I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 133 Selecting Insect Egg Rewards

This time, Li Xiuchang practiced the summoning technique wrong. After thinking carefully, it should be a good thing for him.

After all, even if he succeeded in summoning, he was not as lustful as Senior Brother Gui, so he could not expect the summoned mind and will to be very strong.

It was very likely to be useless.

But now it was directly applied to the Dharma, and the upper limit was higher.

Li Xiuchang was no longer unhappy and started to set up a furnace to smoke the spirit meat.

Before leaving, Ye Zhixing and others prepaid part of the payment. Li Xiuchang needed to smoke the spirit meat as soon as possible and let the Ye family's escorts deliver it.

To restart the smoked meat business, Li Xiuchang would naturally not abandon his good partner Senior Brother Wang Long.

Hearing that Li Xiuchang had expanded new sales channels and restarted the smoked meat business, Wang Long was more active and hardworking than Li Xiuchang himself!

He just needed more sources of income to quickly save up enough spirit stones for the purchase of foundation-building pills.

Therefore, as soon as Li Xiuchang sent the message, Wang Long bought all kinds of spirit meat as quickly as possible and rented a lot of furnaces and magic tools.

Li Xiuchang is not only going to smoke the second-level spirit meat this time, but also the first-level and non-level spirit meat.

The highest level of the magic furnace he rented has reached the level of the best magic furnace. There is no other way. If you want to smoke the second-level spirit meat, the required firepower can only be sustained by the best magic furnace for a long time.

In this way, the cost will naturally increase significantly, but the level of smoked meat will increase, and the profit margin will be greater.

Moreover, with the improvement of Li Xiuchang's cultivation, the time required for him to smoke the non-level spirit meat is now greatly shortened, and it only takes half a day to smoke it.

"Junior brother, do you want me to hire some more first-level talisman masters?" Wang Long asked.

He wanted to help his brothers in distress and give them a job, not because they were cheap and wanted to exploit them.

"No need." Li Xiuchang waved his hand, "I have a cheaper choice this time."

He waved his hand and released a lot of ghosts.

"That's great!" Wang Long's eyes lit up, and he could save some costs again.

Li Xiuchang called Senior Brother Wang Long over, mainly to let him be responsible for local sales. The channels of the Four Immortals Merchant Alliance are aimed at the other three major immortal sects. As their base camp, the Xianchen Sect market must be in their own hands.

Li Xiuchang didn't want to waste too much time on it. Senior Brother Wang Long, who was down-to-earth, hardworking and motivated, was a good candidate. Li Xiuchang decided to let him join the Four Immortals Merchant Alliance.

In the future, the sales work of the four major immortal sects will be handled by dedicated people. Li Xiuchang only needs to continue to supply goods through the channel of the Four Immortals Merchant Alliance.

Li Xiuchang and Senior Brother Wang Long talked about the Four Immortals Merchant Alliance, and Senior Brother Wang Long certainly chose to join without hesitation.

In this way, the framework of the Four Immortals Merchant Alliance was set up. As the only supplier, Li Xiuchang's position in the Four Immortals Merchant Alliance was the most important. Anyone in the merchant alliance could be left, but he could not be left.

Others will be his distributors. It doesn't matter if there are more or fewer, or if there are a few replacements.


This time, when the production of smoked spirit meat is restarted, Li Xiuchang will be much more idle, and he will almost become a hands-off shopkeeper.

He was only responsible for starting the furnace, making smoke, and marinating the newly bought spirit meat at one time.

The rest of the work was handed over to the ghost and Senior Brother Wang Long.

Senior Brother Wang Long was responsible for purchasing raw materials and supervising and managing.

The ghost was responsible for keeping the furnace running and collecting smoke.

During this trip, Li Xiuchang obtained thousands of ghosts and evil spirits from the ghost banner of Tang Yan, the messenger of the Black Soul Sect.

Although most of them were evil spirits, there were still three or four hundred normal ghosts.

With these ghosts working in two shifts, it was enough to support hundreds of furnaces working day and night.

The only drawback was that these ghosts were generally too low in cultivation to support the consumption of the second-level furnace.

Li Xiuchang had to pull out the Paw Patrol members and the second-level magic cultivator ghost Fan Liang to work as firemen.

However, when the Paw Patrol was put into production, there was no one to collect the smoke.

Li Xiuchang spent a huge amount of money to buy a top-grade magic weapon, the smoke bag, which can store and store a large amount of smoke. Wangcai and the ghost wolf king took turns to manage it and collect the smoke from above.

This time, Li Xiuchang went to the general hall to find someone to approve a piece of open space for the smoking site.

He is no longer the newbie who just joined the sect. He has some connections and fame in the sect. If he wants to do something that does not violate the sect rules, there will be basically no resistance.

After all, he is also a person who has made contributions to the sect.

Seeing that the production of smoked spirit meat is on the right track, Li Xiuchang no longer worries about it.

Just spend a little time every day to remove the evil spirits for some ghosts.

A few days later...

The first batch of second-level smoked spirit meat came out, and Li Xiuchang immediately found the person in charge of the Ye Family Escort Agency in Xianchen Sect Market through the contact information given by Ye Zhixing, and entrusted him to deliver the smoked meat to the other three major immortal gates.

Li Xiuchang sent some of the second-grade, first-grade and non-grade smoked meat to the members of the Four Immortals Merchant Alliance. According to the agreement in advance, the transportation costs will be borne by them and have nothing to do with Li Xiuchang.

