I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 272: Capturing the Heart Demon

For Li Xiuchang, giving the talisman to Qiaoshan and the other four was just a small episode in his journey.

But for Qiaoshan and the other four, this was a major event that changed the fate of the people.

Li Xiuchang said goodbye to the four people and went to the next door Daqian Dynasty with Chen Changsheng who was hiding in the dark.

Huang Yuquan, they planned to go and take a look.

In a world with such a lack of spiritual energy, there is actually a strange place, which must be extraordinary.

Although this world is said to have spiritual energy revival, Li Xiuchang knows that even if spiritual energy is revived, there will not be much spiritual energy in this world.

In this world, the peak of the third level of Qi training can ascend, but the upper Yongchun world does not even have a record of an ascender from the lower world.

The innate masters mentioned by Qiaoshan and others are probably only at the level of the first or second level of Qi training.

During the period of spiritual energy revival, they could only practice to the first or second level of Qi training. You can imagine how low the concentration of spiritual energy was at that time.

Huang Yuquan of the Daqian Dynasty is located in a desert in Daqian.

No one is guarding it, and there is a desert around it, with no people.

It took the two of them a lot of effort to find the Yellow Jade Spring.

It was called a spring, but in fact it had dried up, leaving only a stone pit.

However, it was rumored that during the period of spiritual energy recovery, springs would grow here, and an oasis would form nearby, and passing caravans would stop here to replenish water.

But no one dared to enter the spring, because those who did so disappeared.

But in the Dharma Ending Age, this was just an ordinary-looking stone pit, and you could see the bottom at a glance, and those missing people seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Li Xiuchang and Chen Changsheng looked around for a long time, but couldn't figure out what was going on.

The two could only use the dumbest method... to create spiritual energy!

Chen Changsheng set up a formation around it to isolate the inside and outside and prevent the spiritual energy from leaking out.

Then the two began to consume mana in it.

All the consumed mana would dissipate between heaven and earth and turn into spiritual energy.

Li Xiuchang also took out a handful of spiritual stones to squander, smashing the spiritual stones to release the spiritual energy in them.

Finally, the spiritual energy around the Yellow Jade Spring quickly became rich.

Then a magical scene appeared, and spring water began to emerge from the stone pit!

Li Xiuchang took a handful of water, observed it, and found that it was just ordinary water.

Soon, the whole stone pit was filled with water.

Chen Changsheng's eyes were as sharp as a torch, penetrating the water surface, and he casually took out a piece of debris from the storage bag and threw it in.

The debris fell into the water and soon disappeared!

It disappeared right under the eyes of Li Xiuchang and the others!

Chen Changsheng frowned and said, "There seems to be a passage below."

Li Xiuchang was surprised: "The passage to the underworld?"

Chen Changsheng nodded slightly.

"There is another world below?" Li Xiuchang was a little unbelievable. If there is another world, wouldn't all mortals be able to ascend?

I thought the world they are in now is the lowest world, but I didn't expect there is a basement?

Chen Changsheng pondered, "But it is different from the passage we encountered before."

"Then, let's go down and take a look?"

Chen Changsheng said cautiously, "I will go down first, and you wait above. If there is no abnormality below, I will ascend quickly. If you can't wait for me to ascend, you can ascend by yourself."

He is just a clone, and he can bear it even if something happens.

But Li Xiuchang is the original body, and he can't take risks at will.

Li Xiuchang naturally agreed.

Chen Changsheng jumped into the Yellow Jade Spring and disappeared immediately.

Li Xiuchang waited patiently above, but waiting was boring, so he simply took out his big pipe and smoked to refine his internal organs.

While smoking and practicing, he pondered the theoretical knowledge of various skills and made summaries.

The skills of cultivating immortals cannot only be practiced, but also need to summarize experience and summarize gains from practice.

Li Xiuchang's current spiritual plant skills have just passed the threshold of the fifth level, and he is in a period of great inspiration. Many of the knowledge that he could not understand and comprehend before due to the limitation of his skills level, now looking back, have a sense of sudden enlightenment.

Time passed little by little, and Li Xiuchang never waited for Brother Chen Changsheng to come back.

But he was not in a hurry to leave, and decided to wait a little longer.

He had adapted to the tobacco of the burning heart grass, so he simply changed to a higher concentration of tobacco paste.

This time, the effect of refining the internal organs was more obvious, but the stimulation to the flesh was also greater.

After absorbing it more than ten times in a row, he had to switch back to ordinary burning heart grass, otherwise the body could not bear it, and the lungs entered a red temperature state.

"If I directly add points to the Dharma phase and strengthen the internal organs, wouldn't it be possible to withstand a higher concentration of tobacco paste? Refining the internal organs is more efficient?"

In the past, when there were precious medicines, he would take them first, and wait until the precious medicines were ineffective, and then add points to the Dharma phase to break through the bottleneck.

But now the monks in the Pure Land have developed a path beyond the limit for refining the internal organs, which means that there is almost no upper limit.

So it seems unnecessary to insist on the principle of using medicine first and then adding some.

First add some, then use medicine, you can directly apply high-concentration smoke paste.

The sooner you add, the sooner you enjoy, that's probably what it means.

