I Really Don’t Want To Be a Natural Disaster

Vol 2 Chapter 757: Taste despair in the end

Latest website: Nikola Tesla deserves to be the cover character of physics.

He played for a short time.

I had already guessed the purpose of Cesia von Einzbern.

This family is kind of weird.

Since ancient times, as a traditional magician family, their pursuit is different from other magician families.

They pursued through the ages, not because of the root cause, nor the infinite magic power, but to realize the real magic—"the third method·the cup of heaven."

Their pursuit is to realize magic itself.

Similarly, through this incident, it was proved that their family's pursuit was correct.

In fact, the Patriarch of Einzbern in the past had no time to think about what to do after realizing the "Third Method·Cup of Heaven" magic.

conquer the world?


Invincible and lonely?


For this magician family, this is no longer something specific to a certain purpose, but an attachment.

To put it bluntly, it's a bit dazed.

But their perseverance makes them want to reproduce the true Holy Grail in this world at all costs.

In their view, in the past holy grail wars, the "little holy grail" that can only realize wishes on a small scale, has a smaller pattern.

too small.

They believe that the real "cup of the sky" is a real universal wishing machine that can realize any wish in the blink of an eye.

This kind of outrageous thing can be done even if it is a thought that turns the world into nothingness.

The Einzbern family has been searching for it for years, and almost gave up.

Until ten years ago.

Someone discovered Wuke Town.

Following the remnants of historical footprints, they discovered this place.

I found this place, which is likely to be the ruins of Uruk back then.

There is a strange "singularity" here.

A "singularity" that cannot be observed with any magician's means, but exists in a strange way.

They have done a lot of research.

With the help of a mysterious man.

They came to a conclusion.

The Holy Grail is existential consciousness.

When the holy grail in the singularity wants to escape from that world and actively wants to descend into the real world, the false and the real will resonate. With the attraction of the little holy grail of reality, the holy grail that exists in the illusion can be seduce. .

Combining the two, there is a high probability that the real "Cup of the Sky" magic can be completed.

No one knows how long their Einzbern family have waited, sacrificed, and worked hard for this day.

But as long as it succeeds today, everything will be worth it!

Celia was originally a human being created as a "Holy Grail Vessel".

Her existence itself is more perfect than any man-made holy grail of any generation.

She is the perfect container for the "Cup of the Sky".

It can be said that her life exists for this moment.

She did not hesitate to choose this way and ended her short life.

After she accommodated the "Cup of the Sky", she will become an eternal existence.

She will get the authority of the world.

She will...become a god!

Magic and magic, the difference between a word, and a thousand miles of absurdity.

Celia closed her eyes.

In the air.

The holy grail that flew out of Gilgamesh's treasury, bursts of black ripples swept across the sky.

The two Holy Grails began to resonate.

The attraction between the two holy grails is like a man and a woman. When a certain condition is reached, there is no need to join the incentives from the outside, and they will naturally roll together, combine with each other, and blend together.

The magic power that Celia had absorbed was enough.

The death of all heroic spirits will be turned into the cornerstone of the "Third Method: Cup of Heaven."

Whether it was the heroic spirit summoned by Gilgamesh, or by Celia, or even by Irin.

Without exception.

Everyone will die, and die here.

"bring it on!"

In the pain, Celia's deformed head was squeezed into her eyes, tears of happiness shed...and blood.


Gilgamesh watched the Holy Grail leave.

He did not hold back, nor did he force it.

In his opinion, the blacked holy grail is not beautiful anymore, and it is not qualified to stay in the king's treasury anymore.

Yi Lin wanted to grab the Holy Grail.

But he failed.

He didn't even have the qualification to touch the Holy Grail.

Just now.


Yi Lin raised his head.

The surrounding sounds completely disappeared.

The sound of wind, noise, crying, everything disappeared.

So abrupt, without warning.

The feeling for Yi Lin was like at a certain moment when he was stripped of the world, without any sense of reality.


Gilgamesh's eyes lit up a golden fire.

He looked to the sky.

In raising his head, Irin followed Gilgamesh's gaze to look up.

In the sky, a figure appeared.

A strange figure.

That figure has a human appearance, has hands, a head, and feet, is two meters tall, and is wearing clothes.

At the moment that figure appeared, Wan Lai was silent.

Even if Gilgamesh uttered two words, the strange sense of silence that lingered beside Irin still remained.

The figure floated to the ground little by little.

Yi Lin held two guns in his hands.

But before he could make any moves, Gilgamesh stretched out his hand and stopped him: "If you don't want to die, don't do it."

"Do you know who he is?"

Gilgamesh smiled indifferently: "He is... the end. The end of everything."

After saying this, Gilgamesh floated slowly into the sky.

As the figure got closer to the ground, Yi Lin finally saw the man's posture clearly.

The skin all over his body was red, like a flowing flame, but also like blood.

On his skin, there are dense textures, like totems of some ancient race.

The scariest thing is that face.