On the Xianchen Sect side, Senior Brother Wang Long has also been selling the freshly smoked spirit meat everywhere. This time, there are more first-grade and second-grade smoked spirit meat, which is believed to attract many new customers.

On the other hand, the task reward given by the sect was finally approved, and Elder Xu asked Li Xiuchang to go to the inner gate to receive the reward.

The inner gate also has a general affairs hall, which is mainly responsible for handling inner gate affairs. It is much quieter than the general affairs hall of the outer gate.

Li Xiuchang came to the general affairs hall of the inner gate and was received by Elder Xu.

"This time I have made special efforts to obtain the right to use a piece of earth-level medicinal field for you for a hundred years."

As soon as they met, Elder Xu handed a token to control the earth-level medicinal field to Li Xiuchang.

"Thank you, Elder!" Li Xiuchang said happily.

This is really a pleasant surprise. The concentration of spiritual energy and soil quality of the earth-level medicinal field are enough to grow spiritual plants of level 4 and above. If it is used to grow spiritual plants below level 4, it will mature faster.

Elder Xu continued: "As for the insect spirit beast eggs you want, this thing is not easy to store, and there is no reserve in the sect treasury, but it can be purchased for you from many beast masters in the sect, but your intention must be confirmed first.

"Insect spirit beasts are relatively rare, because most insects have a short lifespan, and few can be cultivated into demon beasts. Most are used to cultivate into poisonous insects, so there are not many choices. Please choose. "

Elder Xu handed a jade slip to Li Xiuchang.

Li Xiuchang probed into the jade slip with his spiritual sense and saw some information.

"Emerald silkworm eggs: from a fourth-level jade silkworm monster. The jade silkworm is a blood-mutated species. It is naturally as big as a cow, and the silkworm eggs it lays are also the size of an adult's head..."

Li Xiuchang skipped it directly.

He was looking for a species with small eggs, and this jade silkworm obviously did not meet his needs.

"Moonlight ant eggs, moonlight ants are good at collective combat..."

Li Xiuchang skipped it again. His "length" was limited, so it was enough to cultivate one, and it was impossible to cultivate a whole tribe.

"Black-armored centipede, the adult is the size of an adult's arm, and the eggs are only the size of a broad bean. This one is good, but I don't like the appearance. It can be used as an alternative. "

"Deep red venomous scorpion, this one is also okay, the adult is as big as a small watermelon, and the eggs are the size of a soybean, but the beastmaster has only cultivated third-level deep red venomous scorpions at present. I don't know how potential it has, so it can be used as an alternative. "

Li Xiuchang looked at them one by one, just as Elder Xu said, there were not many choices, less than ten in total.

Until he saw the penultimate option, he was really moved for the first time.

"Golden halberd rhinoceros beetle eggs, the size of the adult is a millstone, and the eggs are only the size of mung beans!"

According to the jade slip, this golden halberd rhinoceros beetle egg came from a golden halberd rhinoceros beetle spirit beast cultivated by a master of beast control in the sect.

The father of the egg is a sixth-level golden halberd rhinoceros beetle monster, and the mother is a fourth-level golden halberd rhinoceros beetle.

As a rare insect monster, the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle is also gifted and famous for its powerful strength.

However, the growth of a normal golden halberd rhinoceros beetle to the fourth level is almost the limit.

The sixth-level golden halberd rhinoceros beetle was purely cultivated well by the beast control master to achieve such an achievement.

As an insect with different sexes, the male golden halberd rhinoceros beetle has obvious advantages and has head horns that female insects do not have.

And this long horn on the head is the most powerful weapon of the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle. .

Therefore, male golden halberd rhinoceros beetles are more valuable to cultivate than females.

The reason why Li Xiuchang chose the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle is that it is not only extremely powerful, but also covered with hard golden armor, with strong defense and fierce combat ability.

The most important thing is that compared with centipedes, caterpillars and the like, the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle is directly killed in appearance.

The whole body is wrapped in golden armor, and there is a golden halberd-like horn on the head!

Handsome in one word!

Li Xiuchang feels that if a too ugly spirit beast follows him for a long time, it will definitely have inferiority complex, which is not good for the growth of the spirit beast.

"Elder Xu, the disciple wants the eggs of this golden halberd rhinoceros beetle, but can you ensure that it is male eggs?"

Elder Xu was not surprised at Li Xiuchang's choice at all, and smiled: "I knew you would choose this. Since the sect gave you the choice, of course it can be taken out, but you specifically want male eggs, so I have to communicate with the beast master. "

Li Xiuchang knew that most of the problems would not be serious, so he thanked him in advance: "With Elder Xu's help, I believe that the senior beastmaster will definitely give you face. Elder, you are so concerned about my matter, I am very grateful!"

Elder Xu shook his head and laughed: "I can't guarantee that it will succeed. That person has a very strange temper, and the sixth-level rhinoceros beetle monster is his favorite. I can only give it a try.

"By the way, leave your two Buddha corpses, I will find the sect's puppet master to help you refine them into fourth-level puppets."

The two Buddha corpses should have been fifth-level body refinement when they were alive, but they have been dead for many years, and their blood and qi are depleted. They no longer have the courage they had before. It is good to be able to refine them into fourth-level puppets.

Li Xiuchang certainly had no objection and immediately left the two Buddha corpses.

And Elder Xu did not mention that Li Xiuchang should pay the puppet master's remuneration throughout the whole process. Li Xiuchang knew in his heart that this was all compensation from the sect or several elders for his risky mission.

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