I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 102 Live as a social animal, die as a ghost animal

Li Xiuchang came back from Senior Brother Chu Ya and went to the market to buy some seeds. When he returned to the medicine field, he planted all the bitter love chrysanthemums that Senior Brother Chu Ya had ordered.

He had gradually replaced all the first-level spiritual plants in the medicine field with second-level spiritual plants. Now it was no longer difficult for him to plant second-level spiritual plants.

The giant Youhan grass in the medicine field grew a lot taller after Li Xiuchang continuously fertilized it to ripen it.

However, compared with ordinary Youhan grass, its growth rate was at least ten times slower, and it grew extremely slowly.

If you want it to mature quickly, you have to apply more high-level fertilizers.

After Li Xiuchang built his foundation, his mana was strengthened by the "Charcoal Burning Skill", and the effect of fertilizing with charcoal mana was much better than before.

In particular, Li Xiuchang tried to fertilize with the powdered mana in his dantian, and the effect was surprisingly good.

If you can use powdered mana for fertilization for a long time, the giant Youhan grass will not grow too slowly.

After Li Xiuchang finished his work, he stretched his waist and hesitated in his heart whether to participate in the second-level spiritual plant husband assessment in a while.

I feel that the promotion speed is too fast.

According to this trend, he will have to take the third-level spiritual plant husband assessment in a few years. Once he becomes a third-level spiritual plant husband, it means that he will become an outer sect worshiper and must leave Donggeng District.

Li Xiuchang is now reluctant to leave Donggeng District.

At this moment, Li Xiuchang suddenly received a message from Senior Brother Motu.

"Finally I was called to go to the mine!"

Li Xiuchang was excited, and the unemployed ghosts at home finally had a job.

He left more than a dozen human ghosts to take care of the medicinal fields, and the other wolf souls for labor production, a total of about 20, were all collected in the rainbow soul flag.

Li Xiuchang took everything he should take, confirmed that there was no problem, and then went back to find Senior Brother Motu.

"Let's go." Senior Brother Motu was still as quiet as usual, and he was ready to set off when he saw Li Xiuchang.

The two took Li Xiuchang's abalone flying boat out of Xianchen Sect. When they arrived outside the sect, Senior Brother Motu disliked Li Xiuchang's flying boat for flying slowly, and took out a carriage.

Senior Brother Motu shook the soul bell in his hand, and a strong horse demon soul floated out.

The horse soul snorted and put on the reins of the carriage.

"Get in the carriage." Senior Brother Motu called and got on the carriage.

Li Xiuchang took a look at the horse soul. On the surface, it looked like a second-level ghost.

But he felt that something was wrong... Compared with it, the two second-level ghosts under his command seemed to be a little bit worse.

The horse soul was quite arrogant. He raised his head and glanced at Li Xiuchang.

"What is so arrogant? It's just pulling a cart for others. It has no sense of being an ox or a horse." Li Xiuchang complained in his heart and got on the carriage.

The horse soul neighed, and its four hooves flew into the air, taking the carriage with it.

The carriage flew all the way above the clouds, and the horse soul walked on the clouds. The carriage was stable, not to mention bumps, even the sound of the wind could not be heard.

There was silence.

After the novelty wore off, Li Xiuchang felt a little uneasy.

Being alone with Senior Brother Motu was awkward enough.

Especially in such a closed carriage space, it was so quiet, which made it even more awkward.

Li Xiuchang wanted to find a topic to talk about to ease the awkwardness, but was afraid that the conversation would make it even more awkward.

Li Xiuchang secretly looked at Senior Brother Motu, and sighed in his heart that Senior Brother Motu was calm and composed, sitting there calmly with no expression.

As a result, the next second, Senior Brother Motu closed his eyes and started practicing.

It turned out that he was also embarrassed... Li Xiuchang had a flash of thought in his mind, and said: "Senior Brother Mo, did you bring chess? How about we play chess?"

Motu opened his eyes, nodded, and took out a piece of spiritual wood from the storage bag.

Li Xiuchang was a little surprised, but the next second he saw Senior Brother Motu using his magic power to cut and make a chessboard and chess pieces on the spot.

By the way, he also made a chess basket for the chess pieces.

The whole process took less than two seconds.

With a swipe of his hand, half of the chess pieces were dyed black, and the other half were still the original wood color.


He placed the black piece in front of Li Xiuchang, signaling Li Xiuchang to make the first move.

The two of them went back and forth, and after a few rounds, Senior Brother Motu said lightly: "I won."

Li Xiuchang was confused: "Gobang?"

"Then let's play another game!"

This time, Li Xiuchang got serious, and the two of them surrounded and blocked, you attacked and I defended...

After a while, Senior Brother Motu's raised chess piece was still not put down.

He suddenly said: "Xiuchang, do you know how to help the Yin soul that has reached the bottleneck to break through quickly when cultivating the Yin soul?"

"Ah?" Li Xiuchang was stunned, not knowing why Senior Brother Motu suddenly talked about this when he was playing chess well, but he was still attracted unconsciously and asked: "How to do it?"

"You just need to... then... it's your turn... and finally you..."

Li Xiuchang listened attentively, and made a confused move, and his mind was still digesting the knowledge of controlling the soul taught by Senior Brother Motu.

It was not until he heard Brother Motu say "You lost" that he came back to his senses.

Looking at the chessboard again, he was sure to win, but Brother Mo played five moves in a row first.

He actually used such a dirty trick?

