I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 76 I am not a demon when I use the soul flag

Seeing the burning fighting spirit in Wangcai's eyes, Li Xiuchang nodded with satisfaction.

The dog is teachable!

Then he pointed to the training room and said, "Go and practice. I have reserved a place for you."

That is the place with the most spiritual energy.

Wangcai ran to the training room happily, wagging his tail.

In addition to absorbing spiritual energy, the practice of ghosts is to temper the soul body.

In addition, some special spiritual herbs and medicines, as well as natural treasures and some relatively rare elixirs can also directly improve the strength of ghosts.

Soul masters also have many ways to cultivate ghosts and speed up their practice.

But Li Xiuchang's ghost raising is mainly a self-conscious one. He only provides spiritual energy and lets the wolf souls practice by themselves.

He plans to let the wolf souls roll up. Only those who are self-conscious enough, work hard enough, and stand out from the Paw Patrol can get his extra resources.

“After reaching the late stage of Qi training, I can fly with a sword. Do you want to buy a flying sword?”

Li Xiuchang has no interest in flying with a sword, which he considers a “high-risk sport”, but flying a sword is also a means of attack.

If he encounters a suitable flying sword, he still plans to buy one.

In addition to the flying sword, Li Xiuchang also plans to prepare a few more second-level talismans on his body to make talisman bricks.

In addition, he is also short of magical instruments for controlling souls. He only has a gourd magical instrument for holding ghosts, which does not match his identity as a first-level soul control master.

However, magical instruments for controlling souls are rare, and it is estimated that he needs to find a weapon refiner to tailor them.

“You can ask Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi for help in making magical instruments for controlling souls... I will ask Senior Brother Zhang if he is free later.”

“Second-level talismans can be ordered from Senior Brother Wang Long.”

Li Xiuchang first used his identity token to send a message to Wang Long and ordered a batch of second-level talismans.

Then he went to No. 1, Donggeng District, and visited Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi.

"Chang, come in and sit down. I just brewed a pot of the best spiritual tea. You are in for a treat." Zhang Wanzhi said enthusiastically.

Li Xiuchang could smell the refreshing tea fragrance even when he was standing outside the yard. Just taking two sips made him feel refreshed and clear-minded.

It seems that it is indeed the best tea!

Li Xiuchang was not polite and followed Zhang Wanzhi into the house on the first floor.

The two sat opposite each other around the tea table, and the teapot on the table was still steaming.

"Come, try it." Zhang Wanzhi poured a cup of tea for Li Xiuchang.

The tea in the cup was clear and transparent. Li Xiuchang seemed to see the law of operation of some things just by smelling the tea fragrance and watching the rising hot steam. He had some mysterious insights in his heart.

This tea... is not simple!

After being seen through by me, Senior Brother Zhang, you are too lazy to hide it?

You actually used such high-end spiritual tea to treat me!

Li Xiuchang was not polite. Seeing that Zhang Wanzhi had already drunk a cup of tea, he also picked up the teacup and drank it all.

Instantly, the fresh and rich tea fragrance rushed straight to the top of his head, making Li Xiuchang sit up straight with a start, and his mind seemed to enter the legendary state of harmony between heaven and man.

Some questions that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time, some cruxes and doubts encountered in daily practice or skills, at this moment he easily figured it out.

"Good tea!"

He couldn't help but praise.

After taking a sip of tea, Li Xiuchang's various skills level has slightly improved.

Even the length value has improved significantly.

Li Xiuchang looked at the teapot on the table again and swallowed his saliva.

Zhang Wanzhi smiled and said, "Although my tea is good, it is not a magic pill. The best effect is the first cup. Drink the second cup in a row. Junior brother has no doubts in his heart, and it is just ordinary tea."

Although he said so, Zhang Wanzhi still poured another cup of tea for Li Xiuchang.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Senior Brother."

Li Xiuchang drank the second cup of tea, and it was indeed not as magical as the first cup.

It just tasted good.

It seems that this tea needs to accumulate more doubts in daily life before drinking it, which is the best effect. It can help people think and resolve doubts.

When asking others for advice on many questions, the answers they get from others are far less profound and thorough than thinking and understanding by themselves.

This tea can help people think and resolve doubts, which is very rare!

"What are you doing here today, Junior Brother?" Zhang Wanzhi asked.

"This... I don't know if Senior Brother will accept the commission of refining instruments. I want to refine two soul-controlling instruments for my own use." Li Xiuchang explained his purpose.

Zhang Wanzhi is a peak second-level refiner, which is enough to refine the top soul-controlling instruments that Li Xiuchang needs.

Not to mention, Li Xiuchang has reason to suspect that Zhang Wanzhi's refining skills are far more than the second level.

After all, Zhang Wanzhi's alchemy skills, which are said to be at the peak of the second level, are likely to be better than those of Zhao Yuansi, a fifth-level master, and he once said that alchemy is not what he is best at.

In addition, Zhang Wanzhi has always shown an obvious interest in refining instruments...

It is very likely that Zhang Wanzhi's refining level is better than that of alchemy.

"Of course, there is no problem. It's just two magic instruments. It's a matter of convenience. What level of magic instruments do you want, junior brother?" Zhang Wanzhi agreed immediately.

"It's best to have a top-grade magic instrument."

"Okay, then how about refining a soul flag magic instrument that combines soul catching, soul storage, and soul refining? This one is enough."

Li Xiuchang's eyes lit up. The soul flag magic instrument is indeed fully functional. As long as there is this magic instrument, it can not only restrain ghosts, but also store ghosts. There is really no need for other magic instruments.

However, in Li Xiuchang's impression, this soul flag magic instrument seems to be used by people in the magic way.

"Well, the Soul Banner is good, but Senior Brother Zhang, if I show it to others, will I be mistaken for a demon cultivator?" Li Xiuchang asked.

Zhang Wanzhi shook his head and said, "Junior Brother, you are worrying too much. First, the demon path has disappeared for many years. Now it is no longer the era when everyone calls for the demon path. Second, the Soul Banner is becoming more and more common. It is no longer a symbol of demon cultivators. The sect's weapon refiners have also made a Smoke Soul Banner, which sells well.

"And almost everyone who is a soul control master has a Soul Banner. The demon path liked to use the Soul Banner in the past because it was easy to use. Speaking of it, the soul control is indeed derived from the demon path."

"Soul control is derived from the demon path? "It was the first time that Li Xiuchang heard of it, but after thinking about it carefully, many of the methods of controlling souls did have some shadows of the magic path.

Zhang Wanzhi nodded: "The current soul-controlling skills are actually a combination of the Taoist ghost-catching skills and the demon-raising ghost-refining skills. The demons used to be good at refining ghosts and driving them to fight. In order to restrain ghosts, the Taoists developed many ghost-catching techniques.

"After the destruction of the demons, the Taoists combined the two and discarded the dregs of the demons, which became the current soul-controlling skills."

Li Xiuchang dispelled his doubts and said, "Then I'll trouble you, brother, to refine a soul flag for me."

"You and I are brothers and neighbors, so you don't have to be polite. You can come back in a month to get the flag."

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