Zhang Wanzhi and Shi Tian have always been in contact, and this time they reached a deal.

Zhang Wanzhi helped clear up a group of garbage that went to the Zen Mind Realm to cause trouble, and Shi Tian in return would answer Zhang Wanzhi's question.

Zhang Wanzhi didn't mention the specific question, and Li Xiuchang didn't ask more.

What he was more curious about was, who was Shi Tian going to deal with?

Zhang Wanzhi briefly explained that the previous test in the Reclining Buddha statue had been opened by them in advance, which prevented Shi Tian and the others from achieving their goal of selecting a large number of outstanding Buddhist cultivators.

So he reset all the test procedures and restarted the test from the first level.

This has greatly benefited Buddhist practice in the Zen world.

But the Buddhists had not enjoyed it for a few days when people from other worlds heard the news and touched it.

A group of people previously relied on the miraculous collective ascension of the Reclining Buddha Stone Statue in the Zen Mind Realm, triggering a wave of ascension in several worlds and even spreading to the Immortal Shadow Realm.

This also spread the reputation of the Reclining Buddha Statue, attracting many people.

Including the four major immortal sects in the Immortal Yin Realm, they all sent people to the Temple of the Reclining Buddha at that time.

It’s just that the magic of the Reclining Buddha statue disappeared after that, and people from all walks of life came to see it in vain.

But now, the miraculous reappearance of the reclining Buddha stone statue has attracted a group of people to covet it.

Including the bandits from the Wanshan Realm, they directly formed a team to go there, hoping to drive away the monks from the Zen Heart Realm.

It would be fine if there was just one Wanshan Realm, but there are powerful people from other realms. The monks in the Zen Heart Realm can only mediate among the various forces, use the various forces to check and balance each other, and leave a mouthful of soup for themselves.

That's all, but a group of strong men from the snow field appeared again!

This group of strong men from the Snowfield Realm are so domineering and powerful that even the bandits from the Wanshan Realm are afraid of them.

Snowfield Realm directly occupied the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, drove everyone out, and charged high "tickets".

Outsiders who want to enter the Temple of the Reclining Buddha to practice have to pay a hefty entrance fee.

This made the monks in the Zen Heart Realm so furious that they could not suppress the anger even by chanting Buddhist scriptures.

The strong men from the Snowfield Realm took over their Temple of the Reclining Buddha, and then turned around and asked them to collect the tickets. Are there any such bullies?

But the arms can't twist the thighs. No matter how angry the monks are, the gap in strength is still there.

Fortunately, there was a giant Buddha like Shi Tian above their heads. Even Shi Tian couldn't stand it anymore and contacted Zhang Wanzhi, asking Zhang Wanzhi to help expel the powerful men from the Snowfield Realm.

Li Xiuchang asked: "Senior brother, what is the origin of the Snowfield Realm? How dare you be so arrogant."

Zhang Wanzhi replied: "The Snowfield Realm is a fifth-level world on the same level as the Immortal Yin Realm. Naturally, their strength is not comparable to those in the lower realm. Their location should not be far from the Immortal Yin Realm. I don't know which way I took, but I touched the Zen Heart Realm." ”

"Is it possible that he is a demon cultivator when he acts so arrogantly?" Li Xiuchang frowned.

Zhang Wanzhi shook his head: "There can be a good person like Lao Mo among demon cultivators, and it is not unusual for a group of scum to breed among righteous cultivators.

"It is said that the Snowfield is a land of ice and snow, covered with snow all year round. People cannot support themselves by farming, so they can only ask monks to cast spells to grow food. This also results in the monks having an extremely high status and being able to take whatever they want from the people.

"Over a long period of time, the hierarchy in the snowfield world has become strict, and mortals have become slaves of the monks. Only by serving the monks can they grow food and feed their families.

"What monks in the Snowfield Realm do to mortals is no less generous than the Demonic Cultivators in the Dark Heaven Realm. They are just a group of Demonic Cultivators cloaked in righteousness."

