I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 96 Yin and Yang Seven Wolves

Li Xiuchang released a dozen wolf souls that had been transformed into combat units... and a dog soul.

Including the Yinhun Wolf King and Wangcai, there were a total of fourteen.

At present, the strongest member of this Paw Patrol is the Yinhun Wolf King, who is in the early stage of the second level. Most of the other members are in the late stage of the first level, and a few are in the middle stage of the first level.

Under Li Xiuchang's command, they have rich spiritual energy to absorb every day. With Li Xiuchang's help to dispel the evil spirit, they also swallowed a lot of soul fragments of evil spirits, and their strengths improved by leaps and bounds.

Chen Changsheng observed for a while, and asked the wolf souls to demonstrate their combat capabilities. Finally, he took out a jade slip and tailored a set of battle formations for Li Xiuchang on the spot.

Chen Changsheng introduced to Li Xiuchang: "This battle formation is composed of two small Yin and Yang formations. The Yin formation and the Yang formation each have seven souls, one main and six auxiliary. The Yang formation is mainly for frontal attack, and the Yin formation is mainly for secret surprise attack. The combination of Yin and Yang makes the enemy defenseless, and it should be powerful.

"Each Yin and Yang formation needs a main soul to play a leading role. Originally, this battle formation should be the strongest in the frontal attack of the Yang formation, but considering that the operation of the battle formation is all Yin souls, the final effect should be that the Yin formation is stronger.

"So I suggest you let this second-level Yin Soul Wolf King be the commander of the Yin formation."

Li Xiuchang nodded, and he had already decided in his heart that the commander of the Yin formation would be the Yin Soul Wolf King, and the commander of the Yang formation would be Wangcai.

He asked, "Brother Chen, does this battle formation have a name?"

Chen Changsheng shook his head: "I modified this formation based on an unnamed formation in an ancient book. It doesn't have a name yet. Junior brother can choose one for himself."

Li Xiuchang thought for a while: "This battle formation is divided into two formations, Yin and Yang, with seven wolf souls in each formation. Why not call it the Yin and Yang Seven Wolves Battle Formation."


The three senior brothers nodded and thought the name was good.

Finally, Li Xiuchang paid some spirit stones to Senior Brother Chen Changsheng as a reward for the other party providing him with the battle formation.

If it were Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi, who provided a formation without capital, he would definitely not ask for Li Xiuchang's spirit stones, but Senior Brother Chen Changsheng accepted it frankly.

Chen Changsheng certainly didn't need his spirit stones, but in order to make his behavior more reasonable, he still accepted Li Xiuchang's spirit stones.

Li Xiuchang naturally had no objection. He felt it was reasonable to pay for knowledge.

However, it can also be seen from this that the difference between Senior Brothers Chen Changsheng and Zhang Wanzhi is that the two have very different personalities.

Zhang Wanzhi is bold and high-profile, while Chen Changsheng is cautious and steady.

One of them is the "first genius of the outer sect" with great popularity, while the other has such a low presence that people forget his existence.

From the residences they chose, it can be seen that Zhang Wanzhi lives in the most conspicuous No. 1 in Donggeng District, while Chen Changsheng lives in No. 32 at the end of Donggeng District.

The two are completely at two extremes.

Li Xiuchang did not forget the main purpose of his visit this time: "Have any of the three brothers practiced the art of spiritual cooking?"

Zhang Wanzhi shook his head: "Although I have many skills, spiritual cooking is not one of them. Ah Chang, what do you want to find a spiritual chef for?"

Li Xiuchang said: "I have a lot of questions about spiritual cooking recently, and the progress is slow. I want to find someone to ask for advice."

Zhang Wanzhi and the other two looked at each other quietly... This kid really doesn't treat us as outsiders now, and comes to us for everything?

"That's true. None of us have practiced spiritual cooking skills." Chen Changsheng said.

Zhang Wanzhi pointed out a way for him: "A Chang, you can go to the preaching list and have a look. There should be a lot of insights on the spiritual chef there."

Li Xiuchang had thought of this a long time ago, but the problem is that he doesn't have enough Dao spikes, only 5 Dao spikes left.

He will spend them all after reading five preaching posts.

Unless he can earn more Dao spikes.

However, the threshold for earning Dao spikes on the preaching list is still quite high. For newcomers with relatively low cultivation and skills, there is really nothing to share.

Take Li Xiuchang for example. His insights have been shared by his predecessors. If he is asked to post Dao posts, he has nothing to post.

Therefore, many new disciples rely on the ten Dao spikes rewarded by newcomers to save money and use them until they have achieved something in their cultivation or immortal arts.

There are always a few people who can find a new way and come up with new knowledge that has never been seen before when their cultivation or skills are relatively low.

Seeing that the three senior brothers could not be relied on, Li Xiuchang had no choice but to thank them and leave.

He did not return to his residence, but went straight to the preaching list.

Although his senior brothers could not help, he did not intend to give up easily, and still tried to impact the first-level spiritual chef on his own.

On the way, Li Xiuchang was thinking about how to earn Daosui.

The main way to earn Daosui is to post preaching posts.

But what can he post?

What are the things that he has mastered but others have not mastered?

Cultivation skills?

How to practice with cheats?

Skills experience?

How to have an invincible planting talent?

How to get advice from the neighbor senior brother?

How to smoke meat with charcoal attribute mana?

