I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 84 It’s impossible for anyone to be cheaper than us!

Li Xiuchang swept his consciousness and read Pang Qiang's message.

"Little friend, these two casual cultivators have no martial ethics, so I hope you will uphold justice for me!"

Could it be that the two casual cultivators refused to admit their fault?

There is indeed a problem with excessively cheap labor!

Li Xiuchang was not surprised. When Pang Yuanfu mentioned the price of hiring those two casual cultivators, Li Xiuchang felt that it was unreliable.

He was too lazy to mind his own business, but Pang Qiang had asked him for help, so it was unjustifiable to ignore him completely.

It's not a big deal at all. In the territory of Xianchen Sect, as a disciple of Xianchen Sect, he has nothing to be afraid of as long as he occupies one Li Zi.

Li Xiuchang asked about Pang Qiang's location and flew to the outside of the sect in a flying boat.

Outside the Xianchen Sect, there are as many as a dozen areas dedicated to the residence of registered disciples.

The number of registered disciples of the Xianchen Sect is more than the inner and outer disciples combined.

Li Xiuchang landed at the door of a residential area. Most of the registered disciples at this time had gone out to work, so the residential area was quite quiet.

This also made the quarrel between Pang Pangqiang and the two casual cultivators seem particularly harsh.

When he saw Li Xiuchang coming, Pang Pangqiang seemed to have found a supporter. He straightened up and spoke with some confidence.

"This is my son's best friend and an outer disciple of the Fairy Dust Sect. You two should be wise enough to return the spirit stone quickly, and don't be dissatisfied!"

The two casual cultivators opposite Pang Pangqiang showed a little panic when they heard this, looked around guiltily, and even took a step back subconsciously.

Li Xiuchang took a look at the two casual cultivators, and saw in them a sense of abjection and downfall that was unique to casual cultivators... It felt so right, and he felt that this was what his stereotype of poor casual cultivators should be.

Both of them looked quite young, but the robes they wore looked older than them. After the baptism of time, they had turned white and faded.

The two casual cultivators seemed to have seen that Li Xiuchang was only in the middle stage of Qi training, just like them, so they calmed down a little. One of the black-faced casual cultivators said angrily:

"What about the disciples of the Xianchen Sect? I have heard that your Xianchen Sect is a well-known and upright sect, isn't it unreasonable?"

"Uncle, what's going on?" Li Xiuchang ignored the two people and turned to ask Pang Qiang.

Pang Pangqiang said angrily: "These two people have only been working for half a month. I don't want to use them anymore. I asked them to refund me the remaining half month's wages, but they refused to refund me! If they don't work, they want to take the spirit stone away. , how can such a good thing happen!”

The black-faced casual cultivator glared: "The four spiritual stones you paid for a month have been spent by us long ago. How can we refund it? We were only willing to take this job because you could pay the wages in advance."

The eyes of another casual cultivator with a short hair were as wide as copper bells: "You paid us one month's wages in advance and at least let us work for a full month. How can there be any reason to fire us after half a month? It's obvious that you don't keep your word!"

Pang Pangqiang's eyes widened even more and he said confidently: "You are hired by me. Of course I have the final say when I want to fire you!"

Li Xiuchang also roughly understood it, which was a bit different from what he thought at first.

He originally thought that the two casual cultivators had taken the spirit stones and did not want to work, or were planning to run away.

Unexpectedly, it was Pang Pangqiang who wanted to fire him and also wanted to recover the prepaid spiritual stones.

Li Xiuchang asked: "Uncle, are these two people lazy at work? Are they passive and sabotaging their work?"

"Don't talk nonsense! When did we not finish the work on time and according to the quantity?" the black-faced casual cultivator said angrily.

Under Li Xiuchang's gaze, Pang Pangqiang did not dare to tell lies and shook his head: "That's true."

Then you are not taking any responsibility for this matter... I'm doing a good job, but you just want to fire me?

Li Xiuchang turned to ask: "Then why did uncle fire them both?"

Pang Pangqiang scratched his head: "The wages they charge are too much, I found one with a lower price than them."

Li Xiuchang suspected that he had heard wrongly. During the two middle stages of Qi training, he only needed four spiritual stones a month. How could he find a cheaper labor force than this?

Have the casual cultivators been involved in this situation?

When the two casual cultivators heard this, they both looked in disbelief.

The black-faced cultivator blurted out: "Impossible! You are absolutely talking nonsense. We are the cultivators who have survived the devil's ordeal. Who can earn less than us?"

"Am I talking nonsense? You are just two casual cultivators. You only need three spiritual stones a month. I have negotiated the price and can take over your duties at any time."

The two casual cultivators looked at each other and still couldn't believe it.

They were demon cultivators who had escaped from a difficult situation. How could anyone ask for a lower price than them?

Survival on the territory of the Fairy Dust Sect has become so difficult...

Is there anyone who could compete with them for such a bad job?

Pang Pangqiang sneered: "Do you think you casual cultivators are great? Not only are they casual cultivators, they are also first-level talisman masters!"

Li Xiuchang suddenly realized that this was the case...

The casual cultivator plus the first-level Talisman Master has a full stack of buffs.

That's understandable.

Li Xiuchang said: "Uncle, let them work for this month before you replace them. The difference in wages for this half month is only half a spirit stone, so why don't I replenish it for you."

Li Xiuchang was too lazy to waste time on this half piece of spiritual stone.

Upon hearing this, the two casual cultivators immediately changed their views on Li Xiuchang. When they looked at Li Xiuchang, the hostility in their eyes also dissipated.

Pang Pangqiang was stunned for a few seconds, and said quickly: "Since you have spoken, little friend, I will keep them for another half month, but please don't give out this spiritual stone. I can't let you work hard and lose money."

Li Xiuchang nodded, not even bothering to be polite to Pang Pangqiang, as long as the matter was resolved.


He secretly looked at the two casual cultivators in front of him again, and always felt that they were a little strange.

First of all, in terms of appearance, they didn't look like normal casual cultivators, but rather like people who deliberately dressed themselves up as casual cultivators.

Secondly, the wages these two people asked for were too cheap. Of course, now there are cheaper ones, so this is not a big doubt.

Finally, when these two people first met Li Xiuchang, they acted too guilty. They were obviously right, but they were still so guilty. Why?

Li Xiuchang was more curious about the two.

He extended his spiritual sense and observed the two.

He was already at the peak of Qi training, and his cultivation could suppress the two, so his spiritual sense was stronger than the two.

In addition to the bonus brought by body training to spiritual sense, it can be said that he was ahead of the two in terms of spiritual sense strength.

Therefore, the two were unaware of Li Xiuchang's spiritual sense.

Li Xiuchang's spiritual sense scanned several times, and on the surface, he did not see anything unusual.

However, as a soul control master, he was very sensitive to souls, and vaguely realized that the souls of these two people were stronger than ordinary Qi training cultivators.

But it was not so powerful that it was exaggerated, so it could be ruled out that it was some powerful person who took over the body or was reborn.

Li Xiuchang pretended to say goodbye, but actually hid aside and quietly observed the two.

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