Li Xiuchang now has plenty of length, so he plans to add some length first and try the effect.

But he still has to wait until he returns to the upper realm, because if he is not careful down here, he will trigger the ascension rules.


Li Xiuchang waited for a week, but he didn't see Senior Brother Chen Changsheng.

He was uneasy, guessing that Senior Brother Chen's clone might have had an accident.

In a basement world, there is still a threat to Senior Brother Chen?

Even if it is just a clone, Chen Changsheng's strength should not be underestimated.

Li Xiuchang did not wait any longer and prepared to ascend to the upper realm, and accept the baptism of the inner demon tribulation.

After this journey, Li Xiuchang had a clearer understanding of the whole world.

If we do not consider that there may be a lower world connected to the bottom of Huang Yuquan, then the world he is in now is the first layer.

In the first layer world, the peak of the third level of Qi training can trigger ascension.

The Yongchun Realm above, that is, the second layer world, the peak of Qi training triggers ascension.

The third layer world is like the Lintian Realm and the Zen Heart Realm, and the peak of the Golden Pill triggers ascension.

The fourth layer world is like the Wanshan Realm, the Haizhou Realm, the Demon Slave Realm, etc., and the peak of the Lianxu triggers ascension.

The Xianyin Realm and the Dark Heaven Realm belong to the fifth layer world, and only the Mahayana stage can ascend.

As for the sixth layer world above, Li Xiuchang currently only knows the Tianhuang Realm and the Luanxing Realm, and the conditions for ascension are unknown.

Li Xiuchang is not even sure whether the seventh layer world exists.

Because of Senior Brother Chen's sudden disappearance, Li Xiuchang did not intend to let Jinjiao go through the tribulation with him, in order to avoid him and Jinjiao being separated and causing another accident.

He directly put Jinjiao into his second Dantian space, which should be enough to deceive the rules of ascension and successfully ascend with Jinjiao.

As Li Xiuchang showed his cultivation, the sky changed and dark clouds gathered, bringing the tribulation of ascension.

"It's just a small tribulation of three plus one."

Li Xiuchang, who had already experienced tribulation once, was calm and composed.

The so-called three plus one means three thunder tribulations plus one heart demon tribulation.

It is said that when ascending in the fourth-level world, the tribulation will be "six plus one", and when ascending in the fifth-level world like Xianyin Realm, the tribulation will be a big tribulation of "nine plus one"!

Li Xiuchang soared into the sky and headed straight for the tribulation cloud in the sky.

The tribulation of the Qi training period was just like tickling to him.

With one punch, he dispersed the calamity cloud above his head, and the lightning accumulated in the calamity cloud fell on Li Xiuchang.

Li Xiuchang felt a tingling sensation all over his body, and soon returned to normal.

The three thunder calamities merged into one, and he passed through them just like that.

Then he concentrated all his attention, waiting for the Heart Demon calamity to arrive.

However, this time he was a little careful, and separated the Yuanying from the second Yuanying in advance and put it into his main Dantian.

Then he released the second Yuanying and watched over him.

There was also a powerful soul in the second Yuanying, which was equivalent to Li Xiuchang having an extra perspective.

The last time he passed the Heart Demon calamity, he found that his consciousness was completely immersed in the illusion created by the Heart Demon, and the immersion was so strong that he didn't have time to observe the Heart Demon calamity itself.

This time he controlled the second Yuanying to watch from the side, so that he could try to jump out of the Heart Demon illusion during the process of passing the Heart Demon calamity.

Soon, the Heart Demon calamity came.

Many illusions appeared.

Just like last time, Li Xiuchang still had a pure heart, simple experience, and smooth practice.

It took him only eight years to practice until now. He was not an old antique who had experienced hundreds or thousands of years, and his inner demons had not had time to grow.

It was not difficult to survive this inner demon calamity.

These illusions in front of him were like watching TV, and could not shake his heart of Tao.

He just had to wait silently for a while, and this inner demon calamity would naturally stop because it could not do anything to him.

But at this time, Li Xiuchang used the second Yuanying to observe the situation of the main body.

Soon he found the black matter in the main body's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is this the inner demon calamity?"

"Can you try to keep them and reuse them?"

The second Yuanying and Li Xiuchang's main body were originally one, and began to control the consciousness to grab the black matter.

But soon found that the black matter began to dodge as soon as it touched the consciousness.

Li Xiuchang gritted his teeth, wove the consciousness into a net, forcibly caught some of the black matter, and trapped it.

Then he took out some of the black matter from the sea of ​​consciousness.

But as soon as the black substance came to the outside world, it dissipated.

Only the part of the black substance trapped in Li Xiuchang's sea of ​​common sense remained.

Obviously, this heart demon tribulation cannot leave the sea of ​​consciousness and can only exist in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But soon, as Li Xiuchang passed the heart demon tribulation, the part of the black substance in the sea of ​​consciousness that he controlled also dissipated...

The attempt failed!

Obviously, the heart demon tribulation cannot be captured and cannot be saved.

Failed, but there is still one chance!

Li Xiuchang decided to change his mind. Since the heart demon tribulation cannot be saved, he will directly increase the length of the heart demon tribulation!

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