

Any of these people are well-known big shots. Among the top ten wealth rankings published by Guizhai, 7 seats are occupied at this table.

But these big shots are like children who have made mistakes. They all lowered their heads and sat in their seats honestly, not daring to move.

Guan Weicai sat in the first seat. He was tall and strong, with a thin face, and a hint of sinisterness between his eyebrows.

He leaned forward slightly, and his eyes swept over every participant present, his eyes as sharp as a knife.

"What do you think?"

Guan Weicai's voice was deep and powerful, like the bell in late autumn, echoing in the conference room, kicking off the meeting.

A young man on Guan Weicai's left cleared his throat, thought for a moment, and replied respectfully.

"Pavilion Master, although the information from Guizhai is very accurate, there are still times when it is wrong. Venerables are not like ordinary awakeners. To cultivate a Venerable, the resources required are astronomical."

"That's why only large forces can support Venerables. Even if we have strong financial resources like Jubao Pavilion, we can only barely cultivate two seventh-level Venerables. Even if a small Lincheng gives all the resources of the city to Lu Changsheng, it is impossible to support a Venerable."

"I think that Lu Changsheng's strength must be above the fifth level, and Liu Yuchen's death is ironclad evidence. But he is not yet at the level of a Venerable. It is more likely that he used some secret method to hide his breath and avoided the investigation of those people from the Hunter Guild."

Guan Weicai looked at an old man on the right, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Guangxu is right. It is not easy for ordinary awakeners, whether they are geniuses or have great opportunities, to break through to the sixth level. If you want to break through from a sixth-level practitioner to a seventh-level Venerable, you no longer have to rely on your own efforts."

"Without a sufficient supply of crystal cores, you can't even maintain the level of the sixth-level peak for a long time. If it weren't for the strong support of Jubao Pavilion, I wouldn't have been able to break through successfully."

"In order to control all the Venerables in their own hands, the Demon Slaying Division almost monopolized all the crystal core resources. It is impossible for ordinary people to snatch food from their mouths."

"I also think that the kid is at most the peak of the sixth level. The Pavilion Master doesn't need to worry too much. If he really dares to come to our Jubao Pavilion, I will definitely kill him on the spot."

Guan Weicai's face improved a little, and he said respectfully to the old man, "Then Senior Liu will have to stay at the headquarters these days to prevent Lu Changsheng from really coming here to seek death. After all, he is an awakener at the peak of the sixth level. If he goes crazy, I'm afraid many people will die."

"Please rest assured, Pavilion Master. Since I am worshipped by Jubao Pavilion, I should naturally contribute."

Guan Weicai picked up the teacup at hand, took a sip to moisten his throat, and continued, "Then, the next topic."

"What do you think about the transaction request sent by the Bietian Sect?"

"The Bietian Sect has been identified as a cult by the Demon Slayer Division. Contacting them at this juncture may cause huge troubles. Moreover, almost all of their decent bases have been removed. What else can they take out to trade with us?"

As Guan Weicai's confidant, Yang Guangxu was naturally the first to speak.

"Yes, Pavilion Master, although our previous cooperation with the Bietian Sect was quite pleasant. But now is different from the past. If we offend the Demon Slayer Division for that little bit of profit, I am afraid it will end badly."

Guan Weicai obviously didn't think so. He waited patiently, hoping that one of his subordinates could understand his meaning and take the lead in raising different opinions.

However, before the subordinates fully understood the leader's intention, the door of the conference room suddenly opened.


A subordinate entered the conference room with a face full of fear. His whole body twitched uncontrollably, his eyes were full of despair, his crotch gradually became wet, and there were bursts of foul smell.

Guan Weicai frowned, and he recognized the person who came. It was the director of the Security Department who was responsible for the security of this meeting, a fifth-level walker named You Shiliang.

This person has followed him for many years. He was able to successfully force his eldest brother's family to death because of his cooperation. After the success, he also won Guan Weicai's trust and was quickly promoted to the boss of the Security Department.

"Look at you! What scared you like this? The demon tribe is coming?"

"Enemy... enemy attack..."

These two words seemed to have exhausted all of You Shiliang's courage. His legs softened and he knelt on the ground, letting the filth flow out from under him, but he dared not move at all.

"Stand up and talk to me, where did the enemy attack come from?"

Guan Wei was really angry. Everyone in Jubao Pavilion knew that You Shiliang was his man, and he was promoted all the way up. As a result, this bastard did this to him in the most important group meeting?

You Shiliang raised his hand tremblingly, pointed behind him, swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva, and finally squeezed out a sentence that could scare everyone.

"He... is here..."

A young man wearing a red and black mask slowly revealed his true identity.

A Q version of a ghost snake was painted on the corner of the mask.

Everyone present knew what the mask meant...

The whole venue fell into a deathly silence.

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