Li Xiuchang scratched his head and felt that his thoughts fell into a misunderstanding.

Everything he learned in this world was taught to him by others, and naturally there were other people who mastered it.

But as a traverser, aren’t many of the things he mastered in his previous life unique to this world?

Take the spiritual chef for example, many of his dishes in his previous life are not in this world.

As long as he combines it with the spiritual chef skills of this world, he can create spiritual dishes that are unique to him!

After Li Xiuchang's thoughts became clear, many ideas suddenly emerged.

"No one stipulates that the content in the preaching post must be the secret techniques of the exercises, or the experience and experience, or even... the paid content in the preaching post does not have to be valuable, as long as someone is willing to pay for it."

After thinking this through, Li Xiuchang suddenly felt that he was terribly strong, and couldn't wait to try his hand on the preaching list.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"I have to plan before I act!"


Li Xiuchang went to the preaching list and found the preaching post posted by the big boss "Fairy, help me practice", and spent 1 Daosui to unlock one.

He once again enjoyed the silky feeling of knowledge flowing into his brain like water.

He gained a lot, and his spiritual cooking skills have been slightly improved. He still needs to combine practice in the future to further understand and consolidate.

After that, he did not post the preaching post immediately, but returned to Donggeng District first.

He planned to choose a delicacy from his previous life, combine it with the way of spiritual cooking, and create a unique spiritual dish.

After the experiment is successful, he will post the preaching post.

"What delicacy to choose?"

Li Xiuchang fell into deep thought.

Many delicacies from the previous life can also be found in the Xianyin Realm.

For example, various cakes, pastries, and simple home-cooked dishes are all similar.

There are also some delicacies, such as hot pot, which are similar in the Xianyin Realm.

These mortal delicacies in the Xianyin Realm have long been reproduced by spiritual chefs using spiritual ingredients.

He must find a delicacy that is unique enough and absolutely not available in the Xianyin Realm.

The spiritual chef skills are unpopular, and there are not many spiritual chefs in the Xianchen Sect. The preaching posts related to spiritual chefs are not widely received.

Too ordinary spiritual dishes are not topical and not eye-catching enough, so naturally not many people are willing to pay to unlock the production methods.

Li Xiuchang thought about it, and a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and three words burst out: snail noodles!

It seems that this thing really does not exist in the Xianyin Realm!

And it is unique enough, guaranteed to be impressive.

The key ingredients do not seem to be difficult to find.

If you want to reproduce ordinary delicacies into spiritual dishes, the most important thing is to find similar spiritual ingredients to replace them.

It is not difficult to find substitutes for the main ingredients of snail noodles, such as snails, rice noodles, and sour bamboo shoots.

Li Xiuchang decided to practice with non-grade spiritual ingredients first.

He went to the market and bought several non-grade spiritual snails, spiritual bamboo shoots, spiritual rice, and other auxiliary ingredients.

The spiritual snails are used to make soup, the spiritual bamboo shoots are used to soak sour bamboo shoots, and the spiritual rice is used to make rice noodles.

As a master of time management, Li Xiuchang arranged his affairs in an orderly manner, and several things were done at the same time without delaying each other.

While he was studying the Xiuxian version of snail noodles, in the quiet room on the first floor, the ghost wolf king and Wangcai were leading their respective brothers to practice the "Yin Yang Seven Wolves Battle Formation".

Li Xiuchang first soaked the spiritual bamboo shoots in spiritual spring water. It would take about a month to soak the spiritual bamboo shoots into sour bamboo shoots.

Then he set up several large pots and boiled several different spiritual snails at the same time, preparing to select the most suitable spiritual snail for making the soup base of snail noodles through comparison.

While the soup was boiling, he ground the spiritual rice and started making rice noodles.

Making rice noodles was the easiest step, because spiritual chefs had already studied it, and Li Xiuchang only needed to repeat the process of others.

After he made the rice noodles and the snail soup was ready, he began to taste, compare, and analyze them one by one...

In the process, he also continued to digest the experience and insights he had learned from the preaching post of the big boss "Fairy, you help me practice".

Transforming earthly food into spiritual food is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

It is not enough to just taste good, but also to consider the edible value as a spiritual food.

Different ingredients will produce different effects when combined together.

The same ingredients, with different processing methods, may also have different final edible effects.

Li Xiuchang only wants to make a non-grade snail noodle spiritual food, and all the materials used are non-grade, so there is no high requirement for the edible effect, as long as there is a positive effect.

For example, it can be used for fasting like smoking spirit meat, or it can restore physical strength, restore mana, heal injuries, etc. ...

On the premise of ensuring deliciousness, it is considered successful if it can have a positive effect on consumption.

Li Xiuchang tried to use different soup bases made from spirit snails with rice noodles, tasted the taste and the final effect, and recorded them one by one.

Because the soul ingredient sour bamboo shoots have not been soaked yet, it is impossible to determine the best combination.


Just watching the increase in the length value, this wave of attempts is worth it.

The process of developing new spirit dishes is also a training of spirit cooking skills, and compared with the usual practice of cooking spirit dishes, creating your own dishes requires more thinking, more control and experience of details.

In this process, the improvement of spirit cooking skills is much faster than usual.

After superimposing the theoretical insights provided by the preaching post of the big boss "Fairy, help me practice", combined with practical verification, Li Xiuchang's length value has grown wildly, and once again launched an attack on the 20-inch mark!

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