Chenbei snorted coldly: "Don't think that entering the sword mound to ask the sword is such a simple thing. If you hadn't beaten the ten-star chess game of Ram Black and Ram White, I wouldn't be able to let you On the eighth floor of the, you will venture into the seventh floor of the qi."

"He broke through the ten-star game?"

Upon hearing this, Nie Shanhe's eyes flashed with surprise, obviously he didn't know about it.

"Yes, although this child is not good at cultivation level, he has an ridiculously high savvy, and I don't know what weird shoots have grown in his mind."

Chenbei casually replied to Nie Shanhe, then grabbed Yi Lin's ear, and carefully explained the key points of entering the sword mound to ask the sword.


The existence of the sword tomb can even be traced back to the beginning of the establishment of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Even Chen Bei and the current head of it can't remember the origin of the sword tomb. Because everyone who knows the history of Jian Tomb has been annihilated in the long river of history.

But what they know is that there are countless ancestors' flying swords buried in the sword mound. These flying swords have been nurtured by generations, and the sword intent on the sword has not disappeared. Even with the accumulation of time, countless flying swords have spontaneously formed. A pure natural super sword formation.

If the cultivation level is insufficient, or if you don't have a deep understanding of the battle technique, you will rush into it, and you will be pierced to death by a thousand swords in minutes.

Therefore, entering the sword mound is not taking, not asking, not seizing, but asking.

Ask the sword, those who are predestined can ask themselves a sword.

"Sword formation?"

After Chenbei's explanation, Yi Lin roughly guessed what he was going to face next.

In that case, don't panic.

Chenbei took out a small multicolored flag, stuffed it into Yi Lin's hand, and exhorted: "This is the Thousand Chance Banner, it is the array magic weapon. The usage is also very simple. Just inject a small amount of aura into the Thousand Chance Banner. The flag can be divided into two, two divided into four, and the heart can move at will. It can be used as an array flag. Although it is not a super magic weapon, it is just right for you to use it. However, don't easily place it in the sword mound before the critical moment. Array, otherwise it will irritate them."


Yi Lin moved from Chenbei's words to Chenbei's worries. He carefully held the Thousand Chance Banner and tried to inject a little aura into the Thousand Chance Banner.

Of course, to Yi Lin, aura, magic power, and psionic value are actually the same thing.

The physique of their apostles seems to be able to convert the energy breath in the air into corresponding styles.

This may be what Green said, the benefits of converting the essence of human beings into "source code".

Referred to as digitization.

After injecting a small amount of spiritual energy, the small flag in his hand rose slightly by a few inches, from one small flag to two sides, one red and one green two flags slowly rotating in the palm of Yi Lin, especially mysterious.

"Good tool!"

Yi Lin played with it, called it easy to use, exclaimed, squeezed the palm of his hand, and put away the Thousand Chance Banner.

"In addition, once you face a life and death crisis, don't forget my token. You can inject aura into it, and the old man can detect it immediately outside the sword tomb and give him a helping hand. But you remember it at the same time. At that time, once there is a second person in it, it will no longer be possible to get the approval of the ancestor Feijian in the sword mound, and there is no hope for asking the sword for life."

Before Yi Lin stepped into the sword grave, Chen Bei reminded him.

"The rules are clear, understand."

Yi Lin turned around and made an "OK" gesture towards Chenbei and Nie Shanhe behind him. He walked a few steps forward, and the sword grave in front of him was as its name. The entrance is the entrance of the tomb made of gray stone bricks, thick, deep and solemn, with a sword buried in it.

As he walked inside, Yi Lin had the illusion of stepping into the tomb on his own initiative and burying this life in a daze.


Yi Lin was about to step into the sword tomb, and at the entrance, suddenly turned around: "If something really happened to me, trouble Laochen, take care of Dongsheng Shenzhou, Qingniu Mountain, Qingniu Village, Lin's family for me."

Chenbei was taken aback, and then couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Boy, didn't you say that at the moment of life and death, remember to use the token I gave you?"

"Just in case," Yi Lin shook his head: "I used to be alone, but now I'm a little more concerned and I'm not used to it."

After speaking, Yi Lin calmly stepped into the sword grave, without saying anything.

