I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Eight hundred and ninety-eight, ninety-nine and five minutes of the mobile phone conference

If the fan's question had been raised a year ago, Chen Hansheng would probably have fooled it a bit.

But now that the Shura field has exploded, Chen Hansheng didn't show any cowardice at this time, and said directly: If it's too difficult to choose, then buy both!

Come on, we're adults now.

As Chen Hansheng said, he stretched out his right hand and clenched his five fingers tightly into a fist under the eyes of everyone: Children only do multiple-choice questions, and of course adults need all of them.

Chen Dong is Chen Dong, he has always been so brave...

When the media reporters in the audience heard Chen Hansheng's answer, such a sentence jumped out of their hearts.

In fact, this question has a bit of double meaning, maybe this fan himself didn't realize it, but Chen Hansheng's answer, if you look carefully, it is also double meaning.

The speculation about Mr. Chen's release of the second-generation mobile phone in the name of love has been widely spread on the Internet. Although Guoke Electronics has never admitted it, it has not issued an announcement to prohibit the spread of rumors.

Coupled with his ambiguous response today, it really makes people imagine.

But the fans are very excited. Such a high-profile and unruly style is the idol who is so hard on South Korea's Samsung.

Chen Hansheng didn't linger on this issue for too long. Some things are meaningless if they are too thorough. Only by leaving a little space can the discussions and speculations be heated up.

Let me introduce the performance of the second-generation Guoke mobile phone.

Chen Hansheng pressed the remote control in his hand, and a PPT color picture appeared on the huge white curtain behind him.

The operating system of the second-generation Guoke mobile phone has not changed much. This is what Chen Hansheng requested, because the Android system will be released in more than a year, and the current Symbian system will be replaced sooner or later.

In that earth-shaking technological change, Nokia and Motorola did not keep up with it in time, and they would slowly step down from the altar.

After Nokia and Huawei quit, there will definitely be a lot of vacancies in the market. Chen Hansheng's idea is to catch this market. At that time, Guoke Electronics may develop to an appalling scale.

But it's not too early to be happy, because after 2010, the whole world will be ready to meet the impact of Apple.

At that time, Chen Hansheng had probably become a real big boss\

,"Maybe it is also called Chinese Jobs, of course, it may also be that Jobs is jokingly called American Chen Hansheng.

Therefore, the second-generation Guoke mobile phone did not optimize the system, but made significant changes in the thickness of the mobile phone, screen resolution, speaker clarity, and memory space.

There is also a more critical point, that is, the increase in standby power.

This is the technology provided by Samsung engineers. After being digested by the Guomi Joint Research Institute, it is finally used on the second-generation Guoke mobile phone.

About the standby power issue.

Chen Hansheng is very good at bragging, even in front of so many cameras click, click, he can still talk eloquently: I think this is a very important point. I used to go to the toilet often When the phone suddenly died.

That was very difficult.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: I can only read a newspaper back and forth several times, good guy, I didn't even miss the advertisement in the middle.


Some viewers have already laughed, which shows that they all feel the same way.

Seeing the positive response from the audience, Chen Hansheng continued: It's lucky to have newspapers. Sometimes my mother throws away the old newspapers. I can only take the shower gel and study it to see what the chemical composition is. .”


This time, everyone couldn't help it anymore, and the exhibition hall began to burst into laughter.

It turns out that this kind of thing is not only done by myself, even Chen Dong is the same.

Sitting in the audience were not only the audience, but also the executives of Guoke Electronics. Li Xiaokai couldn't help feeling: This is Mr. Chen. I can't play freely in this kind of occasion. I must be doing it seriously. The report, the audience certainly didn't have much participation, where would there be such a lively atmosphere.

Kong Jing nodded with a smile. Everyone has different personalities and specialties. Chen Hansheng probably belongs to the performance type player. The bigger the scene, the better he can perform, and there will be no such words as worry and fear in his mentality. .

Even if Minister Chen didn't create Guoke, he went to the theater and said that he made his debut in cross talk.

The little secretary said proudly.

When the audience calmed down a bit, Chen Hansheng spoke again: The price of such a mobile phone...

When he said this, Chen Hansheng deliberately paused, and the exhibition hall became quiet for a while, as if all the air had been taken away instantly, and the tension was spreading faintly.

Because the price is very expensive, no matter how perfect the phone is, no matter how much I like it, I still can’t afford it now, what a pity.

The first-generation mobile phone of Guoke is 2,988 yuan. After seeing the actual product of the second-generation mobile phone, the psychological expectation price is between 3,600 and 3,700.

Some shell powders that are not very cheap, they feel that more than 4,000 yuan is acceptable.