There is no mouth, ears, or nose on the face that looks exactly like a human. The whole face is full of eyes.

Red eyeballs turned in different directions on that face.


Yi Lin just took a look, and one of the eyes looked at Yi Lin.

Just a glance,

Just this look,

Yi Lin felt as if he had been slapped.


There was a strange pain in his head, his nose, his mouth, his limbs, his heart, and everywhere in his body.

The other party didn't make any movement, did not make any attack against Yi Lin, but one of the eyes glanced at Yi Lin, which caused Yi Lin to feel this weird pain.

It seemed that only a moment had passed, and it seemed that a long time had passed.

When Irin looked away and regained his senses, Gilgamesh had opened the treasure house. Pieces of treasures turned into countless rays of light, firing an indiscriminate bombardment at the compound-eye weird that appeared in the sky. !

The golden light of the treasure would drown the figure of the compound-eyed weird in an instant.

Do you want to go?

Irin is on the spot.

My heart began to struggle.

Just now, Yi Lin understood.

Gilgamesh's battle with the opponent is no longer a level that humans of his level can participate in.

In the light, a strange syllable came out.

It seems to be some kind of language.

The compound-eye weird made a sound.

He stretched out a palm in the golden light.

Gilgamesh regarded it as a precious treasure, and it was crushed by the opponent just when he met him.

One by one was broken!

But Gilgamesh didn't seem to feel distressed, and didn't care, still shooting the treasure into the air without expression.

"Sure enough, a treasure born out of human history can't cause any harm to the other party."


Gilgamesh lifted his eyelids.

His golden armor was covered with cracks.

His blood oozes from the crack.

Yi Lin couldn't even understand how the other party had caused damage to Gilgamesh.

As the pieces of treasure shattered,

Gilgamesh finally moved.

He stretched a hand into the treasure house.

Just now.

In the clear sky, a cloud appeared for no reason.

A red cloud.

In the clouds, a huge whirlpool whirled silently. Gilgamesh pulled something out of the treasure house, bit by bit, as if very hard.

——He pulled out a stick.

A stick that is like a sword but not a sword, or a sword but not a knife.

Gilgamesh raised his head, his eyes lit up with a war spirit, and his voice resounded across the world.

"Rotten God!"

"Keep your eyes open and look at the light of mankind!"

"Tear the world with this king's deviant sword!"

"Take it,"

"Heaven and Earth Deviation·The Star of Pioneer!"

As Gilgamesh sang,

The rotating clouds in the sky stopped abruptly.

A deep rift appeared in the clouds.

It was like this sword, which looked like a stick, split the sky apart.


"Heaven and Earth Deviation·The Star of Development"

"Level" A++~EX

"Type" the treasure of the world

"Effective range"?

"Maximum catch"?


Yi Lin finally understands now.

Why did Gilgamesh not participate in the war between the heroes from beginning to end?

He is retaining magic.

At this moment, the magic power around Gilgamesh was already strong enough to be visible to the naked eye.

The high concentration of magic power condensed into circles of divine radiance by Gilgamesh's side.

King Gilgamesh at this moment, like a star, rises slowly before dawn.

The body of the dark sword of Deviance Sword split into three circles.

The three-circle module starts to spin frantically.

As the body of the Deviated Sword revolved, the surrounding air began to vibrate wildly.

A series of space cracks visible to the naked eye appeared around Gilgamesh's sword.

This is Gilgamesh's strongest treasure!

A treasure that can tear the world apart!


Enkidu appeared from behind Gilgamesh.

He became a lock of heaven.

"People of the world, Yi Yisuo is a god!"

Enkidu turned into countless thick chains in a blink of an eye.

Circles of golden chains suddenly tied the strange compound-eyed man in the sky into rice dumplings.

Gilgamesh finished accumulating energy and raised the deviance sword in his hand.


Gilgamesh swept out with a sword.

The world was split in half.

At the front end of the sword, a red light penetrated the sky.

A straight line runs through the space.

On both sides of the line, the space was torn apart, and blue light spots overflowed from the cracks.


Yi Lin bit his head and watched this extraordinary battle.

The humanoid monster that Gilgamesh called the "End Yan", in that "Zongzi", in the gaps bound by chains, a faint red light suddenly appeared.

These red lights are completely different from the red lights on Gilgamesh's Departure Sword.

If the red light that Gilgamesh swayed was a deep red, then the red light that leaked from the gap in the lock of the sky was a blood-like bright red with an ominous breath.

A flowing long knife slashed out from the shackles of the lock of sky.

With this knife, it only took a moment to cut the lock of heaven!

The red sword light cast its momentum unabated, across the sky and across the Tiangong Continent.


The shattered lock of the sky, the light dimmed, broke into countless pieces, and radiated to the earth.

The unfavorable lock of the sky was smashed by this knife!


What the sword refers to,

Passing one kilometer from the edge of Uruk City in the enchantment.

After a moment of silence, the ground swept by the light suddenly sank.

Half of the Tiangong continent was instantly broken down into square pieces, which collapsed to the ground.