Li Xiuchang's hands felt a little itchy: "That's good, go meet them and let them have a taste of the power of my Ping Ping gun!"

He was worried that there was no qualified villain to test the gun for him, but these people from the snowfield world jumped out.

Before setting off, Li Xiuchang made a special trip to see Pang Yuanfu.

After not seeing each other for a few years, Pang Yuanfu became more and more plump, with a happy look on his face, and he looked like a blessed person at first glance.

After practicing for more than ten years, he has long lost the arrogance and vanity of his youth.

Seeing Li Xiuchang, Pang Yuanfu said with a sad face: "Brother Li, do you think I was born with a lot of bad luck in life? Why do these inexplicable things always happen to me?"

Pang Yuanfu looked back on his more than ten years of cultivation career. He has always practiced low-key cultivation and never caused trouble.

But it seems that everything is rushing to find him.

That year, when I went out on a demon-killing mission for the first time, I encountered a pig demon who was hiding his strength.

Later, it was confirmed as the "water source body", which attracted the covetousness of the demon cultivator of desire and demon.

Ask him to change his appearance and be cautious every time he goes out to provide disaster relief after rainfall.

After finally waiting for the Desire Demon Sect to be destroyed, he could finally go out with peace of mind. Suddenly the elder found him again, interrogated him, and then asked him to stay in the Xianchen Sect temporarily and not go anywhere.

Because the elders suspected that he was being targeted by a strong man, it might be dangerous to go out now.

Li Xiuchang comforted him: "Brother Pang, what are you talking about? You have been doing good deeds and providing disaster relief. You have merit and virtue. You are a blessed person at first glance."

"Lucky sign? Just don't call it a 'talisman'. Now I don't even dare to go out."

Li Xiuchang asked with concern: "Brother Pang, what is the specific situation, haven't you figured it out yet?"

Pang Yuanfu shook his head: "Several elders interrogated me that day. They first asked me about my recent whereabouts, and then asked me which outsiders I had contacted. After confirming that I was not lying, they told me that someone was pretending to be me and doing evil.

"Now the sect says that it has sent people to arrest the person who pretended to be me. If he is not eliminated for one day, I will not be allowed to go out for one day.

"But I have racked my brains and don't know who I have offended. I have never made an enmity with anyone in my more than ten years of practice!"

Pang Yuanfu frowned.

Li Xiuchang felt guilty.

Because what happened to Pang Yuanfu this time was most likely caused by him, all because he had been wearing the vest of Pang Yuanfu.

But he didn't use this vest in vain. Now Pang Yuanfu has a certain reputation in many worlds.

If one day in the future, Pang Yuanfu is strong enough to travel to all the worlds, then he may find that every world is his legend.

From Pang Yuanfu, Li Xiuchang got an important piece of information, that is, the Xianchen Sect had sent strong men to arrest the person pretending to be Pang Yuanfu.

Li Xiuchang suspected that it was one of his enemies, so he didn't want the other party to fall into the hands of the Xianchen Sect, so as not to involve him.

So it's best for them to get ahead of the powerful men from the Fairy Dust Sect and catch the impostor.

Li Xiuchang also made some guesses about the identity of the impostor.

But it was not immediately clear who it was.

He offended many people in various worlds, but most of the people who had conflicts with him either died or ascended.

Of course he also thought of Ancestor Tianxiang.

However, Patriarch Tianxiang knew his real name, so there was no need to pretend to be Pang Yuanfu.

It's a pity that Senior Brother Gui is not here, otherwise he would have asked Senior Brother Gui to help him calculate the fortune and determine the identity of the impostor.

Without further ado, Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi immediately set off for the lower realm.

According to the information collected from Senior Brother Chen Changsheng's clone, the impostor mainly operates in the lower realm of the Immortal Yin Realm.

In the past two months, he has appeared in Wanshan Realm and Haizhou Realm respectively.

The last time he appeared was in Wanshan Realm.

