I Really Don’t Want To Be a Natural Disaster

Vol 2 Chapter 833: Place of ideology

When the coconut metamorphosed into a bat, Yi Lin's pupils shrank sharply.

He flashed around and protected the three mother spirits behind him.

When the three mother spirits saw Yi Lin's conditioned reflex actions, they were deeply moved, and with their already-to-the-most favorability, they slammed up again invisibly.

Irin's fierce reaction caused Nie Hongxiu, Bai Xiaoyi, and Gaya Kummi to react.

Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi's eyes were bloody, their fangs skyrocketed silently, and a pitch-black unicorn burst out from under the skin of their foreheads, as if entering a "ghost-like" posture.

Gaya Geummi quickly changed clothes, wearing a tight-fitting bump armor, and she wore a **** hatchet tightly on her body without knowing when.

It seems that the three mother spirits have not spent the past 13 years in vain, unlocking many new poses that Yi Lin does not know.

It's Green!

Yi Lin had no time to pay attention to the reaction of the three spirits.

He stared at the bat with its wings stretched out on the treetop, like an enemy.

How could that Green appear here?

The bat flapped its wings in the sky.

From the bat's mouth, there was a sharp laugh.

In an instant, the world changed color.

The sky over the oasis suddenly changed from day to night.

This quiet and windless oasis also blew strangely overcast winds.

"Ah..." Green, who appeared in front of Yi Lin in the form of a bat, paused for a while, and curled up his wings in the air, seeming to make a graceful bowing motion: "Outsider, sorry, just woke up from a dream. ,scared you."

After Green said, the sky that had just turned into night, turned into day again.

The wind stopped.

The changes that have happened just now seem to be hallucinations.

Yi Lin looked at Green, who was startled, hesitated in his heart.

Why Green appears here is a question.

Another problem is that he just shot Green and he doesn't know if the opponent is angry or not.


Yi Lin took a long breath and calmed down.

Graceful Green, flapping his wings, came to Yi Lin, staring at him with scarlet eyes.

"Why are you here?"

The bat wrinkled his arms: "Are you humans, are all so forgetful?"

Yi Lin was taken aback.

He yanked open the gown on his chest, and the pale "birthmark" that had been on Yi Lin's body with his birth was very clear at this moment. The bat pattern on the left eye of the skeleton blinks playfully, vividly.

"Nightmare Mark?"

"Yes," the bat lazily covered his mouth with his wings, and yawned: "You have finally entered a dream...because it is so boring here, I fell asleep by accident."

"You said... this is a dreamland?"

Green smiled: "To me, everything is a dream."

As he said, the bat's wings circled in front of Yi Lin, and the red dots of light, along with Green's wing tips, solidified in the air in front of Yi Lin, forming a "chestnut" shape.

"Give me a chestnut..."


"Well, in your terms, I am going to give a chestnut."

"...Please lift hard."

"Li Ru: I just need to easily close the exit from here to the outside world. You will always wander in a dream, unable to wake up and fall into eternal sleep. Hehehe..." The bat held the chestnut, and finally made a hoarse coldness. Laughter.

Listening to "chestnut", Yi Lin began to drip cold sweat on his forehead.

But he did not answer and remained silent.

The bat laughed and waved its wings, and the chestnut-shaped arc of light disappeared silently: "But your dreams are too boring. It traps you here. There is no fun at all."

Yi Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare to be careless.

Things came too fast.

He never expected that he would talk to Green in such a strange situation.

Yi Lin had two contacts with Green.

The first time was in the town of Green.

The second time, it was in Cuckoo Town.

Both of these experiences were under the influence of "trials", and he inadvertently broke into Green's territory.

But this time, in his own spiritual world, Green broke in.

Unexpectedly, the "Nightmare Mark" that Green branded on him in Cuckoo Town formed such a weird connection between the two.

Yi Lin didn't think that the Green who appeared here was his body, otherwise Green would not come as a bat, more likely, it was similar to the existence of a clone.

"You go back first."

After thinking for a moment, Yi Lin commanded the three mother spirits to return to his spiritual home.

Sanling is not very happy.

They want to advance and retreat together with Yi Lin.

