Li Xiuchang put a few Dream Pills into the tray, and then crushed and flattened them with his magic power.

He had confirmed from Senior Sister Xia Sijun that the Dream Pills were pills with evenly distributed medicinal power.

In simple terms, they can be crushed, flattened, and then added.

Add some... flatten... add some more... flatten again...

After repeating the operation several times, Li Xiuchang got a Dream Pill (flattened version) that covered an acre of land.

He took out a large piece and put it on the table, just covering the entire Eight Immortals Table.

Looking at the large square "pill", it tasted a bit like a cake.

Li Xiuchang cut a small piece with a knife, took a bite, and soon began to enter the dream state.

In the dream, he could only comprehend the "equality path".

However, Li Xiuchang planned to comprehend the equality path to a very high level first, and then try to use the equality path to make all other messy paths equal to the Buddhist path.

At that time, he would be able to comprehend any avenue in the dream state.

This is called sharpening the knife before chopping wood, and the equal way is his axe.

Once he can reach that level, even his various skills can be comprehended in dreams, and the speed of skill improvement will be taken to a new level!

However, enlightenment is not something that you will definitely gain if you invest time.

Sometimes you just can't understand it, what should you do?

Then comprehend it for a while longer.

Anyway, you are comprehending in dreams, and the speed of time is much faster than in reality.

As long as you comprehend for a long time, there will always be a flash of inspiration.

Li Xiuchang's original body entered the dream to comprehend the Tao, slept soundly, and left all the hard work to the clone.

Li Xiuchang's clone first went to the ghost factory and the medicine field to visit the hard-working ghost employees, and asked Su Qingchun to help them get rid of their hostility.

The fourth-level cold tree in the medicine field finally bloomed and bore fruit after the ghosts fertilized and irrigated it continuously and at no cost!

All of Li Xiuchang's medicinal fields have been using the water from the Moonfall Spring to improve the soil quality. A large number of spiritual stones are buried under the medicinal fields. On the surface, his medicinal fields are only earth-level medicinal fields and human-level medicinal fields, but in fact they have reached the standard of heaven-level medicinal fields.

Therefore, the spiritual plants in the medicinal fields grow very fast.

The fourth-level Youhan tree has been enjoying the irrigation of the spring dew, and it has bloomed and borne fruit much earlier than expected.

The fourth-level Youhan fruit is just enough for the combat-organized ghosts under Li Xiuchang's command.

If the ghosts are upgraded to the fifth level after a period of time, they will be of little use.

Li Xiuchang is thinking about industrial transformation.

There is no need to plant ordinary spiritual plants in the medicinal fields. They are just for sale.

He has no shortage of spiritual stones, so there is no need to plant these spiritual plants.

In the future, the spiritual plants planted in his medicinal fields will be mainly for his own use, and only rare spiritual plants will be planted!

Or special spiritual plants that have been added.

There is no need to plant those spiritual plants that can be bought outside with spiritual stones.

He immediately added some points to a Youhan grass seed to the size of a basketball and planted it in the ground.

After successfully germinating it, he breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing unexpected happened, it should grow into a sixth-level Youhan tree.

With his current level of spiritual plant skills, planting a sixth-level spiritual plant is already the limit.

Li Xiuchang sorted out the spiritual plant seeds on hand and quickly locked on the seeds of "lying grass".

Although he has now achieved freedom of dream pills, if he uses the lying grass grown from the lying grass seeds after adding some points to refine the dream pills, will the effect be better?

But the seeds of "lying grass" can only grow in the place where the real Buddha sleeps soundly, and cannot be planted in the medicine field at all.

Even if you add some points to the seeds, it will be a waste of length.

You can't move the reclining Buddha stone statue from the Zen Heart Realm, right?

It's not impossible. The monks of the Reclining Buddha Temple probably don't dare to object. The main reason is that there is not enough space in the medicine field.

In addition to the lying grass seeds, the most useful seeds he has on hand are various tobacco seeds.

Although the internal organs have been refined to perfection, this limit can be broken by using high-level spiritual plants such as tobacco.