"If you want to aimlessly find someone in the whole world, it is basically impossible to do it unless you rely on hexagrams to locate someone. So we should go to the Zen Heart Realm through the Sea Boat Realm first, and deal with the gang in the Snow Plains Realm first. Guy." Zhang Wan knew.

"Okay." Li Xiuchang nodded without any objection.

Senior Brother Chen Changsheng's clone is already paying close attention to the movements of Haizhou Realm and Wanshan Realm.

Once the whereabouts of the counterfeit is discovered, Li Xiuchang and the two will be notified immediately.

Therefore, there is no need for the two of them to search around the world. They can just be busy with other things first and wait for the news.

To go to Haizhou Realm, you can only take the passage of Duanxian Cliff.

The two of them forced their way through the Broken Immortal Cliff again and jumped into the lower realm passage.

Beside the Duanxian Cliff, several elders of the Immortal Dust Sect who were sitting in the area looked calm, as if they had not seen the two figures who had just entered the Duanxian Cliff.

I'm really used to it...

In recent years, people have been forcing their way into Duanxian Cliff at every turn.

At first, they tried their best to stop them, but later they discovered that none of the people who forced their way into the passage could be dealt with by them. They were all terrifyingly powerful!

And he spared no effort towards them and never hurt them.

So the elders sitting here turned a blind eye and let them go.

Otherwise, what else can we do?

I can't stop it!

Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi passed through the sticky jelly-like boundary wall and arrived at the Haizhou Realm.

This was the second time Li Xiuchang came to Haizhou Realm. He asked curiously:

"Senior brother, if someone throws rubbish from Duanxian Cliff, will it hit the people in Haizhou Realm below?"

Zhang Wanzhi shook his head: "How is that possible! If that were the case, the bastards from the Wanshan Realm would throw bricks at the Zen Heart Realm every day, and they would have destroyed the bald donkeys in the Zen Heart Realm long ago.

"In fact, the boundary wall you just passed through is the best barrier in the world. Even if debris is thrown down from the upper boundary, it will be blocked by the boundary wall and trapped in the thick boundary wall layer."

"I see. Isn't there a lot of things hidden in the boundary wall?"

"Why, do you still want to go in and hunt for treasure?" Zhang Wanzhi joked.

The two of them did not stay in the Haizhou Realm and flew directly to the passage leading to the Zen Heart Realm.

However, along the way, the two people clearly discovered that the defense forces in various key areas of Haizhou Realm were strong, and it was suspected that strong men from the four major immortal sects were involved.

There are many reasons why the entire Haizhou world is heavily guarded.

First, the reclining Buddha stone statue in the Zen Heart Realm, the lower realm, is magical again, and the Haizhou Realm may welcome many people from other worlds.

The second is that the person who pretended to be Pang Yuanfu committed many major crimes in the Haizhou world, and now it is to prevent him from committing crimes again.

Third, Chen Changsheng heard the news that the four major immortal sects in the Immortal Shadow Realm seemed to be interested in taking action against the Snowy Plains Realm.

Now a large number of strong men are being mobilized in the Haizhou Realm, most likely to send troops to the Zen Heart Realm to drive away those strong men from the Snowfield Realm who have occupied the Temple of the Reclining Buddha.

"Brother, do you think it is still necessary for us to go to the Zen Mind Realm?" Li Xiuchang asked.

It seems that the four major immortal sects in the Immortal Shadow Realm will deal with the scum in the Snowfield Realm, and there is no need for Zhang Wanzhi to take action.

"Go, of course!" Zhang Wanzhi said without hesitation, "How can I prove that I have contributed even if I don't go? How can I make Shi Tian fulfill his promise?"

Li Xiuchang also preferred to go to the Zen Heart Realm to join in the fun, for no other reason than to test the gun.

The two of them flew all the way to the passage leading to the Zen Heart Realm, which was now guarded by elite disciples from the four major immortal sects.

However, even if they were replaced by the elders of the four great immortal sects, Li Xiuchang and the two would still break in, so they did not give them any face and just forced their way in.