In the darkness, the corridors on both sides were dotted with Ye Mingzhu, emitting dim dim light.

Yi Lin walked out ten meters, and suddenly remembered something, he took out a turtle shell from his arms, and contained three coins in the shell.

"Boom boom boom."

Yi Lin squatted on the ground, shaking the turtle shell, shaking out three pennies.

There are two kinds of hexagrams, active deduction is called "accounting", passive deduction is called "divination".

This tortoise shell fortune telling is one of the most basic passive deductions and the most basic "divination".

With the help of some randomly generated hexagrams, analyze them to determine good and bad luck.

"Auspicious, auspicious, and fierce? Not bad."

Yi Lin put away the tortoise shell and money in contentment.

In fact, he didn't care too much about the result of the arithmetic.

Usually when he is idle and doing deductions, he often throws two evils, even the big evil omen. Except for the misfortunes at Zhujianshan's fryer, and encountering Jian Nanchun when he went out, don't he live well now?

Count on playing.

As for the accuracy, that is another matter.

Yi Lin walked through a long narrow tomb.

The tomb was dark and cold.

With the faint light, although Yi Lin could barely see the inside of the sword mound, for safety reasons, Yi Lin still let go of perception and noticed the surrounding movement.

Anyway, there was no one around, and Yi Lin didn't bother to pretend to be cute and showed off directly.

Walking out of a hundred meters, Yi Lin estimated that he seemed to have entered the interior of the mountain, and the space in front of him suddenly became much empty.

In front of me, there was a continuous wave of flying swords, one after another, inserted in the uneven rock, like tombstones.

After stepping into the Sword Tomb, Yi Lin suddenly felt peeping from the dark with a pair of eyes. Suddenly, Yi Lin felt his scalp numb and got a lot of goose bumps all over his body.

Yi Lin wandered in the sword mound and stayed for more than ten minutes.

After being vigilant for a while, the imaginary danger did not appear.

Although the atmosphere was weird, Yi Lin was also clearly aware that something was wrong, but after walking for a while, Yi Lin was still fine, getting along with the ancestors in the tomb in peace and peace.

"It seems that it should still be a trigger trap, right?"

Yi Lin tried to fit modern thinking to explain the current situation.

Assuming this is a game level, then the traps in the level are triggered, and there is nothing wrong with not being cheap.

But Yi Lin didn't come here for "safety". If there really is nothing wrong, just ask for his sex? Yi Lin clearly stepped into the Sword Tomb in anticipation of an accident.

If nothing happens, how can there be gains?

Thinking of this, Yi Lin squinted his eyes and began to look for the target with the faint light of the Ye Mingzhu inlaid on the walls of the sword tomb.

To put it bluntly, Jianzhong is a tomb in the middle of the mountain.

The scope of the tomb is not small, the undulating ground, and the flying swords in the distance are inserted upside down like a forest, which can barely capture the entire sword tomb at a glance.

Yi Lin had been advancing on foot, honestly working as an infantryman, looking for a target. But as he walked, Yi Lin felt that the efficiency was too slow, so he picked up the motivation of thinking and floated into the air, preparing to improve his efficiency.

When Yi Lin floated about ten meters above the ground, the sudden change occurred.




In the closed tomb room, there was a sudden burst of high-frequency noise.

It's those flying swords.

When the flying swords flew over their heads in Yi Lin, the lifeless flying swords suddenly came back to life, the sword body trembled and the sword screamed.

How many sleeping flying swords are there in the sword mound?

one thousand?

Ten thousand?

One hundred thousand?

Yi Lin can't count.

In short, when Yi Lin flew up, he seemed to have violated a certain taboo.

At the moment is like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pan; it is like a piece of delicious smoked meat falling into a group of hungry dogs.


Inside the sword mound, it's burning!




With a mouthful of flying sword, sharp sword light suddenly reflected from the sword.

Some are like fire, some are like water, and some are like gold. Sword lights of various colors converge into a terrible hurricane, like a meat grinder, cruelly twisting towards Yi Lin in the air.


Can't you step on the heads of the "predecessors"?

Are these broken swords so proud?

Lao Chen, you didn't even talk about this important thing earlier?

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