I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 86 A traitor appeared in the magic world

The black-faced devil cultivator said firmly: "Believe it or not, if you take us back, it won't be long before your Fairy Dust Sect will release us again."

Li Xiuchang: "I don't believe it."

Wang Long also echoed: "If you really want to do what you said, what do you have to hide?"

"Do you think we are willing to come to your Fairy Dust Sect? Not to avoid being hunted! Forget it, I can't explain it to you in a word or two. If you don't believe it, just arrest us... You have really suffered a lot."

The two demon cultivators did not explain, closed their eyes and mouths, and lay down completely.

Wang Long looked at Li Xiuchang and said through his spiritual consciousness: "We've already captured two of them, so we won't let the last one go. Let's capture them together first."

Li Xiuchang nodded and said, "I'll ask Senior Brother Yan Song by the way and see what he says."

When they captured these demonic cultivators, they were originally going to send them to the General Affairs Hall.

He immediately used his identity token to summon Senior Sister Yan Xue, told what happened, and mentioned the "New Demonic Way".

Senior Sister Yan Xue had never heard of any new or old demonic ways, so she asked Li Xiuchang to wait while she went to ask Senior Brother Yan Song for instructions.

While waiting for a reply, Li Xiuchang and Wang Long threw the two demon cultivators into the flying boat.

At this time, Senior Sister Yan Xue also sent news: "Senior Brother Yan asked you to capture them all and bring them to the General Affairs Hall."

After Li Xiuchang and Wang Long received the order, they immediately flew over and captured the last inch-headed demon cultivator.

The two of them flew back to Xianchen Sect with the three demon cultivators.

When passing through the sect-protecting formation, they were stopped because they were carrying three unidentified people.

In the end, senior brother Yan Song greeted the disciples guarding the entrance and let them in.

They came all the way to the General Affairs Hall, where Senior Brother Yan Song had already been waiting for them at the entrance of the hall.

"I will take these three people away first and hand them over to the elders for interrogation. If you want to know the result, please wait here for a while."

Senior Brother Yan Song ordered his men to lift the three demon cultivators and enter the back of the General Affairs Hall.

Li Xiuchang and Wang Long looked at each other and waited in the hall.

Only a quarter of an hour later, Senior Brother Yan Song came out, but he didn't see the three demon cultivators.

"Senior Brother Yan, what about those three guys? How should the sect deal with them?" Wang Long asked.

"The three of them are indeed demon cultivators of the new demon path. They have no evil deeds and have no ill intentions towards our Fairy Dust Sect. If the elder interrogates some details, he should let them go." Yan Song replied expressionlessly.

"Is there really a new demonic path?" Li Xiuchang was surprised, "Are all the demonic cultivators in this new demonic path good?"

Yan Song nodded slightly: "The New Demonic Path is actually a branch of the Soul Demonic Path. The techniques they practice are completely different from those of the traditional Soul Demonic Path monks. They can improve their cultivation without killing people and refining souls. They are an alternative among the demonic cultivators. "

Li Xiuchang and the others were born in an era when magic had completely declined, and they knew very little about magic.

In their stereotype, the demonic monks do all kinds of evil, and often kill mortals to practice martial arts.

But the new demonic path mentioned by Senior Brother Yan Song was completely different from the demonic path they imagined.

Facing the big eyes of Li Xiuchang and Wang Long full of curiosity, Yan Song said a few more words:

"Before the decline of the Demonic Way, the Demonic monks were mainly divided into two camps: the Soul Demonic Way and the Blood Demonic Way. These were also the two most mainstream cultivation systems of Demonic Cultivators. The Soul Demonic Way sucked souls for practice, and the Blood Demonic Way extracted the blood of humans and animals for practice. These two demonic ways brought disaster to the common people. "

Wang Long clenched his fist and said: "The evil will not suppress the good. The rampant demonic path was finally defeated by our righteous path!"

Yan Song shook his head: "The evil path is not defeated by the righteous path."

"Why is that missing?" Li Xiuchang asked curiously.

Senior Brother Yan Song was silent for a moment and then said: "The battle between good and evil has lasted for countless years, and the situation has been changing. No one side has ever gained an absolute advantage. Before, when Confucianism and Buddhism were still at their peak, the three sects of the righteous way joined forces and once suppressed the evil way. I can't breathe, but it's a pity that both Buddhism and Confucianism are short-lived.

"After the decline of Buddhism and Confucianism, the devil took advantage of the situation and at its peak, it even had the absolute upper hand in the battle between good and evil.

"The devil is ultimately defeated from within, not destroyed by the hands of the righteous!"

Li Xiuchang and Wang Long could not hide the shock on their faces. The demonic path that could suppress the righteous path actually collapsed from within?

There must be a story in this.

The two of them were like turtles in a melon field, their curiosity aroused.

But unfortunately, Senior Brother Yan Song stopped here.

Wang Long coughed: "Senior Brother Yan, I would like to hear the details."

Yan Song glanced at him, as if to say: What do you want to know about me, but I don't want to say it.

Li Xiuchang sighed: "My heart is like a cat scratching my head. I don't even have the heart to practice when I go back."

Wang Long quickly agreed: "Yes, I don't even have the time to draw the talisman."

Yan Song glanced around the faces of the two people, remained silent for a few breaths, with a bit of helplessness hidden under the expressionless faces, and finally spoke:

"What I said above is what I read from the ancient books collected in the sect, so it can be kept true. As for the inside story of the decline of the Demon Sect, I only heard a little from some unofficial histories and hearsay from some seniors of the sect. Please listen. Just listen, don’t take it seriously.”

Li Xiuchang and Wang Long both looked attentively.

Yan Song said: "The decline of this demonic path is said to be due to the appearance of a traitor among the demonic sect."

"A single traitor can make such a huge demonic power decline until it almost disappears?" Wang Long was puzzled.

"What if this traitor is the master of the devil?"

"This..." Li Xiuchang and Wang Long looked at each other. Doesn't this Demon Lord have a serious illness?

Betray yourself?

Senior Brother Yan Song continued: "This Demon Lord is a Soul Demon cultivator. It is said that he has amazing talent. He climbed to the position of leader of Soul Demon step by step. Later, he also took Blood Demon under his command and unified the Demon Sect. He was once praised as a hero who appeared once in a million years in the Demon Sect!

"The Demon Sect reached its peak in his hands. Everyone thought he was going to show his ambitions, but who knew that he turned around and killed millions of demon cultivators under his command. It seems that he unified the Demon Sect just to destroy it.

"At that time, all the demon cultivators with a little fame in the Demon Sect were slaughtered by him, leaving only the demon cultivators who followed him to practice the improved version of Soul Dao magic, which is now the new Demon Sect. So the Demon Lord is the founder of the new Demon Sect."

Li Xiuchang and Wang Long listened attentively, and they admired the Demon Lord very much.

In the matter of eliminating demons, so many strong people in the righteous path are not worthy of carrying his shoes!

To exorcise demons, the demon cultivators have to do it themselves.

"What happened next? What happened to the Demon Lord?"

"What else could he do? He naturally ascended to the upper realm, leaving only the lingering Demon Sect. The righteous sects took the opportunity to wipe out the remnants of the Demon Sect, but it is almost impossible to completely eliminate demon cultivators. As long as there are people in the world, there will always be people who become demons. The Demon Path may revive at any time. All we can do is to suppress them as much as possible and prevent them from rising again."

"But for the sake of the Demon Lord, the major immortal sects have always been tolerant of the new Demon cultivators. Even if they are caught, as long as they are confirmed to have not done any evil, they will let them go."

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