He Hongyan smiled confidently:

“Why not go? Of course go! Zhao Wenwei is very smart, this time is to invite everyone to watch the ceremony and ascend the throne, which is actually a stage for powerful global forces to show their muscles. If you don’t even have the ability to send planes to the coast, you won’t have a say after the end of the world. We don’t lack one or two planes, we don’t lack fuel, let’s go and personally touch the bottom of other forces in the world! ”

One officer retorted:

“Isn’t Zhao Wenwei afraid of conflict? Like the Lone Star Country and the Rescue Society, like our relationship with Binhai City, everyone is a very direct hostile relationship. ”

He Hongyan smiled:

“You are still shackled by pre-apocalyptic thinking, and after the apocalypse, the original international order has de facto collapsed, and the original concept of the state has completely disappeared.”

“Don’t think of us as the forces of the Great Xia Dynasty, wrong! We are the forces of the Northwest Territories! ”

“Why are we restricted to receiving only the territory of the original Great Xia Dynasty and the original Great Xia people? Why can’t you go to the original Crane and the original furry bear next door to collect the survivors? Who dares to take care of us now? ”

“You must remember that today’s world, like the period of great exploration, all the forces are desperately trying to race the ground, whoever grabs it first, who stabilizes first, the place is whom!”

“As for the original nation and country…” A cold flame flashed in He Hongyan’s eyes:

“Hmph, those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me die!”

All the officers were subdued by He Hongyan’s power and wisdom, He Hongyan scanned the crowd, and then ordered a gray-haired staff officer:

“Bao Licheng, you immediately take the mission to Binhai City now.”

Bao Licheng was very lucky that his daughter and wife survived and could stay here as hostages, and he himself was the kind of person who attached great importance to family affection. He Hongyan was very relieved to let him go to Binhai City as an envoy.

Bao Licheng immediately stepped forward and said calmly:

“General, what do I need to do? What is our purpose? ”

He Hongyan laughed lightly and said:

“We have three demands.”

“First, we and Binhai are both remnants of the Great Xia Dynasty, and we request the establishment of embassies, and the two sides send ambassadors to each other to strengthen exchanges so as not to misfire in the future.”

“Second, I occupy the interior, he has to be coastal, and if he is willing to limit the size of the army, I can promise not to build a navy.”

“Third, if he is willing to join forces with me to attack all the military ports in the east of Maoxiong Yuan, I can help him get the royal family of the Great Xia Dynasty.”

When everyone listened, they were all pleased.

When everyone’s eyes were still limited to the food and zombies in front of them, He Hongyan had already expanded her gaze to the surrounding countries.

The first is nothing to say, purely a move by the two major forces to increase communication.

The second and third are interesting.

The forces of the Northwest Army occupied the interior, and the coast occupied the coast.

Even if he Zhao Wenwei wants to attack, he can’t reach himself within three or five years, He Hongyan is actually the same, everyone is thousands of kilometers apart, and no one can take anyone.

What the future holds is not clear, and it is better to cooperate in the immediate future.

The geographical location of the northwest determined that their main enemy was not Zhao Wenwei at all, but Mao Xiong, various settlements in Central Asia, and even the remnants of the royal family.

Even if they don’t cooperate with Zhao Wenwei, they will confront the royal family sooner or later.

The geographical location of Binhai is also the same, if you want to dominate the original territory of Daxia, you will confront He Hongyan, the royal family, and Maoxiong, it is better to rob the territory and population of the southern part of Daxia and Southeast Asian countries first, that is the fastest way to develop.

Therefore, although Zhao Wenwei and He Hongyan seem to have an antagonistic relationship, in fact, there may not be many substantive conflicts of interest for ten years.

As for Mao Xiong and the royal family, since Binhai attacked the port of Vladivostok, it was destined that the two sides could not have good relations.

The royal family must hate Binhai, and everyone can see Mao Xiong’s paranoia about the territory for thousands of years, and Zhao Wenwei is naturally worried about whether Mao Xiong will recover first and go south first.

Bao Licheng is a smart person and quickly understood He Hongyan’s intentions:

“Yes, General, I’ll set off.”

“Okay, there you go.” He Hongyan waved his hand indifferently and said:

“By the way, send the Crane beauty named Anfia we just rescued over and give it to Zhao Wenwei.”



When Luna and Chen Yangli arrived at Binhai Naval Port, it had turned into a sea of red and gold.

This largest military port in the Asia-Pacific region is moored with hundreds of ships of all kinds, all of which are hung with red banners with various slogans celebrating the establishment of the New Song Dynasty and Zhao Wenwei’s accession to the throne, and loud loudspeakers playing rousing music.

The crowd of people coming and going is busy and excited, everyone seems to enter a state of excitement, everything is like a pre-apocalyptic festival.

“It’s really festive…” Luna couldn’t help but open her mouth wide, looking at everything in front of her in disbelief.

Li Hong was still wearing makeup, pretending to be an inconspicuous member of the delegation, standing behind her and chuckling:

“Zhao Wenwei’s family is a veteran aristocrat, of course he likes this set.”

The corner of Chen Yangli’s mouth twitched and did not speak.


A loud noise sounded, and a plane landed inside the Marina Navy airfield, the tail of which was painted with the emblem of a red star on a blue background.

“The plane of the Lone Star Country, they really came.” Luna’s eyes froze.

Li Hong nodded in satisfaction:

“Very good, this enthronement ceremony will definitely become a gathering of the world’s top forces, and I finally have the opportunity to spread my subordinates to the whole world!” Hahaha. ”

All the women laughed.

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the hatch, and a soldier walked in, politely saying:

“Ms. Lu and Ms. Chen, the convoy that came to pick you up has arrived at the pier, please follow me off the boat. As planned, tonight you will stay at the Foreign Affairs Hotel with delegations from 15 organizations around the world. In three days, His Majesty will receive you and sign a final agreement with you. ”

“All staying in a foreign affairs hotel?” Luna was overjoyed in her heart, quietly glanced at Li Hong, and then asked:

“Can we move freely?”

The soldier said proudly:

“Of course! You are guests and not prisoners, how can you have restricted mobility? ”

“Your Majesty specially instructed that except for the military security zone and confidential places, you can wander around all locations at will and watch the coastal scenery at will.”

“However, you still have to follow our curfew system, and every day from 8 am to 8 pm, which is the time when you can move freely. Outside of this time, everyone must remain at the place of residence unless there is a permit. ”

“Good, let’s go.” Luna left first.

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