But more are college students and ordinary young people. They all hope that Mr. Chen will not raise the price too much.

Its price...

Chen Hansheng glanced around slowly, the venue was completely silent, and there was already that feeling of heart in throat.

I've been talking for so long, my mouth is too dry, let's drink some water first.

Chen Hansheng said with a sudden smile.



Don't be so appetizing, my heart is really bad, boss!

There was a lot of complaints from the audience, Chen Hansheng drank a few sips of water, then wiped his mouth, and said again: Its price...

The venue was quiet again, and everyone looked at Chen Hansheng's mouth to see what kind of numbers could fly out of these two lips.

Unexpectedly, Chen Hansheng laughed again hehe, the audience thought that Chairman Chen was going to play with people's hearts again, but unexpectedly Chen Hansheng pointed at the big screen and shouted loudly: Show yourself, baby!

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Suddenly, all the lights in the exhibition hall were turned off, but on the white curtain, a number suddenly jumped out.


At the beginning, everyone didn't realize it, and then gradually realized that this is the price of the second-generation Guoke mobile phone.

Wow, I love you Chen Dong!

I don't know who yelled the first sentence, and then there was chaos below. Although it was pitch black and people's faces could not be seen clearly, the heads of those people were bouncing up and down, which was the expression of joy for the fans.

Unexpectedly, the second-generation mobile phone is only 3088 yuan. Whoever speaks ill of Guoke Electronics in the future will be a bench for me!

The security guards in the convention and exhibition center were the most nervous. They were afraid of a stampede. Chen Hansheng was probably also worried about this kind of thing. As a signal, the searchlights came on again.

Nie Xiaoyu turned her head to look, and whispered to Kong Jing quietly: Sister Jing, I saw some fans were crying, do you really want to be so moved?

One is that the price is really conscientious, and the other is that Mr. Chen is good at grasping the rhythm, so he pushed the atmosphere of the press conference to a climax.

Sister Kong Yu tied her hair behind her ears. She was wearing a formal white suit. She didn't feel anything at first, but the restlessness just now raised the temperature in the venue a lot. Search and read e-books

Chen Hansheng stopped for the second time, smiled and waited for the audience to stabilize, and continued: From 2988 to 3088, it is still 100 yuan more expensive. This 100 yuan is to reward the colleagues in the R\u0026D department. They really worked hard.

In fact, fans can no longer be satisfied with this price. With so many improvements, it is 100 yuan more expensive. What kind of bicycle do you need?

Brother Kai is the boss of the R\u0026D department and the general manager of the second-generation mobile phone.

Chen Hansheng told a joke to help everyone calm down: One night I went to his dormitory to discuss things, but it was too late, so I thought about taking a shower, but when I flushed, I found that there was no shampoo, and I was very puzzled to ask.


Chen Hansheng said nonsense: Brother Kai pointed to his head, he said that I am like this now, do I still need shampoo?

Chen Hansheng was talking here, and the camera also turned to Li Xiaokai under the guidance of the Guoke staff.

Only then did the audience understand why Mr. Li didn't need shampoo. It turned out that his hair had already fallen out due to overuse of his brain.

Facing the suddenly turned camera, Li Xiaokai could only stand up with a wry smile, and waved to everyone.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the environment was too noisy. Although some staff from the administration department rushed to get the microphone, Chen Hansheng was closer, so he handed it to Li Xiaokai himself.


Li Xiaokai patted the microphone and said sincerely: Actually, our original price was higher than 3088 yuan, and the board of directors also had a dispute. Then one day when I was walking after dinner, I ran into an ordinary employee of Guoke Electronics. , she should be on the phone with a friend, so she didn't notice me.

She's complaining about life after graduation.

Li Xiaokai smiled: I remember a sentence very clearly. She said that if she is poor, she can still work; if she says she is rich, she will have no money in her pocket at any time; , the boss and the leader didn't dislike him either, this life is too nonsense.

For this sentence, many college students who are studying in the audience do not understand it very well, but those graduates who have just left school for a year or two feel that this is their real life.


Li Xiaokai concluded: I discussed it with Manager Kong and Mr. Chen. The price of the second-generation mobile phone is 3088 yuan. It is convenient for ordinary people and serves ordinary people, because we are all ordinary people.

Papa papa~

After Li Xiaokai finished speaking, the audience below applauded spontaneously. If Mr. Chen drove the atmosphere of the press conference up, Li Xiaokai was the one that warmed the press conference.

Now is the time when everyone is most focused, Chen Hansheng took the opportunity to push out Nutshell Cloud.

