Another group of guests arrived on the isolated island.

The passenger ship slowly stopped as the anchor was fixed.

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The refugees lined up in a long queue and went ashore in an orderly manner.

The refugees looked around curiously, but as soon as they thought of their own situation, the freshness would disappear immediately.

It turned into endless complaints.

The original life of the refugees, although without freedom, was not painful.

Thinking about the daily life of those office workers, it was not much different from their own, and their hearts were still balanced.

But since the defense of Dawn City, the lives of the refugees have become difficult all of a sudden.

Everyone looked at them with vigilance, suspicion, and disgust...

The refugees didn't know what mistakes they had made, so they could only bear it silently.

The guards maintained order around them and kept urging the refugees to walk faster.

No one noticed that in the distance of the island, three black spots were hanging in the sky, looming in the clouds.


"How many refugees are there in this batch?" Li Zhen sat in front of the experimental table, carefully comparing the experimental data, and asked without looking up.

"There are about 100 people, all of whom were previously settled in Sun City. The refugees in other main cities have basically all been taken in by the Demon Slayer Division."

A guard reported the situation beside Li Zhen.

"100 should be enough..."

"Take them all to the 'slaughterhouse'."

Li Zhen looked up at the huge heart and said lightly.

The refugees were driven into a long and narrow building one after another. As the door behind them closed, the refugees panicked.

In the huge space, there were no windows or any living facilities. There were only countless incandescent lamps swaying overhead, and there were still undried bloodstains hanging on the walls.

The air was filled with the strange smell of blood mixed with disinfectant, and there were even broken limbs and arms that had not been cleaned up in the corners.

"Where is this? Let me out!"

"What are you doing?"

"Open the door!"


"Mom, I'm scared..."

"Murder! Someone! Murder!"

The refugees all crowded towards the gate, constantly banging on the metal gate, begging, and crying.

Looking at the refugees struggling on the screen, Li Zhen had no mercy in his eyes.

In his eyes, these compatriots were just a group of materials sent by the demons, no different from the cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"Wake them up and pay attention to the progress. The demon servants made by the demons are all bone-burning demons. Once the flesh and blood fall off, they are of no value. Once they start to transform, kill them immediately and send the flesh and blood to the [God Lord]."

Li Zhen waved his hand and sentenced the refugees to death.

On the screen, the refugees banged on the door frantically, even though their palms were bleeding, they still did not give up.

After waiting for a long time, the refugees on the screen still did not start to transform.

Li Zhen turned around and asked in annoyance, "What's going on?"

The whole laboratory was silent, and no one responded to Li Zhen.

Until a cold female voice sounded.

"Except Li Zhen, everyone, go out."

More than a dozen experimenters suddenly jumped up from their seats, like puppets, walking out with lifeless eyes.

The sixth-level guard who reported to Li Zhen trembled and reached for the hilt of the knife at his waist, but before he could touch the hilt, he was pierced through the chest by a dark long sword and collapsed powerlessly.

Li Zhen looked at the scene in front of him, his pupils suddenly contracted, and he stepped back several steps in fear. He grabbed the intercom on the table and yelled, "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

The only response to him was the "rustling" blind sound of the intercom.

"Li Zhen, let's talk?"

Outside the door of the laboratory, Sun Wencheng's voice suddenly sounded.

Beside him, there was a woman wearing a strange mask, staring straight at Li Zhen.

Sun Wencheng...

Ghost Rabbit...


Lu Changsheng's figure gradually changed from transparent to clear.

The Q-version ghost snake on his mask became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"For a small person like me, even this adult has come out. I am really flattered." Li Zhen's voice was very calm.

He expected that there would be such a day, but he didn't expect that Sun Wencheng's action would be so fast...

Lu Changsheng's eyes swept around the laboratory and finally stopped at the huge beating heart.

"What the hell is this?" The ghost rabbit's [Question of the Heart] was directly activated, asking the doubts in Lu Changsheng's heart.

"This is not a ghost, it is the great [God Lord]. As long as we can awaken the God Lord, with his great power, we can instantly kill all the demons and end this chaotic world that has lasted for hundreds of years."

Li Zhen's eyes became clear in an instant, and his voice was full of piety.

"So, you went through so much trouble, did so many things, and even built such an island, just to wake up this ghost thing?"

"How did you get it?" Ghost Rabbit stared at the huge heart, and felt uncomfortable all over.

"It's not that I got the [God Lord], it's that the [God Lord] chose me. He gave me a chance to prove myself and change the world." Li Zhen said.

"For this monster, you can turn your compatriots into monsters? Push them into the slaughterhouse one by one? They are also human beings, just like you and me, with flesh and blood, not beasts!"

Lu Changsheng looked at the struggling refugees on the screen, many of whom were children, and asked angrily.

"It wasn't me who turned them into demon servants, it was the demon clan."

"Even if I don't sacrifice them to the God Lord, they will be awakened by the demon clan sooner or later and become the pawns of the demon clan."

"The top management of the Demon Slayer Division are all idiots!"

"Spending so many resources on raising these time bombs!"

"If they really have the courage, they should die in Fengdu City!"

"Even if I kill a first-level monster, I respect them as men!"

"I ran back in despair, and all of them were transformed into demon servants. It's really not a pity to die!"

"Now it's no longer a matter of a demon race mixed in a group of humans, but a human race mixed in a group of demon races."

"If you ask me, I would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one go and kill them all. Nothing will happen to them!"

"Rather than waste time and effort raising them, why not bring them all to me so that they can be of some value."

"These untouchables can make some contributions to our Lord's great cause. This is their highest honor!"

"Compared with my Lord's great cause, the lives of these untouchables are worthless!"

Li Zhen's voice gradually became excited, and even though he was still under the control of [Wen Xin], the enthusiasm in his eyes did not diminish at all.

"Is it because of this?" Lu Changsheng's voice was terrifyingly cold.

"Yes, as long as I can wipe out all the monsters, I will be the great hero of the human race. No one can look down on me anymore. No one can point at my spine and say I am a bastard!"

"I am Li Zhen! I am from the Li family of Sun City!"

"Not some bastard!"

"These untouchables are useless when they are alive. If they can make some contribution to my great cause before they die, doesn't it count as a worthy death??"

"Their death will not be in vain. Their bones will stand on the dome along with my throne for all races to worship!"

"This is already the greatest honor they can get in this life, isn't it?"

Li Zhen laughed excitedly, like a drug addict who had taken too much and fell into his own hallucination.

His ferocious laughter continued to echo in the laboratory.

That huge heart, like a cheering audience, rapidly expanded and contracted, constantly spitting out disgusting black blood...

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