Yi Lin smiled bitterly and pointed at the little red-eyed bat flying in the air like a backstroke: "It has to do what it really wants to do. For now, it makes no difference whether you stay here or not."

Green agreed with Erin's opinion: "Yes, you are very self-aware of outsiders... I don't like weak female species very much."

The three mother spirits were silent for an instant.

They glanced at each other, and they all saw deep worries in their eyes.

After so many years of getting along, the relationship between them and Yi Lin is like relatives.

Worry is really worried.

But since Yi Lin and the Bat have said so, they can only helplessly sneak back into the spiritual home from their respective small windows, and peep through a window eagerly to see what's happening here.

Since I couldn't help the other party, Yi Lin simply sat down on the oasis.

The bat landed on a rock not far from Yi Lin.

The opportunity was rare. After thirteen years, Yi Lin had the opportunity to talk to Green. When he hurriedly said goodbye to Gugu Town, Yi Lin remained full of doubts.

After sorting out his thoughts a bit, Yi Lin asked an ignorant elementary school student and started asking the teacher on the stone.

"How should I call you?"

"I don't dare to tell you my real name, it's a name that can make you linger in an infinite nightmare if it sounds in your mind. You call me Green, which will make you safer."

"...Understood. Green, you said this is a dream, that's just for you. So to me, what is this place on earth."

Green curled his wings and made a thoughtful motion. After a while, Green replied: "You are the registrants of'Heroland'. In your words, this should be'Pivot'."


Green smiled and said: "This is the central area of ​​your Greek Paradise registrants, the manifestation of ideology. So, I slept here, but fell asleep."

Thirteen years...for Green, was it just a level of dozing...

Green yawned, seemingly lacking in interest, and continued: "Your'pivot' seems to still be the default skin of Greek Paradise. Your spirit sea is too small to be worth mentioning. This dream, don't eat it. No matter."

Default... skin?

How does this term sound weird.

Green’s words contained the subtext of contempt for the chaotic skin of Krypton Gold online games.

After being despised by the boss casually, Yi Lin didn't feel anything. It's just that Yi Lin noticed a detail in Green's words and immediately asked: "Spirit Sea?"

"Yes," Green pointed at the small oasis lake with his wings, and the bat's head moved up and down, affirming: "Spirit Sea."


"'Dreamland'...Oh, sorry, the scenery of'shu' varies from person to person. But after your'life authority' is decoded by Greek Paradise and reproduced in the form of'source code', it is easier to interpret. "Green looked sleepy, as if not awake, his tone was lazy and weak.

It first pointed to the lake: "This is your'spirit'."

Then, it pointed to the few coconut trees that had no fruit: "This is your'agility'."

Finally, it pointed to the cobblestone under the ass: "This is your'power'."

Irin never expected that the various attributes on the apostle panel would appear here in the form of "landscapes".

In that case, isn't this "pivot" an alternative embodiment of the apostle panel?

Do not……

Yi Lin quickly corrected his thoughts. To be more precise, the apostle panel used more intuitive data to express the "pivot" of the apostle.

Yi Lin's expression was calm, but inside, he remained vigilant. It is hard to say whether Green appeared in his own "pivot", whether it was a blessing or a curse. But at present, Yi Lin has no other way to deal with it, and can only find a way to comfort the big boss.

He once again felt his weakness deeply.

He felt like a little girl in Wanxianglou, pushed away by the clients, without any resistance.

How can a tragic word ~www.readwn.com~ Yi Lin feels sorrow, but can only honestly ask: "Then there is will, luck, and charm?"

"Oh, you said other things," Green rolled up his wings again, and pointed to the young grass in the oasis: "This is your'will'." After speaking, Green flew up and flew to the top of the coconut tree branch and moved towards Yi Lin. wave.

Yi Lin followed obediently and floated beside the bat.

The bat pointed to a malnourished "coconut spore" the size of a grape in the shadow, and said contemptuously: "This is your'charm'."

"...What about'lucky'?"

"Shit," Green floated down again, circling a few stones for a long time, and finally found it. It shook its wings to signal Yi Lin to come over, and pointed to a small white flower that was dying and about to wither between the rocks: "Hey, here, I almost didn't find it."


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