Li Xiuchang thought about it, picked out several commonly used tobacco seeds, added some points, and then planted them in the medicine field.

Tobacco is a thing that consumes a lot of energy. Even if you can't use it yourself, the excess can be used to exchange for other resources with the monks in the Pure Land.

Therefore, he specially took out a piece of medicine field to plant the added-point burning heart grass and other kinds of tobacco.

After adding points, the burning heart grass was upgraded from a fifth-level spiritual plant to a sixth-level spiritual plant.

It is said that at the fifth-level stage of body refining, the burning heart grass is the tobacco with the best effect in refining the internal organs, and when it comes to the sixth-level body refining, the monks in the Pure Land will replace the burning heart grass with other tobacco.

This is purely because the grade of the burning heart grass can't keep up. If you want to say that the most suitable tobacco for refining the internal organs is still the burning heart grass.

If there is a sixth-level burning heart grass, then it must still be the first choice for refining the internal organs.

Therefore, Li Xiuchang created the sixth-level burning heart grass himself.

Although a whole medicinal field was planted, Li Xiuchang left a lot of space for each seed to grow, considering that the spiritual plant seeds after adding points would grow into large pieces. In fact, not many plants were planted.

But just adding points to the seeds took nearly a hundred inches of length.

After leaving the medicinal field, Li Xiuchang went to the headquarters of the Four Immortals Chamber of Commerce and dealt with some chores before returning to Donggeng District.

The main task of his clone is to improve the level of skills and accumulate length.

This is mainly achieved through classes and practice, but now that the neighbors have all left, the only courses Li Xiuchang can choose are the formation class of the little turtle and the talisman class of Chen Changsheng's clone.

Li Xiuchang naturally preferred to find Chen Changsheng for class. Anyway, Wenwen was idle all day long, so he could find him for the formation class at any time.

Moreover, Wenwen's formation class was not very orthodox, and he was too biased in his subject. Li Xiuchang was a little disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

If possible, Li Xiuchang would rather let Senior Brother Chen teach him the formation.

Chen Changsheng's clone was not idle either. When Li Xiuchang went to find him, he saw him holding the formation plate and deducing something.

Li Xiuchang had greeted Senior Brother Chen before he came. Chen Changsheng also knew his purpose. He pointed to the cushion beside him and said:

"Sit down for a while, I'll be there soon."

Li Xiuchang sat down and watched Senior Brother Chen tinkering with the formation plate. He looked at it for a long time and felt lonely.

When he saw the semi-finished formation deduced on the formation plate, all that came to Li Xiuchang's mind was how to destroy this formation.

This was the sequelae of learning formations with Wenwen later.

After a moment, Chen Changsheng put down the formation plate, took a closer look at Li Xiuchang, and said with a little surprise:

"Is this your clone? What a strong crystal of mana! Your clone is not simple."

"It can't compare with my brother's clone." Li Xiuchang said modestly.

"It's true that the number can't be compared, but... your clone has amazing potential!"

The more Chen Changsheng looked at Li Xiuchang's clone, the more surprised he was, and he found something special.

Although his own clones are numerous, there is a huge gap in strength between the clones and the original body.

But Li Xiuchang's clone seems to be no different from the original body.

The biggest difference may be in the body.

Li Xiuchang is a body-refining cultivator, and his physical body is stronger than the energy crystal of the clone.

But if Li Xiuchang didn't practice body cultivation at the same time, it is very likely that his clone would be stronger than the original body!

This is impossible for a normal cultivator!

In addition, Chen Changsheng faintly felt the breath of the primordial spirit in this clone...

If the clone's crystal body was replaced with a flesh and blood body, he couldn't even tell that it was Li Xiuchang's clone.

His own clones won by quantity, while Li Xiuchang's clones obviously took the boutique route and won by quality.

Speaking of clones, Li Xiuchang thought of the inheritance of "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses" that he had obtained.

He planned to absorb the essence of this corpse refining method to strengthen the clone.

He immediately took out "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses" and asked Brother Chen to help him improve it.

In fact, it would be more appropriate to ask Brother Motu or Brother Zhang Wanzhi for advice on this method of refining corpses. One of them is proficient in magic, and the other is good at refining weapons, both of which are related to "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses".