This looks like a music player, but it's actually more like a music exchange community.

Chen Hansheng pointed to the PPT screen, on which was the red interface of Nutshell Cloud and the conspicuous K logo.

Compared to other music players, Guokr Cloud has added the function of 'comments'.

Chen Hansheng introduced: Because we think that music is not just a song, it should be a bond that generates emotions, so everyone is welcome to comment or like other people's stories.

Guoker Cloud is a software launched at the end of last year when the news of Guoke came out. Unexpectedly, it was not released on the whole network until May of the following year.

But because Guo Ke Kuai Bo Zhu Yu is in front, everyone is looking forward to it.

The last part of the press conference is the time for free questions and answers. In the first few questions, the fans asked me nothing but mediocrity.

For example: Mr. Chen, what is your sales expectation for the second-generation mobile phone? Can Guoke Cloud reach the influence of Guoke Kuaibo in the future? Does your company have any other plans this year...

Naturally, these questions cannot satisfy fans and media friends, especially when it is almost 11:00 noon. If we don’t ask a few more “sensitive” questions before the press conference is over, why don’t we wait for Chairman Chen to respond on the Guoke community?

So soon fans snatched the microphone, and Chen Hansheng saw that he couldn't stop him, so he simply set a premise: You are not allowed to inquire about personal matters about relationships. asked.


Regretful sighs came from the audience. Although Chairman Chen had hinted at it vaguely, as long as he didn't admit it himself, there was still a lot of room for defense.

Chen Dong.

Although personal relationship issues are banned, fans still have other doubts. A college girl stood up and asked, Does Guoke not plan to hire an image spokesperson in the future? Xiaomi even invited Song Hye Kyo.

This question is indeed very representative. After launching so many nut shell products, there is still no spokesperson, and they only rely on their own attached topics.


Chen Hansheng didn't hide anything, and said frankly: Guoke's development is too fast, and a suitable image spokesperson is still selected, but everyone has raised it, so let's conduct a questionnaire in the Guoke community. What do you most hope for? Whichever star is invited to be the image spokesperson, then Guoke will invite that one.”

This answer reveals an aura of local tyrants, and it seems that they are not worried about not being able to smash it down. Moreover, this kind of questionnaire can increase the activity of the Guoke community, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

What about Samsung?

The second fan stood up. This was a boy wearing glasses: Mr. Chen, there are rumors on the Internet that the Samsung mobile phone exploded, but it was actually controlled by Guoke behind the scenes. Is it true?

This is also a sensitive issue, and there are already on-site staff ready to interrupt.

100% fake.

Chen Hansheng denied it without hesitation: Guokr is a law-abiding company and never resorts to such tactics. Samsung's problem is that they have not respected Chinese consumers. This is also a common problem of many foreign companies.

Crack, click.

The reporters took pictures of this scene at the right time, and Chen Dong fired at Samsung and foreign companies again. This is not the first time.

So, then I want to ask.

The third person who grabbed the microphone was a woman in her mid-twenties, who looked more upscale in her attire and spoke a mixture of Chinese and English: Mr. Chen seems to have a prejudice against foreign companies because he was instilled with narrow-mindedness when he was growing up. theory?

Chen Hansheng looked it over and asked, Are you a shell fan?


The woman shook her head: I'm a returnee and I'm planning to find a job in Jianye. I heard that Guoke is a company with great development potential, so I wanted to come and hear it. I'm a little disappointed.

In 2006, the status of returnees was still very high, so after she expressed her identity, everyone's eyes were a little different.

But this has no effect on Chen Hansheng, thinking that you are a fucking disappointment, you really treat yourself like a green onion.

Then what do you mean?

Chen Hansheng asked, leaving a final tone in his tone.

I think the West is ahead of China in every way.

The returnee girl probably enjoys publicizing her feelings and ideas in this kind of public place, and her expression is quite complacent: Even the Chinese food that is famous for it is actually not as nutritious as Western food, because foreigners eat Western food, and their body shape Everyone is tall and big...

Then I suggest you eat more grass.

Chen Hansheng couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted directly: Elephants and rhinos are both herbivores. They are so strong, so you should also eat grass in the future.

Chen Hansheng was not polite at all, and many viewers felt very comfortable, showing a mocking smile at the returnee girl.

The overseas returnee girl's face was flushed with sarcasm. Not only that, after Chen Hansheng answered the question, it was almost time for the press conference. After he said goodbye to the leaders, media, and fans, he didn't know if he forgot to turn off the microphone. Can hear his voice.

In the future, pay attention to the screening, and don't let such idiots in. The original 100-point press conference turned into 99.5 because of the turtles.



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