"Who is coming!"

Li Xiuchang ignored them and went straight to the passage.

"Be bold!"

Several disciples of the four major immortal sects shouted angrily, and various attacks rained down on Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi.

"Stupid Qing!"

Li Xiuchang cursed, these disciples were indeed not as smooth as the elders.

If they had been replaced by the elders of the four major immortal sects, the two of them should have reached the Zen Heart Realm by now.

Li Xiuchang stood there motionless and withstood all the attacks with the protective light alone.

This hand finally shocked those disciples and made them understand the gap in strength between them and Li Xiuchang.

But they did not give up, but shouted: "Inform the elders quickly!"

Li Xiuchang had no choice but to wave them away with his hand, and jumped directly into the passage with senior brother Zhang Wanzhi.

After crossing the boundary wall, they finally reached the Zen Heart Realm.

After confirming their location, the two flew directly towards the Temple of the Reclining Buddha.

In order to better integrate into the Zen world and not attract attention, Li Xiuchang disguised himself as a monk this time. In the Zen world of monks everywhere, monks are the least conspicuous.

Zhang Wanzhi also followed suit. Like Li Xiuchang, he disguised himself as a Buddhist cultivator.

The difference is that Li Xiuchang just disguised himself as a young monk with red lips and white teeth, while Zhang Wanzhi directly disguised himself as an elderly monk who looked extraordinary.

With a compassionate face, wearing a purple and gold cassock, and with deep eyes that seem to hide reincarnation, he looks like an eminent monk at first glance.

Behind him was the young monk Li Xiuchang, who was like a master and disciple.

Li Xiuchang sighed. The presence of Senior Brother Zhang directly changed his low-key image into a high-profile one.

Two monks, one old and one young, flew to the Temple of the Reclining Buddha.

When I arrived, I found that this place had already turned into a battlefield!

A group of people watching the battle, especially the monks from the Zen Heart Realm, gathered around to form a large army, watching from a distance.

This battle will directly affect the fate of their Buddhist cultivation in the Zen Mind Realm!

The two warring parties were clearly the four powerful immortal sects from the Immortal Shadow Realm and the scum from the Snowfield Realm.

The people in the Snowfield Realm bullied others too much. The Buddhist cultivators in the Zen Heart Realm were intolerable and unable to resist, but after all, they had people above them.

The Zen Heart Realm has been the lower realm of the Immortal Shadow Realm since ancient times. When did it allow others to get involved?

So the monks from the Zen Heart Realm asked for help from the Immortal Yin Realm.

Then, the powerful men from the four major immortal sects came over to kill him.

At present, the four powerful immortal sects and the powerful people from the snowfield world are inextricably killed. The ascending rays of light continue to fall, and people are ascending one after another.

The strength of the Snowfield Realm is not weak. After all, it is also the fifth level world. For a while, it is difficult to distinguish between the winner and the strong ones of the Immortal Shadow Realm.

The arrival of Li Xiuchang immediately attracted the attention of many people.

With such an exciting and exciting battle ahead, so many people noticed Li Xiuchang and the others simply because Zhang Wanzhi's image at this time was so eye-catching.

"This is... the eminent monk hidden in the Zen world?"

Even the monks in the Zen Mind Realm themselves doubted it, thinking that Zhang Wanzhi was a hidden Buddhist powerhouse in their Zen Heart Realm and that the real Buddha existed.

Fear flashed across the eyes of the strong men in the Snowfield Realm. Zhang Wanzhi made the strong men in the Snowfield Realm feel like they were facing a formidable enemy just by showing off his appearance.

"Amitabha." Zhang Wanzhi recited the Buddha's name, "All donors in the snowy field, it is better to listen to my advice."

The strong man headed by the Snowfield Realm frowned, but still showed respect and asked, "Master, what advice do you have?"

Zhang Wanzhi clasped his hands together and silently spoke out his advice, only one word: "Get out!"

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