Unfortunately, both of them are not here.

Fortunately, Chen Changsheng is proficient in various secret techniques and has studied the secret techniques of various schools. He has learned from others and formed his own understanding.

After reading the "Nine Refinings of Demonic Corpses", he sighed: "It is indeed a very brilliant and exquisite method of refining corpses! Among the similar methods I know, it is definitely the best!"

Chen Changsheng spoke highly of the "Nine Refinings of Demonic Corpses", but also pointed out that many of the methods are still too biased towards the magic way and are suspected of being tricky.

However, the flaws do not outweigh the merits, and there are still many merits.

"It will take a long time to change this "Nine Refinings of Demonic Corpses", and I really don't have much research on refining corpses. Let me make a small change to the first three refinements for you. You can try it first, and wait for Lao Mo and the others to come back. The rest will be discussed later," Chen Changsheng said.

Li Xiuchang naturally had no objection and hurriedly thanked him.

The first refinement of "Nine Refinings of Demonic Corpses" is gold refining.

Grind various hard metals into powder, mix with human blood, and feed the demon corpse.

Long-term use can make the demon corpse's skin harder and harder, invulnerable to swords and guns, and impervious to water and fire.

This is similar to the way the Golden Horn swallows metal. The more metal the Golden Horn swallows, the higher the quality, and the harder its shell will be.

After all, Li Xiuchang's clone is not a demon corpse, and it certainly cannot swallow metal like a demon corpse.

Chen Changsheng needs to make changes so that Li Xiuchang's energy crystal clone can also smoothly absorb metal to strengthen itself.

However, Li Xiuchang doesn't really care about this first refinement.

His clone is definitely hard enough, so he is not in a hurry to improve this aspect.

The second refinement is bone refinement, which uses corpse bones as materials to feed the demon corpse and strengthen the skeleton of the demon corpse.

Only solid skin and flesh, without a strong skeleton as a foundation, is just an embroidered pillow.

The key is that Li Xiuchang's clone does not even have bones at all.

So this bone refinement may not be useful to him.

The third refinement is meat refinement, eating the flesh of living beings to nourish muscles and muscles.

In simple terms, eating meat increases strength.

Li Xiuchang really hopes that his clone can grow more strength, because the only advantage of the clone now is that it is hard, but it is not outstanding in terms of strength. If the clone can also be as powerful as the original body, the combat power will be greatly improved.

But the same problem, the clone has no muscles.

Chen Changsheng pondered for a moment and said: "You don't have to worry that the first three refinements will not work on your clone. Although the flesh and blood body and the crystal of mana are indeed two completely different things, you should change your mindset and not treat the demon corpse as a living person, but as a dead object, as a magic weapon.

"Feeding the demon corpse is actually equivalent to adding materials to the magic weapon. Eating is just a way of absorption, and it must be supplemented by various means in "Nine Refinements of Demon Corpse" for the demon corpse to absorb.

"The demon corpse is a magic weapon, and your clone can also be used as a magic weapon. All you have to do is change the way of absorption. The demon corpse eats, and your clone can absorb it in other ways..."

After sorting out his thoughts, Chen Changsheng quickly changed the first three refinements of "Nine Refinements of Demon Corpse".

Soon, Li Xiuchang got a brand new version of "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses".

Although there are only the first three refinements, it can be used for the time being.

Why only change the first three refinements?

Li Xiuchang suspected that it was because the fourth refinement was too complicated, and Senior Brother Chen Changsheng might not be sure.

The fourth refinement, blood refinement!

Refining corpses with the blood of living beings directly improves the cultivation of demon corpses!

This should also be the core part of "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses". After all, the corpse demon path comes from the blood demon path, and the essence of practicing with blood remains unchanged.

If Chen Changsheng wants to replace blood with other things, it will definitely not be an easy task.

And if blood is not replaced, it cannot change the fact that this is a magic method that requires sucking blood to practice.

Li Xiuchang thinks that it is not necessary to kill people to practice with blood...

He can get a lot of blood by adding points.