Come on, let's see how many dirty tricks you have, use them all on me!

Li Xiuchang understood what was going on, and played the next game more seriously and hard, forcing Brother Motu to frequently use tricks outside the board.

After playing several games, Li Xiuchang lost all of them without exception, but he felt that he was numb from winning.

There was too much knowledge in his head to fit in, and he needed to digest it well.

Fortunately, he finally arrived at the place.

After getting off the carriage, Li Xiuchang looked around and found that he was in a group of mountains.

He was standing halfway up the mountain, looking far into the distance, surrounded by mountains.

The surrounding trees were so lush that it was difficult to find a place to stay.

"Senior Brother Mo, where is the mineral vein?" Li Xiuchang asked.

Brother Motu reached forward, and the space in front of him rippled, and a scene appeared like a mirror, a shadowy cave entrance filled with ghostly energy, which was incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Senior Brother Motu took the lead and stepped into it, and Li Xiuchang quickly followed.

The surrounding light was obviously dimming, and Li Xiuchang's hair stood on end. This place was so gloomy that it made people feel chilly in their hearts unconsciously.

"It turns out to be a phantom formation."

Brother Motu used a magic array to cover the entrance to the mine.

Outside the mine, a ghost that looked like a middle-aged man was guarding there. Li Xiuchang didn't know what level of ghost it was, but he thought it was the "security guard" guarding the mine.

When the mine security guard saw Motu, he bowed respectfully and silently stepped aside to make way for the inside of the mine.

"This is a second-order frost-frozen black copper vein, accompanied by a large amount of first-order material frost-frozen black iron, and occasionally third-order frost-frozen black crystals can be dug out."

Senior Brother Motu introduced him casually and led Li Xiuchang into the mine.

It was so dark under the mine that he couldn't see his fingers, but Li Xiuchang had excellent eyesight and his spiritual sense to find the way. With a sweep of his spiritual sense, the situation in the mine was clear to him.

He wondered if he had arrived in the underworld.

There were hundreds of male ghosts around, working with hoes, chisels, shovels and other tools, and there was a sound of banging, banging, ringing, and ringing.

Because there are too many ghosts and there is no sunlight in this cave, a lot of evil energy has accumulated. Even if a mortal takes a breath here, he will get seriously ill when he returns.

These ghosts seem to be chaotic, but in fact they perform their own duties in an orderly manner. Some are responsible for mining, some are responsible for transporting ore, some are responsible for classifying ore, and there are a few patrol supervisors.

The excavated ore is sent to one place and piled up.

"When you are alive, you are a social beast, and when you die, you will be a ghost beast."

Li Xiuchang felt pity, took out the rainbow soul flag, waved it in the wind, and released twenty wolf souls: "Wolf beasts, go up and help!"

Twenty wolf souls rushed forward, using their claws and teeth without even using tools.

Li Xiuchang could tell at a glance that they had rested for too long and had accumulated too much energy with nowhere to vent. Seeing how happy they were at work, he also smiled with relief.

After giving a few instructions to the wolf souls, asking them to work hard here and obey the instructions, he would come to visit them after a while, and then Li Xiuchang left the mine with Senior Brother Motu.

He could see that this mine should be just one of the minerals under the name of Senior Brother Mo, and there were only a hundred ghosts in the cave.

According to what Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi said, Senior Brother Mo should have a large mine that can accommodate thousands of ghosts.

"I still have many medicinal fields around here, many of which are vacant. If you have some unimportant spiritual plants, you can plant them there." Motu said suddenly.

Li Xiuchang was stunned for a moment before nodding: "Okay."

As expected, he is a capitalist in the world of immortality, and there are industries everywhere outside.

Li Xiuchang still has a lot of first-level spiritual plant seeds on hand, which were rewards he received when he participated in the spiritual planter assessment. He has a limited medicinal field, so he must give priority to planting more valuable second-level spiritual plants.

Senior Brother Motu has a vacant medicinal field here, which is perfect for planting these first-order spiritual plants.

After all, this place is some distance from the Fairy Dust Sect, and Li Xiuchang cannot come here often to fertilize, so he can just plant some first-level spiritual plants and let them grow naturally.

Motu took Li Xiuchang to the foot of the mountain.

When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, the surrounding area looked normal. It was located among the mountains, a valley with beautiful scenery and gurgling water.

I didn't see any medicinal fields.

However, with the experience just now, Li Xiuchang knew that there must be another illusory formation covering up here.

Sure enough, Motu pulled Li Xiuchang to a big tree and turned around the tree three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise. The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Li Xiuchang blinked and was already standing in front of a small village.

The village is not big, with thirty to fifty houses and more than a hundred people.

The old man at the entrance of the village opened his mouth, which was missing a few front teeth, and showed a kind smile to Li Xiuchang.

The sounds of children playing could be vaguely heard, and their figures chasing and playing could be seen passing by.

There are also young people carrying hoes who go out to work.

Li Xiuchang looked around, and saw rows of medicinal fields surrounding the village.

Most of the medicinal fields are planted with spiritual plants, but a small half is still vacant.

"Senior Brother Mo, why is there a village here?"

Motu said expressionlessly: "It's just an ordinary village. They help me take care of the medicine field, and I use formations to protect their village from beasts and monsters."


Li Xiuchang said that if it weren't for the fact that none of the houses in the village had chimneys, no one kept livestock in the village, no one grew food and vegetables around the village, and there were a few children playing around with ghosts, he would have almost believed it.

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