"Wangcai, you guard this cave entrance."

Li Xiuchang gave an order, leaving Wangcai to guard the cave entrance, and immediately flew to the top of the mountain, ready to support Pang Yuanfu and Chi Hui.

But when he arrived at the cave entrance on the top of the mountain, he saw Chi Hui and Pang Yuanfu lying on the ground, and he didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

He was shocked and jumped down quickly to check their breathing.

"Not bad." Li Xiuchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Both of them were breathing, and there were no obvious external injuries on their bodies. It seemed that they just fainted.

"Is this pig monster hiding its strength?"

Li Xiuchang was sure that there must be something wrong with this pig monster, otherwise it would not be possible to knock down Pang Yuanfu and Chi Hui in an instant.

Even if the two had no combat experience, Pang Yuanfu at least suppressed the pig monster in terms of realm, and it was impossible for him to be defeated so quickly.

Li Xiuchang glanced around, and the vision of a second-level physical cultivator was not covered, and he caught a figure shaking at the entrance of the smoke-filled cave.


Li Xiuchang shot a wind talisman, blowing away the smoke at the entrance of the cave, revealing a pig monster like a calf.

It has thick black hair and two long fangs in its mouth that flash with cold light. Different from the cultivation realm shown before, this time, this pig monster is actually in the late stage of the first stage!

It is equivalent to a cultivator in the late stage of Qi training.

No wonder Pang Yuanfu and Chi Hui are not opponents.

"You are so cunning, you can even hide your cultivation!" Li Xiuchang did not expect that the wind of "God of Taoism" has spread to the group of monsters.

"Isn't it all learned from you humans? Don't you human cultivators like to hide your cultivation and pretend to be pigs to eat tigers? Why do you pretend to be a pig to eat tigers? Tigers will run away when they see me." The pig monster spoke human language, and it was a crisp female voice.

"You can speak?!" Li Xiuchang was surprised.

First-level monsters generally cannot speak, not because they can't speak, but because no one teaches them.

Most of them can only learn human language quickly after becoming second-level monsters and greatly improving their learning ability.

"I am not one of those crude wild monsters out there. I am a pig raised by a scholar. What's so strange about being able to talk? I can also write poems!"

I hope your poetry skills are not too good. I am afraid that my master will roast you because he cannot accept that his poetry talent is inferior to that of a pig... At this time, Li Xiuchang still did not forget to criticize Zhao Yuansi in his heart.

The main reason is that he is not panicking and has confidence.

What can a late-stage first-order monster do?

He can suppress it in minutes with his second-order body refining!

Therefore, Li Xiuchang still has the leisure to chat with this maverick pig monster.

"You said you were raised by a scholar? It turns out that it is not a wild boar but a domestic pig." Li Xiuchang felt a little regretful. From the perspective of food, wild ones are more precious and more flavorful than domestic ones.

He suddenly remembered the tombstone he saw outside, and blurted out: "The scholar you are talking about is Su Qingchun scholar?"

"Do you know my master?"

"No, I just happened to see your master's tombstone outside. Did you erect that tombstone? Did you carve the inscription on it?"

"That's right!" The pig demon raised his head, and a human-like proud look appeared on his head.

Li Xiuchang had felt that the inscription was crooked and didn't look like it was written by a human, but it turned out that it was not.

"Why hurt people!" Li Xiuchang asked directly.

"I just wanted to eat a bite. The wild grass and vegetables in the wild are too unpalatable and difficult to swallow. There is no spiritual food nearby. Moreover, I don't kill people or eat people. Why do you righteous monks bother me!" The pig demon said angrily.

It turned out that domestic pigs couldn't eat bran. This pig demon was probably spoiled by the scholar. It couldn't get used to the food in the wild and only cared about human food.

"You're still right? If it weren't for the fact that you didn't kill anyone, you would be dead now. How could you have the chance to say so much nonsense? If you surrender obediently, I can spare your life to make up for your mistake!"

"You're bullying the pig too much!" The pig demon roared, kicked the ground with four hooves, and rushed towards Li Xiuchang.

Li Xiuchang was calm and prepared to summon the short and fat Vajra Dharma to bless himself and capture the pig demon with his bare hands, but suddenly his face changed.

Another figure rushed out from the side and ran straight towards him!

That was... Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi!

Li Xiuchang's heart skipped a beat.

Zhang Wanzhi had a problem and a secret, which he had long been sure of, and therefore he had always been a little wary of Zhang Wanzhi.

During this outing, Zhang Wanzhi's frequent attempts made him suspicious.

Now seeing Zhang Wanzhi appear here, and with great momentum, reaching out to grab him.

This made Li Xiuchang shocked and angry.

"He really has bad intentions towards me and wants to harm me!"

"Sure enough, the world of immortal cultivation cannot trust anyone easily. The harmonious atmosphere on the surface of the Xianchen Sect made me relax my vigilance..."

"I am still too young and was deceived by his kind appearance..."

"I trusted him so much!"

Countless thoughts flashed through Li Xiuchang's mind, and all kinds of emotions surged up, and anger rose from his heart for a while.

Never sit and wait for death!

Even if you are not an opponent, you can't give up resistance!

The short and fat Vajra Dharma image appeared behind Li Xiuchang, and the protective light emerged from his body. Li Xiuchang's momentum surged, and he raised his hand and punched Zhang Wanzhi who was coming towards him with all his strength.

Zhang Wanzhi showed a slight surprise on his face, but he didn't avoid it.


Li Xiuchang punched Zhang Wanzhi in the chest with a solid punch.

Zhang Wanzhi didn't move at all, and asked in confusion: "Xiuchang, what are you doing?"


Li Xiuchang felt a piercing pain on his fist, as if he had punched an indestructible top-grade refining material, which made him gasp.

However, he didn't care about the pain in his hand at this time, and felt that something was wrong.

Zhang Wanzhi took one hand back from behind Li Xiuchang, holding a struggling ghost in his hand.

And his other hand was holding the pig demon.

The pig demon, which was the size of a calf, was like a chicken in Zhang Wanzhi's hand. He was lifted up by him with one hand and had no power to resist.

Li Xiuchang was dumbfounded.

So Zhang Wanzhi didn't come for him just now, but to catch the ghost that attacked him?

Li Xiuchang restored the scene just now in his mind...

The pig demon rushed towards him head-on, and there was a ghost lurking behind him waiting for an opportunity to attack him.

Then Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi came in and blocked him in front of him. While blocking the pig demon's impact for him, he also captured the ghost behind him.

And what did he do?

He went all out and delivered the strongest punch since he started practicing, which hit Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi's chest hard.

Damn it!

What on earth am I doing?

Li Xiuchang wanted to slap himself twice.

He didn't dare to look at Senior Brother Zhang's eyes full of doubt and regret, and didn't dare to look at him.

He didn't know how to respond to Senior Brother Zhang's words "Xiuchang, what are you doing?"

Li Xiuchang just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

The scene was silent for two or three seconds, but Li Xiuchang felt that it was as long as a century.

He finally asked with difficulty: "Senior Brother, are you okay?"

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