So whether the fourth refinement is changed is not so important to him.

Originally, I came to the talisman class, but I spent a lot of time studying this "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses".

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Xiuchang had to come back to attend the talisman class another day.

He lamented more and more that time was not enough, or rather, that clones were not enough...

If only there were more clones!

Each clone does its own thing and practices different skills at the same time, wouldn't that be a takeoff?

Li Xiuchang asked shamelessly: "Brother Chen, can I learn your clone technique?"

If he had as many clones as Brother Chen, he could completely learn all the arts of immortal cultivation at the same time.

Chen Changsheng smiled and shook his head and said: "I definitely can't learn it now, but it's hard to say about the future. My clone technique requires extremely high talent and cultivation. I have learned it steadily, but I can only create two clones at most."

Li Xiuchang felt a little regretful when he heard this.

Chen Changsheng comforted: "Your current clones have great potential. If you think that the clones are not enough, you can consider cutting another soul and refining another clone when your cultivation is higher. As for my clone technique, let's talk about it after you become an immortal."

Another clone?

Li Xiuchang seriously considered the feasibility.

If there is one more clone, the soul needs to be split again.

If the soul is not strong enough, it cannot bear the second soul split.

And even if the soul split is successful, it will be very taxing to control two clones at the same time, plus the original body.

However, his soul is much stronger than that of the cultivators of the same level, so he can give it a try.

After returning to his residence, Li Xiuchang immediately began to try the Nine Refinements of Demon Corpse.

Because the original body was in seclusion, it was Li Xiuchang's clone who was refining himself.

Li Xiuchang's second soul came out of his clone and then took out a metal door panel to prepare it as a material for gold refining.

This door panel is the Buddha Heart Steel that Li Xiuchang got in Xianyin. His bone-cutting knife and immortal armor are made of Buddha Heart Steel.

The main feature of Buddha Heart Steel is hardness.

It is very suitable for use as a material for gold refining.

It is even very suitable for feeding Jinjiao. It's a pity that Jinjiao is too weak now and can't chew Buddha Heart Steel at all.

In the past, Li Xiuchang had no way to deal with Buddha Heart Steel, but now it was different.

He directly took out the "burning fairy grass", a small piece of burning fairy grass from Senior Brother Lu Yang, with a weak flame burning on it.

Li Xiuchang added an inch to this small piece of burning fairy grass, not to increase the length, but to increase the thickness!

The one-inch thick small piece of burning fairy grass, the flame burning on it suddenly became vigorous.

Li Xiuchang used this flame to smelt the Buddha Heart Steel, and soon melted it into a pool of molten iron.

According to Senior Brother Chen Changsheng's opinion, at this time, spiritual liquid should be used instead of blood, mixed with metal materials, and combined with refining techniques to integrate this material into the clone.

But Li Xiuchang hesitated for a moment, and he was ready to try it according to his own ideas.

"Can we continue to use blood as a guide, or just try to combine gold refining and blood refining?"

Li Xiuchang planned to try the fourth refining of blood refining in "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses".

He walked to the side of the main body and took a bowl of blood from the main body.

The original body was strong and the blood production speed was terrifying, but in order to avoid interfering with the original body's practice, he only took one bowl.

Pour this bowl of blood into the tray, and by adding some, a large amount of blood was obtained!

And it was not ordinary blood, it was the blood of a fifth-level peak body refiner!

He took out a large bucket, controlled the clone to enter the bucket, and poured his own blood into the bucket... For some reason, the phrase "original soup turns into original food" suddenly appeared in Li Xiuchang's mind.

His own clone, using his own blood to practice, this should have nothing to do with the magic method, right?

He can be self-sufficient, and there is no need to kill people or suck blood.

Li Xiuchang's second soul returned to the clone, and began to control the clone to absorb blood according to the "blood refining" method of the fourth refining in "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpses".

Soon, he felt that there were strands of blood-colored energy extracted from the blood and entered his clone!

The inside of the pure diamond body was immediately stained with a few red threads!


Li Xiuchang immediately poured the molten iron from the Buddha's Heart Steel into the blood.