Ruo Yi Lin is fortunate enough to walk on the ground at this moment,

Then he can see a scene that will make him unforgettable in his life.

It wasn't just Tiangong Continent that was split by this knife.

Even the ocean was split in half.

On the ground, a tsunami hundreds of meters high submerged everything.

The tsunami turned into a flood and raged across the world.

The land that was already devastated, under this knife, turned into a purgatory on earth, and was submerged by floods.

The light shining from the Departure Sword was silently dissipated as soon as it touched the sword.

Gilgamesh opened a mouthful of blood and fell from the sky.

There was also the Deviance Sword that had been broken into pieces that fell with Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh was defeated in one encounter.

The defeat was complete, and utterly defeated, with no cards.

Everything about him was broken, including armor, treasures, and deviating swords.

"King Gilgamesh!"

A silent despair came from Yi Lin's heart.


This kind of taste is a long-lost despair.

Even when facing the Knights of the Apocalypse in the past,

Even in the face of the black and overwhelming herd on the first day,

Even if Celia uses another Holy Grail to summon seven powerful heroes,

Even if the strength of the two sides is very different, and one teammate died one after another in the heroic battle,

Even if the alien army launches a general offensive and the sky is completely obscured by the alien,

Even the death of every soul of the soul,

These these,

He has never completely wiped out Yi Lin's desire to survive, and has never wiped out Yi Lin's fighting spirit.

But at this moment, long-lost "despair" came to my heart.




Irin watched Gilgamesh's **** remnant body, accompanied by the broken sword of Deviance, falling from the sky.

He opened his mouth wide, unable to breathe, unable to speak, and unable to react.

At this moment, infinite despair came to my heart.

With one cut, the opponent only made one.

This knife split the Tiangong Continent, cut the lock of the sky, and defeated Gilgamesh.

Puff through.

Gilgamesh fell to the ground from a high altitude, raising a cloud of dust.

In the original place, the ground was collapsing, turning into pieces, and falling to the ground.

The blood-red figure in the air seemed to be holding a blood knife in his hand.

His eyes didn't even care about Gilgamesh, who fell on the ground, or Irin who was watching the battle.

Giant, will you notice the ants at your feet?

Will not.

At this moment, Yi Lin had this feeling in his heart.

The reason why he is still alive is not because he is flexible enough, nor is it because he has many life-saving skills.

Just because... the other party doesn't care.

Yi Lin felt that he was not even qualified to be trampled to death by the opponent.

This kind of silent despair made Inin cold all over, falling to the ground, step by step towards Gilgamesh, who was like a corpse, unable to think.

The compound-eyed man slowly raised the blood knife.

His posture, so casual, seemed to be playing an indifferent little game.

He slashed out.


The blood-colored blade light swept across the city of Uruk.

The enchantment above Uruk City should be shattered.

This land, this city, was split in half by the blood.

The long-lost sense of weightlessness came from under Yi Lin's feet.

The heavenly palace floating above the world is accelerating to fall to the ground!

When Irin approached the place where Gilgamesh fell, preparing to confirm his life and death.

Gilgamesh staggered to his feet.

He looked at Yi Lin a hundred meters away, shook his head and smiled: "No matter how weak the light is, as long as it gathers enough, it can sting the eyes of the gods."

Irin stopped, staring blankly at Gilgamesh, whose armor was completely shattered and the positives peeling off, and he didn't understand what he meant by saying this now.

Gilgamesh's expression was a little sad at this moment.

He looked around, looking at the fragmented continent, the continent falling to the ground.

After a moment of silence, Gilgamesh's golden pupils looked at Irin.

At this moment, the sorrow in his eyes disappeared, and replaced by an indescribable relief: "This king's light seems to be nothing more than that."

Yi Lin was silent.

In despair, Yi Lin didn't know what to say.

He seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

A little golden light and dust began to appear on Gilgamesh's body, escaping to the surroundings. He walked towards Yi Lin step by step, every step he faltered, as if all his strength was exhausted.

Finally, Gilgamesh came to Irin.

"It seems you finally understand."

Yi Lin didn't know what he understood.

"People are mortal, but longing lives forever."

at this time.

A spot of light floated in the sky.

The blue light spot fell abruptly from the sky.

The radiant waves are floating in the sky in a poignant trajectory, like snow and rain.

at this time.

The compound-eyed man, holding a blood knife ~www.readwn.com~, prepares to make a third cut.

His first knife smashed the lock of the sky, deviated the sword, and defeated Gilgamesh.

His second knife split open the Tiangong Continent, causing this land of gods to fall to the ground.

Yi Lin couldn't imagine what this third knife would bring.

Gilgamesh raised his head, his eyes blurred, and smiled to face the blue rain.

"Look, she was crying."

The third knife fell!

But the knife only fell in half.

A white hand stood in front of the flowing blood knife.

"Enough puppet of the Lord of Conquerors, you are enough."

A cold and angry voice swayed all over the world from the light and rain.

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