I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 29 The Fairy in My Arms

Li Xiuchang was happy to get his first flying boat in his life.

From then on, he was no longer the target of "taxi drivers".

On the way back, Senior Brother Wang Long still took Li Xiuchang's flying boat, but even though it was not raining, he insisted on pulling up the tarpaulin and squatting in the boat, which puzzled Li Xiuchang.

The two flew slowly towards the sect, and talked about their smoked spirit meat business on the way.

"Recently, sales in the outer sect have been a bit weak. The last batch of spirit meat was sold out after two days. Fortunately, the reputation of smoked spirit meat has spread to the inner sect, and I believe that the inner sect market will be opened soon." Wang Long said.

Li Xiuchang had long anticipated this situation. The audience group of smoked spirit meat was too small, and it was concentrated in the Xianchen Sect.

They shipped in large quantities, which soon caused the outer sect market to be saturated.

Even if the inner sect market was opened, it would only last for a while.

Inner disciples are generally better off financially than outer disciples, and most of them live a life of hardship, either in seclusion or on missions to slay demons.

Therefore, inner disciples consume the Qigong pills faster, and smoked spirit meat is definitely in the inner sect.

But the number of inner disciples is much smaller than that of outer disciples, and there are even fewer Qigong monks who need Qigong pills.

So the inner sect market is not big, and it may soon be saturated.

Li Xiuchang said indifferently: "When the inner sect also has weak sales, if we can't open up new sales channels, our smoked meat sales will definitely drop sharply, but it doesn't matter, we will take whatever we can earn, and we don't expect to live on this for a lifetime."

Wang Long nodded: "Later, we may rely mainly on repurchases from old customers. At that time, we will directly reduce the scale of production, or simply stop production, and stock up more goods in advance to sell slowly."

Neither of them expected to make smoked spirit meat a long-term business, but just wanted to earn some spirit stones for a transition.

When their skills or cultivation level improve later, they may not look down on the spirit stones they earn now.

Senior Brother Wang Long's goal is to become a second-level talisman master, while Li Xiuchang wants to use this spiritual stone to help himself reach the third level of Qi training.

When he reaches the third level of Qi training and has divine consciousness, he can see the mana in his Dantian through introspection, and then try to use "length" to increase mana and improve his cultivation.

If he succeeds, he will no longer have to spend time practicing. As long as he concentrates on practicing skills and accumulating length, his cultivation will rise.

Zhang Wanzhi, who has been away for more than half a month, finally came back, carrying the old man in his hand, and followed by a middle-aged strong man with a sturdy back and a face full of flesh, who doesn't look like a good person.

"This kid, tsk tsk tsk ..."

Zhang Wanzhi looked in the direction of No. 18, Donggeng District, and didn't know what to say for a while.

He left fifty spiritual stones to Li Xiuchang at the beginning, thinking that Li Xiuchang would practice well and improve his cultivation quickly.

But when he came back, he found that Li Xiuchang had successfully started a business with that little start-up capital.

"His special magic power is interesting, and his cultivation has not fallen behind. He has reached the second level of Qi training. It seems that Lao Gui was right. This kid is a little special." Zhang Wanzhi said happily.

He was not afraid that Li Xiuchang had problems, but he was afraid that Li Xiuchang was too mediocre.

The bigger the problem of Li Xiuchang, the more special and evil, the greater the hope that he could help them.

They had long been stuck in a dead end, waiting for an opportunity to break the deadlock.

Behind Zhang Wanzhi, the strong man with a face full of flesh said without any fluctuations: "It's still not fast enough. If he practices magic skills, I can let him build a foundation within a year."

Zhang Wanzhi shook his head: "That's not necessary. It's not a good thing to force growth. I've waited for so many years, and I'm not in a hurry at this moment."

After a pause, Zhang Wanzhi pointed to a group of people at No. 18, Donggeng District, and said: "Lao Mo, what do you think we should do with these people?"

Donggeng District has always maintained a quiet environment with few people under their maintenance, but now there are a lot of people busy at Li Xiuchang's residence, which makes Zhang Wanzhi a little headache.

There were ten firemen working hard inside and outside the courtyard, and dozens of people were flying in the sky collecting smoke like flies.

Donggeng District had never been so lively.

They were all people with secrets, and the crowd made them feel uncomfortable when they spoke and did things.

The strong man Lao Mo glanced and said, "Give him tens of thousands of spirit stones by creating an accident. This smoked meat won't make a few spirit stones. When the time comes, he will look down on these spirit stones and naturally stop working."

Zhang Wanzhi laughed: "You don't know the character of that kid. He is comparable to Chen Wugui. I spent a lot of effort to get him to accept 50 spirit stones. With tens of thousands of spirit stones, he might think someone wants to buy his life... Let's find a way to get him to move those furnaces somewhere else."

Lao Mo thought about it and nodded: "Leave it to me."


Li Xiuchang didn't know when Zhang Wanzhi went out, let alone when he came back.

After returning from the market, he finished the things at hand and went into the practice room again to practice in seclusion.

Time came to night.

For cultivators, there is no difference between day and night.

Especially the Xianchen Sect's protective formation, which has the effect of condensing moonlight, so the vision is very good even in the middle of the night.

Inside and outside the courtyard, ten firemen in the late stage of Qi training and first-level talisman masters are busy with their work in a rhythmic manner. There are more than 40 Qi training cultivators in the sky who are collecting smoke. No one is going off work to rest because it is dark.

Senior Brother Wang Long is in the quiet room in Li Xiuchang's house, concentrating on drawing talismans.

After working with the firemen for a long time, they have a tacit understanding. He doesn't need to supervise them all the time. He just needs to go out and take a look occasionally.

Now Senior Brother Wang Long has more money on hand. Recently, he practices drawing second-level talismans whenever he has time, and strives to become a second-level talisman master.


Wang Long sighed as he watched the talisman paper in his hand turn into ashes.

"It's so quiet tonight."

He paused, and felt something was wrong. It was too quiet tonight... Aren't those guys lazy?

He pushed the door open and walked out. The scene in front of him made him stand there.

Several firemen had silly smiles on their faces, their eyes lost focus, and they were swaying in place, their arms still groping for the air in front of them.

Above, the more than 40 people were the same. Only a few female disciples were slightly better, but they were also confused, and their minds were obviously confused.

Wang Long's eyes blurred, and suddenly he saw a fairy with a peerless appearance and purity like jade walking towards him. The fairy's clothes were messy, half covered and half exposed, which made him lose consciousness for a while.

Wang Long didn't know what was wrong with him, and he pounced on the fairy who was obviously problematic.

He hugged the fairy, but when he turned his head, it was not a fairy at all!

It was just a skeleton with skin and flesh attached.

There is a ghost!

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