With the help of the gold refining method... after a while, the Buddha's Heart Steel entered the clone along with the blood-colored energy.

It was equivalent to the gold refining and blood refining being carried out at the same time.

Li Xiuchang's clone was a diamond infant transformation, and it was indeed very hard.

But because the form was fixed and it could not transform into a soul, it was originally difficult to have the opportunity to further improve, which meant that it lost its growth potential.

Just like the current second soul, it is actually more resistant than this clone.

When Li Xiuchang's cultivation continues to improve, this clone will gradually become insufficient when facing stronger enemies, and will be eliminated sooner or later.

But now "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpse" has given this clone growth again.

As time goes by, the blood in the bucket has not decreased much, but the color is getting lighter and lighter.

Until it becomes completely transparent, the clone can no longer absorb blood energy from it.

The blood refining also stops.

Li Xiuchang now looks at the changes in his clone again and finds that the shining body has a layer of light metallic color!

It seems that the hardness has increased and it has become more resistant.

In addition, the inside of the clone has been completely dyed a light red.

"Blood diamond?"

"This red energy should be the magic power of the demon corpse... Although my clone is not a demon corpse, it can also extract this kind of magic power."

Like the ghost, the demon corpse has consciousness, can practice, and can become stronger.

However, it is more difficult to improve the demon corpse, because the demon corpse is not born, but is artificially refined, so it also needs the assistance of human cultivators to become stronger.

For example, this blood refining method is absolutely impossible to do by the demon corpse itself.

"Since the blood attribute mana has been refined, this clone is indeed not suitable to be the body of the second soul."

The second soul itself has mana, and when combined with this clone, there are two different systems of mana.

As for the clone itself, it is also a diamond mana crystal. The current appearance is obviously a fusion of the newly emerged blood attribute mana and diamond mana.

Li Xiuchang thought for a moment and quickly made a decision:

Refine a new body for the second soul, and the current blood diamond clone will be used as the second clone.

As long as a soul is separated to control the blood diamond clone, a new clone will be created!

In the future, he will have two clones, the second soul clone and the blood diamond clone.

And "Nine Refinings of Demon Corpse" will become the exclusive strengthening method for the blood diamond clone.

Now I just have to wait for the main body to finish retreat, and then try to split the soul.

Only then did Li Xiuchang realize that the attempt of "Nine Refinings of Demonic Corpses" on the clone just now actually increased his length value.

It's not surprising to think about it carefully, corpse refining is also a skill.

Li Xiuchang plans to learn the skill of driving corpses when he has time, which can be regarded as a mutual confirmation with "Nine Refinings of Demonic Corpses".


A few days later, Li Xiuchang's main body woke up.

Because his soul was strong, he reached the level of refining emptiness and successfully split his soul.

When this split soul merged into the blood diamond clone, Li Xiuchang immediately regained control of this body.

And it was completely different from before!

Before, it was equivalent to controlling this body through the second soul, but now it is directly controlled by the split soul.

It's just that the strength of this blood diamond clone is unknown now. The body is hard and the magic power is powerful, but there is still a lot of room for improvement in other aspects.

It is relatively durable, but the attack power is insufficient, and it needs to be continuously strengthened with "Nine Refinings of Demonic Corpses" later!

Li Xiuchang obtained the basic inheritance of the corpse-driving man from the outer sect library, and has been studying continuously these two days.

In addition, he is also considering refining a physical body for the second soul.

With two clones, Li Xiuchang has a new division of labor.

The main body is responsible for going out to class, the second soul is responsible for practicing in dreams at home, and the blood diamond clone practices skills from morning to night.

With three people working together, the work is not tiring. Li Xiuchang suddenly feels much more relaxed, and the speed of length value increase doubles!

The blood diamond clone is used by Li Xiuchang to make talismans from morning to night. The talisman is a hard practice that must be rewarded, so just concentrate on practicing hard.

The problems encountered in the process of making talismans were answered by Senior Brother Chen Changsheng during the talisman course.

As time passed, Li Xiuchang's talisman and array were rapidly improving, and three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Xiuchang has been practicing for nine years!

Finally, there is good news from the Chaos Star Realm...

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