I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 92 Is someone drifting away, or is Senior Brother Yan out?

The follow-up to the "Fire-burning Skill" created by Zhang Wanzhi and his two friends, you can't say it's not strong.

This skill is a combination of the strengths of the three people, at least some of them.

The bad news is that this skill is a "stitched monster".

The good news is that the three tailors responsible for the stitching are all top-notch.

The three people couldn't stitch all their strengths into one skill, so they could only pick and choose. According to Li Xiuchang's situation, they cut off some strengths that he didn't need, and left him with what he needed.

As a result, this skill is quite powerful in explosive power, endurance, breaking through realms, and the growth of soul and consciousness, but it is very average in terms of practice speed, life extension, and healing.

Is such a skill good or bad?

It depends on who practices it.

For ordinary cultivators, practicing this skill is not a good choice. The practice is slow, the life extension effect is not good, and no matter how strong the combat power is, it is useless. It is not a skill suitable for directly leading to the avenue.

But for Li Xiuchang, those shortcomings seem to be irrelevant.

And one's own ability is not entirely determined by the skill.

This is a technique specially designed for Li Xiuchang, and it is very suitable for him.

The three brothers made many detailed adjustments to his "charcoal attribute mana" so that he could more easily bring out the advantages of charcoal attribute mana.

But the three brothers did not consider one thing.

The final effect of the practice of the technique depends not only on the person who created the technique, but also on the person who practices it...

"I will go to the preaching list and pass this technique to Xiuchang."

Chen Changsheng took the final version of the technique and flew to the preaching list.


Li Xiuchang came to the medicine field and began to try to compress the mana in his body.

His mana was completely full, and his dantian and meridians were filled with high-quality charcoal attribute mana.

Even the second dantian was filled with charcoal attribute mana.

This time, he increased the total amount of mana to compress the mana. At first, he thought of using the method of "increasing length", but then he suddenly thought, why don't he try to use the second dantian?

If successful, it can save a lot of length.

When the mana is full, it is like a bottle that is already full of water. If you continue to pour water into it, you can't get a drop more.

Normally, at this time, you can only increase the total amount of mana from the inside by increasing the length.

But the existence of his second dantian is very special. It can switch between virtual and real. It is both a part of the body and exists independently.

Li Xiuchang can continue to transfer the mana in the second dantian to his original dantian when his mana is full.

This can also achieve mana compression!

But it is only in theory. Whether it is feasible in practice needs to be tried.

Li Xiuchang began to carefully transfer the mana in the second dantian to the first dantian.

As usual, the transfer of mana between the two dantians was smooth and there were no accidents.

As soon as the mana of the second dantian came in, Li Xiuchang immediately felt that his dantian and meridians were slightly swollen, but fortunately his dantian and meridians were strong enough to bear it without any pressure.

"The mana has really become more solid."

Seeing the effect, Li Xiuchang continued to transfer the mana from the second dantian to the first dantian little by little.

The dark mana in the Dantian also became darker and denser...

Li Xiuchang's mana quality is already very high. His current mana is refined from second-level spiritual plants, and the load on the body is much greater than the normal peak of Qi training.

After many transfers and compressions, until the mana of the entire second Dantian was transferred, he finally felt a little pressure.

"It's not the limit yet."

Li Xiuchang continued to practice and began to replenish the mana of the second Dantian.

In order to save time, he took various pills to restore mana.

When the second Dantian was filled again and his own mana reached a full state, Li Xiuchang repeated the previous operation and continued to compress the mana.

This time, as the mana of the second Dantian was continuously compressed into the main Dantian, Li Xiuchang could clearly feel that the pressure on the Dantian and meridians was increasing little by little.

But it was still within the tolerance range.

After all, his physical body is better than that of ordinary foundation-building cultivators. In theory, even if the mana is liquefied, his current physical strength is enough to bear it.

Therefore, Li Xiuchang never stopped and continued to compress his mana.

Gradually, his charcoal mana showed signs of atomization...

But Li Xiuchang still did not stop and continued to compress.

He wanted to see where his limit was!

Finally, the concentration of mana seemed to reach a certain critical point. Li Xiuchang suddenly shook all over, and the pressure on his dantian and meridians soared.

But after reaching the peak, it quickly fell again, and he immediately felt a sense of relief.

The mana in his dantian and meridians actually began to shrink rapidly and condensed into liquid...

The mana condensed from gas to liquid, the density increased greatly, and the volume became smaller, so that the mana that originally filled the entire dantian and all meridians became a small ball of "black water" in the dantian.

After his charcoal mana liquefied, it looked no different from ink.

Li Xiuchang was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

He just wanted to see his limit, but he hadn't reached the limit yet, so how could the mana liquefy?

"Am I... building a foundation now?"

He closed his eyes and felt it for a while, and then opened his eyes in surprise.

