I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 73 The power of the talisman brick is so terrifying

As soon as this idea appeared, it lingered in Li Xiuchang's mind.

This piqued his curiosity.

How about... try it?

Li Xiuchang was sure that even if he didn't try it now, he would definitely try it after he returned.

This inch of length cannot be saved.

Why not try it now? You can also test the power with the wolves.

"add a bit!"

Li Xiuchang muttered silently in his mind and added one inch to the second-level freezing talisman in his hand.

Suddenly, the light talisman paper in his hand gained weight and became heavy.

Li Xiuchang looked at the talisman in his hand. After the talisman was thickened, it did not become a stack of talismans, but turned into a one-inch thick talisman.

Perhaps this can no longer be called a talisman.

Li Xiuchang felt that this should be called "Fu Brick".

He tentatively injected a bit of mana, and after activating the talisman bricks, he had a clear idea in his heart.

This Talisman Brick can be used in two ways.

One is to use it multiple times and consume it repeatedly until the energy in the Talisman Brick is exhausted and it becomes a useless brick.

The second type is to detonate all the energy in the talisman brick at once, erupting with a power far greater than its original second-level talisman!

Of course Li Xiuchang chose the second option.

He raised the Talisman Brick above his head.


The talisman brick in his hand suddenly exploded, shooting out a surge of cold air.

With Li Xiuchang as the center, a layer of solid ice began to spread outward from the ground under his feet, covering a kilometer in radius in just an instant.

Those wolf demons had no resistance and were frozen into ice sculptures.

Even the wolf soul was not immune. The black shadow-like soul body was covered with a layer of white frost and was frozen in place motionless.

Even the soul was frozen!

Only the Yin Soul Wolf King was still struggling. The sound of cracking ice kept ringing from its soul body. The cold air kept invading from the surface of its soul body, was forced out by it, and invaded again, back and forth.

Its movements were therefore restricted, and it could only stand frozen in place against the cold air.

"This talisman brick is quite powerful!" Li Xiuchang was surprised.

Although it comes at the cost of consuming an inch of length, so I would definitely be reluctant to use it at ordinary times, but it can be used as a trump card, as long as you keep two powerful talismans with you.

Li Xiu often sees the Ghost Wolf King being restricted in his movements, so naturally he will not miss this good opportunity.

Taking advantage of the fact that his illness was killing him, he rushed forward with a single lunge, summoning all his strength. The Vajra Dharma form behind him was full of energy, and the protective light on his body also shone brightly, and he punched the ghost wolf king's soul body with one punch.

Yin Hun's body was like a ball of unforced gas, but after being frozen by the freezing talisman, it became solid.

Li Xiuchang punched down, like smashing a ceramic piggy bank, and shattered the ghost wolf king's soul into pieces.

The other wolf souls hiding in the body of the Ghost Wolf King also rolled out like coins in a piggy bank.

Of course, the ghosts are not so easy to kill, especially the second-level ghosts.

Those broken souls have a tendency to reunite.

Li Xiuchang formed a seal with his hands, and golden haloes of light burst out from his fingertips, which were placed on several broken souls of the Yinhun Wolf King.

He only trapped the largest pieces of soul bodies, which was enough to ensure that the soul body aggregation failed.

At this time, the gathering of the ghost wolf king's soul was forcibly interrupted by Li Xiuchang.

Li Xiuchang is a rookie soul control master who has never started, but if he can't even heal a wounded and broken soul, he would be very sorry for the teachings of Brother Motu.

But now we have only controlled the ghosts, and the next step is to conquer the ghosts.

Judging from the current situation, it is far easier for Li Xiuchang to kill the Shadow Wolf King than to subdue the Shadow Wolf King.

It is not easy for an inexperienced soul master to forcibly conquer the second-level ghosts.

He did not rush to conquer the Ghost Wolf King, but dealt with other wolf souls first.

The other wolf souls were just first-level ghosts, and they had all been injured in the previous battle. Some even had unstable souls and showed signs of collapse.

Li Xiuchang had no difficulty in conquering them.

At this time, there is no need to consider the issue of loyalty or disloyalty. Everything must be forcibly subdued and controlled first.

He stamped all the first-level wolf souls with soul control marks, and then put them into the gourd magic weapon.

Some souls have been wiped out in large numbers and are about to be scattered to pieces at any time. Li Xiuchang will also help them stabilize their souls.

These are all free labor in the future, and Li Xiuchang will be heartbroken if he loses even one.

As for the wolf demons, none of them had thawed, so Li Xiuchang ignored them.

After putting all the more than thirty wolf souls into the gourd weapon, Li Xiuchang turned to deal with the Shadow Wolf King.

The success rate of forcibly controlling the Shadow Wolf King is too low. If the Shadow Wolf King desperately resists, he will probably be driven to pieces.

So Li Xiuchang decided to reason with it.

Second-level ghosts actually already have the ability to communicate.

Li Xiuchang shook the gourd in his hand and pointed at the surrounding wolf monsters that were frozen into ice sculptures.

"Wolf King, you don't want anything to happen to your descendants, right?"

The broken soul of the Ghost Wolf King was like a dark cloud containing thunder and lightning, constantly rolling. However, most of the soul was imprisoned by Li Xiuchang and could not break out of the waves.

A small number of souls that were not imprisoned gathered together to form a small ghost wolf king, only less than knee high.

It looks a little cute.

It bared its teeth and sent out a weak divine message: "Let my people go, and I will follow you!"

"What tribe? You are wolves, you should be called tribe wolves." Li Xiuchang corrected, "Who did you learn this from? You are out of date."

The Ghost Wolf King stared at Li Xiuchang with burning eyes and asked, "Can I?"

Li Xiuchang readily agreed, "Okay, as long as you cooperate with me to form the Soul Control Seal, I promise to let them go."

"The souls of my tribe... the dead wolves of my tribe must also be set free." It stretched out a claw and pointed at the gourd magic weapon in Li Xiuchang's hand.

"That won't work." Li Xiuchang simply refused, "In my eyes, you are not as valuable as them."

He really thought so.

After all, he wanted these wolf souls to work, not to fight, and quantity is far more important than quality.

A second-level wolf soul is definitely not as good as more than thirty first-level wolf souls in terms of work.

"Ah! Bullying wolves is too much! I am the wolf king who has practiced for 300 years. You are making a lot of money by exchanging my life for the freedom of my tribe wolves!" The Ghost Wolf King said angrily.

Li Xiuchang held down its wolf head: "I feel uncomfortable when I hear you talking. What a mess you have learned.

"Isn't it good for you ghosts to follow me? At least you don't have to worry about being corroded by evil spirits and becoming evil ghosts who don't recognize your relatives, don't you think?"

The ghost wolf king roared and said tragically: "I would rather die than be without freedom!"

"You are really stubborn." Li Xiuchang lost his patience, "In this case, I can only transform all your wolf pack into ghosts. "

Hearing this, the ghost wolf king also showed hesitation in his eyes.

Just then, a ghost came trotting over with its tail wagging. It was Wangcai.

When Li Xiuchang was fighting with the wolf pack before, he didn't let it get into trouble and pushed it aside.

Now that the battle was over, it ran over.

Wangcai came to the ghost wolf king with his tail wagging and whined a few times. Li Xiuchang couldn't understand whether it was wolf language, dog language or ghost language, and didn't know what they were saying.

After a moment, the ghost wolf king lowered its proud head and lay on the ground.

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