Not building a foundation yet!

So what is his current situation?

Qi training completed?

Half a step to foundation building?

One foot into the foundation building threshold?

This is the first time I have heard of someone who has completed the mana liquefaction before building the foundation.

Li Xiuchang calmed down and thought about his own state. He felt that he was only one step away from building the foundation.

If he directly used the foundation-building method, he should be able to break through immediately. There is no need for any foundation-building pills!

He didn't even need to absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world. The mana reserves in his body were enough to break through. There was no possibility of failure in building the foundation.

But the reason why the foundation is called the foundation is because it is the first step to lay the foundation for the future immortal path.

Li Xiuchang's foundation is now good enough, but no one would think that their foundation is too solid.

Since this is not his limit, of course he has to try to touch the limit!

"My mana is now liquefied, but my dantian is not full, and it can accommodate more liquid mana. You can try to fill the dantian and meridians with liquid mana before building the foundation."

"In addition, when building the foundation, you can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the outside world. This opportunity cannot be wasted. You still need to prepare a breakthrough site with sufficient spiritual energy."

Li Xiuchang couldn't imagine what it would be like after building the foundation if he pursued the limit now that his mana has condensed into liquid?

However, if you want to use liquid mana to make yourself full of mana again, it will take a lot of time to accumulate mana.

Unless you use length to increase mana.

Li Xiuchang used to have a length of more than four inches, and with the continuous practice of soul control and planting in the past two months, he now has a disposable length of eleven inches.

But he still couldn't bear to squander it. If he wanted to achieve full mana, it would not be solved by one or two inches of length.

"It's better to practice and accumulate it slowly by yourself."


After the compression of mana was completed, Li Xiuchang temporarily stopped practicing and went out for a trip to the preaching list.

He was still thinking about the skills that "Baqi Aotian" promised to give him.

However, after such a long delay, Li Xiuchang was no longer in a hurry. He did not hold any hope this time, but just came to check it out as a routine.

But when he entered the preaching list and saw the paid content sent by "Baqi Aotian", he was immediately surprised!

Paid content needs to be confirmed after paying Daosui before it can be viewed, but you can see the introduction of the technique written by "Baqi Aotian".

The authenticity of this technique introduction is confirmed by the preaching list.

Li Xiuchang read the technique introduction word by word, and his surprise became more and more intense.

"It actually gave me the techniques of the foundation-building period and the golden elixir period at one time. This is too cost-effective!"

"Baqi Senior is really domineering!"

"This technique is too omnipotent... The consciousness, endurance, and burst are all very strong? Is it true?"

"It's not omnipotent, the cultivation speed is slow, the effect of prolonging life and health is also worse than normal techniques, and the healing effect is poor..."

"Fortunately, it's all acceptable."

Li Xiuchang suddenly found something strange, and felt that the advantages of this technique were all what he wanted, and the disadvantages were all acceptable to him.

It seems like a technique tailor-made for him.

The key is that Senior "Baqi Aotian" only created the follow-up technique of "Shaohuo Gong". Logically, it should continue the characteristics of "Shaohuo Gong".

But now this follow-up technique is a bit unrecognizable, with many effects that "Shaohuo Gong" does not have.

It feels like this is no longer "adding a tiger's tail to a marten". This is completely replacing the whole marten with a tiger!

This follow-up technique is much stronger than the original "Shaohuo Gong"!

"Could it be that Senior Baqi is really in the same group as Senior Brother Zhang and the others, knowing my identity, so he tailored this technique for me?"

Li Xiuchang was not sure, but his suspicion of "Baqi Aotian" increased a lot.

However, being able to obtain the follow-up technique of "Shaohuo Gong" means that he does not need to switch to other techniques after the foundation-building period, which saves a lot of trouble. This is a good thing for Li Xiuchang.

His only worry is whether he can retain his charcoal attribute mana by practicing this technique?

But we have to wait until we practice after the foundation-building period to know.

Li Xiuchang immediately confirmed that he had paid the Daosui and obtained the content of the practice.

After memorizing the practice, he left the preaching list and prepared to fly to the outer market to buy some elixirs and spirit gathering formations to help him accumulate mana.

As a result, when he passed by the General Affairs Hall, he saw a lot of people gathered at the door of the General Affairs Hall from a distance, and there was a faint noise coming from it.

He was confused. The General Affairs Hall was usually so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was cautious because of Senior Brother Yan's "strict power" and did not dare to make any noise at all, let alone gather and make noise.

Did someone drift? Or did Senior Brother Yan go out?

Li Xiuchang guessed it was the latter.

With the idea of ​​watching the excitement, Li Xiuchang also went over to watch.

When he got closer, he found that it was actually a group of outer disciples who were protesting in groups, and there were many familiar faces of Li Xiuchang... They were all first-level talisman masters who had worked as firemen for him.

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